Tree of Savior Forum

Game Lagging on Orsha

Not sure why but a lot of people are experiencing a lot of “rubberbanding” having the to rewalk the same path a few times due to lag right now on Orsha.
It’s 4:44am EST 4/6/2006 and I play in the North East, USA.

Very lag and disconnect! :rage:

pls try type //ping or \ping in game (i forgot which 1 are correct…) , you can see a serial number display on screen , example : 0.324578712 , meanwhile my ping around 320ms , a little bit laggy… SEA server , from Malaysia. sometimes my ping will burst to 0.6xxx - 1.5xxx (600ms ~ 1500ms extreme lag! )

if your ping not very high , but still feel laaagggy , “rubberbanding” , repath …
you can refer my post to optimize it until IMC solved the issues.

Thank you for this I will do this the next time I’m sorry I didn’t see it right away. :slight_smile: