Tree of Savior Forum

Game access is restricted

i kinda worried if gemscool become the publisher in Indonesia
can IMC at least observe the Indonesia server? so bot and gold seller wont be many as in iToS. i really appreciate IMC that can strictly ban bot and goldseller.

or can we go like BR that can choose Steam or the local publisher server? if im not wrong heard it somewhere.

thanks, best regards.

u should add “Report Indonesian” below the report bot
because u just treat us like a trash by throwing us to indonesian publisher


just open this game for indonesia

me and my friends wont even play on gemscool server
they got bad reputation
so wether its playing on SEA server or not playing at all

and check this link
they CBT on MY and SG but why dont IMC block them as well ?
only indonesia ?


This!!! Me too… Iam in sg and ind would be unfair tho if they bann the ip like this

And there’s one more thing to mention @Staff_Julie,
There is one game with no IP restriction, although it was taken by the same Indonesia publisher you have mentioned.
It’s called Drag** Ne**. It got SEA public server with no IP-block.
Now you tell me why that could happened?
The answer is on IMC itself to decide.

Thanks for the support you have provided.

no. 2 or 3

i gifted from friend of my friend, i bought it, but i don’t where is he, i mean in indonesia or not

You guys let us in and now kick us out… LOL


Error message
Start the game from the home page and remove protect mode and connect to the game again.

If anyone know how to trouble shoot this please let me know

Came here just to say:

Something is wrong with Indonesian players here. It’s crystal clear that the game has always been restricting players whose countries have signed contract with IMC to host the game. I myself left the international forum ages ago (an exaggeration) when I heard that the contract has been signed. There ought to be loopholes here; how could Indonesia be listed there as one of the regions where the pack can be redeemed in? Let’s discuss this, preferably with Staffs chiming in, so facts could surface.

upvote this
dont block player who already got it

Remember this: “This is a restricted gift which can only be redeemed in these countries: INDONESIA, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam”

Or is it all about money ?


No 2 I have friend outside Indonesia who play this game also.

To be honest, it is NOT FAIR to block indonesian player.
Also what is the reason behind this? Indonesian publisher deals?
Come on. You gotta be joking here, I’m not talk like this because of Indonesian publisher sucks (well yeah they are all do sucks).

If you’re talking about “business” IMHO we (Steam player) are only small percentage of gamer who play through steam. There are a WHOLE LOT of other indonesian player that are willing to play local publisher games. And I guess they (whoever local publisher that will launch this game) are still can GAIN A WHOLE BUNCH of MONEY from them.

PS : We do have an example for a case like this before, it was Dragonest. We can still play on the SEA server, and the SEA publisher (I believe it was CherryCredits) still open the IP for indonesian player. Yet there are still a lot of people play from the local publisher. Just be fair

1 just give option to refund like other’s game from other server for purchasing they founder pack coz it’s the wrong in the first place to include our country for redemeed country with gift

2 we can play this server until the local server opened

3 just open it for the one who buy the founder pack at least we suporting u from the opening.

we need a solution that both of us it’s imc and indonesia player had the best deal coz we re one of your comunity and voted for green light in steam too if another option available it’s good then


This not about Right or Wrong
Your Ignorant about Steam Restriction + Our Creativity to seek a Loophole
mix that with Greediness Local Indonesia TOS Publisher
Viola, U better have sage-like wisdom to solve tat Mess sire…

I am gifted from someone from indonesia as well, since it was written that I was able to open this game on indonesia(someone posted the pict above), I assume it is safe to play. It might not appear on our store, but this matter surely is not wholly player’s mistake here.
Indonesian publisher(Gemscool) is one of the worst game publisher here, they might hold license to most played and famous game, but most of that game get ruined, by cheats and bot. It doesnt take long, give it a month and you will see cheater’s nest.
One of the game they hold also have SEA server, yet the SEA server didnt IP block us, I doubt Gemscool stayed quiet about that, yet we didnt get IP block. There might be agreement and such when Gemscool get their TOS license, but since this accident has already happened, it might be good if you reconsider your decision, since this matter might cause great harm to your reputation as a new game(and may be your next game), and Gemscool wont get anything from us as we refused to play their server as well.

yeah me too… i voted for the greenlight now they put the redlight to me .

feels .

Well… you should try to live here bro… and you will know why…
They will complain for each little stuff and try to make things right even on the smallest thing, while they know it was wrong.
Black to white, white to black :smiley:

please elaborate. how is the game restricting players whose countries have signed contract with IMC to host the game?

Cant play tos on international server because my country was blocked, cant play tos in my own country because the game isnt open beta. Im not even upset right now, this is simply pure dissapointment.

despite the agreement
you cant treat us like sh*t
literally,you have a bunch of players who wanted support your games
and you kickin’ them
well done

to be honest the answer is
(2) Were gifted the founder’s pack from someone outside of Indonesia.

I didn’t know that there are these rules about not letting Indonesian to play this server. I just know that i was given 2 choice. Play Indonesian server or International server. And i choose this server even though i have to buy it because of the bad reputation on Indonesian server.

You guys shouldn’t have ban us. We paid and enjoyed this server, we have used a lot of our time here playing TOS . Please don’t ruin this game by banning us Indonesian. We did nothing wrong.

Server : [SEA] Telsiai
Team name : Hakim or Hakims (wanted to check but unable to log in…)