Tree of Savior Forum

Game-breaking graphical glitches

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Date and Time : August 9th, 1:30 am

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : Keyboard

Bug Description : During all of the beta, my low end computer has encountered a number of graphical glitches that soon crash the game upon changing maps, or sometimes without any transition at all. This has heavily worsened on the last 2 days, making the game borderline unplayable for more than 10 minutes. The glitches manifest themselves in various ways:

The world map starts showing the actual screen background in place of the areas. Sometimes the whole map is removed:

Icons and NPC sprites start glitching out into red squares:

Loading screen background bugs out too:

And finally the crash (sometimes this doesn’t show up at all):

Keep in mind that ToS was still playable though thursday/early friday. I had encountered these issues before albeit not as frequently. But since yesterday they have made it impossible to keep playing and testing ToS.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Log in.
  2. Spend a certain amount of time playing.
  3. Garbled graphics start to show up.
  4. Game suddenly crashes upon switching maps, sometimes with a Runtime error.


  • CPU : AMD Athlon X2 250 3.0 Ghz
  • RAM : 4 GB
  • Graphics Card : AMD Radeon 6450 HD
  • Mainboard : ASRock
  • Storage : 500 GB
  • OS : Windows 7
  • Country, Region : Argentina

I have these same graphic glitches sometimes.

When you open the map through a Goddess Statue then graphic glitch #1 occurs. Using N to open the map does not cause this glitch.

The pixelated graphic bug #2 usually occurs for cinematics and dialogues.
In Overlong Bridge Valley(lvl64 area), every cinematic at one of the Stone Pillars, covered my entire screen with the pixels seen in SS #2. I could still see the map, I was still able to play and talk just fine. HP bars were still visible. But I couldn’t see the map or the characters on it.
Once the cinematic was over, the graphic glitch disappeared. It also does not occur in every cinematic, only in a few cases like on that map.

and #3 sometimes occurs when I warp into an area. The most common way to reproduce it is by warping into Klaipeda, doesn’t matter which channel or how you warp there.

I have the same problem.

Date & Time: 11/12/2015. 11:33 AM (GMT+8)

Game Control: Keyboard Setting

Bug Description: Glitched Map. Sometimes those red boxes apprears as what OP has shown in 2nd and 3rd screenshots.

I was about to warp out of Klaipedia when it happened.
It happened a lot whenever I warp using Goddess Statue.

Happened again. 2 hrs after my previous post.

This time I pressed “N” to check the world map. So I guess it’s not the Goddess Statue or Klaipedia at fault here.

[2 Edit] Did it again. After 2hrs+ of being able to play the error happened.

Date & Time: 11/12/2015. 4:01PM (GMT+8)

I just finished a boss fight and decided to warp back to town (overwieght at that time).

[3] After that error, this occured after logging in…tried to change channels but it didn’t solve the problem.
Relogged…didn’t help. It is still the same blacked out screen. :sob:

Solution: Warp to another map by using warp scroll or Klaipedia Stone, if you are not in Klaipedia. (Credits to Beanie) :heart_eyes:


Edit: [1] tagged the staffs.[2] another progress. another error.[3] another glitch?

Thank you for bug reporting. It will be sent to our dev team to fix.


What’s the solution for this?
I have the same problem.

I had this issue through ICBT2 too, but luckily the game stopped crashing. I’d say just leave the graphic bug be unless it crashes the game.

The problem is that after a few minutes (with the graphic glitch), specially after loading screens, the game does crash.
The pink/red squares don’t bother me that much.

This problem is the main problem I have ever since ICBT and even right now, the problem still persists. Crashes happen very often in my low-end Laptop.

@Angres It is a problem once this pink/red square took the whole screen on cutscenes, which is what I have. =w=

I’m crashing a lot more now.
After 15 minutes of gameplay the glitchy squares show up and then the next loading screen I go through, my game crashes.

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Crap :confused:

I’m having bad memories of CBT1 xD. Try redownloading the game maybe, I don’t know, sorry.

Same issue here. I didn’t miss it XD

It’s exactly the same on my girlfriend’s machine as of now.
Random runtime errors with the strange red grainy glitch. It wasn’t a problem in iCBT2 for her and I’m sure nothing changed on her computer since then.
I tried fiddling with the graphic options in the user.xml (resolution, effects, etc.) but nothing worked so far.

I hope they manage to fix it during tomorrow’s maintenance, otherwise I’ll only be able to play later in the month.

At this point I’m fairly certain that server stress has something to do with it.

Having this glitch ever since the patch. Happens at the loading screen and ingame.

Affects anything placed on the map, eg. Buildings, trees. Does not affect characters, NPCs, or monsters

:x Same issue here… any solucion? any idea? …
It wasn’t a problem in iCBT2

I’ve had 6 hours of gameplay today and it crashed twice. It was annoying yet playable.
Idk, I guess it may be due to servers overpopulated or something like that because last weekend was impossible to play.

Was it fixed?
I gave up playing because it was so stressful.
I’m afraid that they won’t fix it until the open access for free players.

That’s wishful thinking. The graphic engine for this game is utter crap, as proven in other topics, so this will likely never get fixed. As the servers get more stable though, the occurrence of this will diminish, or so I’m guessing.