So with Crossbows and Rapiers being added to the game, what other weapon types do you think we will see in the future?
My guesses:
Katars - Possible assassin class or maybe with Shinobi.
Chain - Shinobi
Whip - A “beast tamer” type class
Axes - Either Beast Tamer, Weaponmaster, Blacksmith, or a Berserker type class
Throwing Weapons - Dancer/Bard
Katana/Zanbato - Samurai/Ronin/Swordmaster -> This was a heavy discussion with my friends because there are already 2-handed swords in the game…however Katanas are much different than a standard 2-handed sword.
Scythe - Dark/Death Knight type class or a Dark Mage type class…(or both)
Knuckles - Dedicated hand-to-hand combat class like a Dervish or Duelist. I’d expect the Monk class to be modified if this were the case.