Tree of Savior Forum

Game access is currently

Same like others.

Team name : Kaltenzahn
Server : SEA Telsiai

May i know what the checking to assume they are bot?

  1. i Never sell GOLD
  2. i barely have time to play - when play also mission or Farming.
  3. i earning damn slow, so hard to farm.
    **please enhance the checking, dont simply block / ban us.
    **Yes, me and my friend very happy recently block all those bot, we having smooth game. but i also found there is still have lots of botā€¦ i know u all are solving and trying hard. Well done.

Now i got a free time 1 hours to play but being blocked?
very unhappyā€¦ wasted my tokenā€¦
**already send email, please unblock me asap.
Team: GKT
Server Orsha.

Same like others.

Team name : Doodadida
Server : Klaipeda

are you guys using VPN? i got this error most of the time when using VPN (like WTFAST).

so basically donā€™t use VPN when logging in.

Can explain in more details ?
Didt use VPN, but playing at Indonesia (Suppose Indonesia not yet can play), but we are malaysian. just working at indonesia and play here.

i dont really have no idea, im using WTFAST then Chicago server.
everytime i got dc (usually when changing maps) then relogin (without exiting wtfast) i got that message.

then i have to close the tos client and wtfast, run again then thereā€™s no more error message.

and after that i run again wtfast until i dcā€™edā€¦ repeat

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Team Name : Artryvis
Server : [SEA] Telsiai

I didnā€™t use VPN.and I just playing really slow. no BOT no cheat or use any illegal program

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Scrolling through the posts so far: seems like most are from Indonesia or other blocked countries. My indo friends also canā€™t login today anymore and getting the same exact error message.

Hope you guys didnā€™t pay too much on the founder packages.

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looks like indos are getting block is it because of Indo having their own servers?

guys try adding Location, it seems some INDO players are blocked


Server: Orsha
Team Name: MyTeamNameISthis
Location: Philippines


i believe there is a ip block for indonesian
so is there any solution for indonesia player ?

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I still prefer SEA server rather than indonesian server lol mess

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hahah too late, already bought EA2 and EA3, even planning to EA1 tommorowā€¦
itā€™s shame about restriction, local publisher is money sucker and bad reputation for managing game.

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Anyone done?mail sent also no replyā€¦

ame here, me and my wife suddenly cant log in.
whatā€™s happen really?

Team Name : KingOfAbyys
Server : [SEA] Telsiai


unlock my id plz.
Team name: Jbzero
Server: SEA Telsiai
thank you,
Iā€™ll send the mail right away.

i got same ploblem
i never use bot
i am not bot but i am on list of ban
pls do something gm
Team name : newGods
server name : [SEA]Telsiai

team name : Skellas
server : [SEA]Telsiai

iā€™m sure my account get banned because i never use a bot and i
donā€™t even know how to use it. also i see my team name on the
banned account list on April 26th, 2016

Thank you

I have also been falsely accused of botting, please review my case. I play in a static party and have been playing the game since day 1 in march.

1)Team name: SawdustWaffles
2)Server name: Orsha

Please help

OID: 7656 119 8255 060 491
Team name: Flinders
Server: Telsiai (SEA)
Reason: Bot

wrongfully banned for botting.