Tree of Savior Forum

Future choices for us elementalists

I think the best class choice now is Sage c2 and hear me out.
1 as some ppl mentioned most goddamn mobs are dark type so begin a dark attribute use would suck to fight them.
2. Warlock I’m only have 2 actual atk skills PoA and mastasma ( invocation is conditional and shit now cause ahole imc nerfed it where the actual player must kill to spawn a soul rather than the skill spawning it)
3 Sage c2 skills got a big buff like ultimate dimension and micro dimension, to the point where it have decent damage
4 sage has more survivability with missile hole skill plus it has a utility shop to make money
So in my suggestion the best route would be Wiz3>ele3>Wl>sage2 for best and more dps skills
Skills include: hail, electric, meteor, PoA, invocation, mastasma or DT, ultimate dimension and micro dimension and the new c2 skill if you took that

Also in my thoughts wiz class get little to no love by imc and it is proven that time and time again I mean look at the cleric class, they got major rework sooner for the better some for the worst but the wiz it basically get nerfed as “reworking” look at frost cloud smh. Plus player and I’m is to blame, players begin that they did used to cry and wine about wiz class begin op for it to get “reworked” know the kind of ■■■■ job IMC does, so yeah some players are to blame for mediocre class that Wizard has become

Even against dark type mobs, mastema itself already surpass all sage dmg skills lol.

Actually Invocation is the best skill in Warlock tree, a lot more stronger now than before if you have Devil Spirits attribute maxed. PoA is a good filler and Mastema is the strongest AoE skill in wizard tree, no doubts about that.

Even with buffs, those skills are still weak comparing to other high rank classes like Warlock, Shadowmancer, FeatherFoot or even Enchanter now with its AA boost.

Now this is truth , Sage really is better to survival, but Shadowmancer is equally good and with more dmg potential. Regarding the Shop skill, like all of the other Shops in game, they give you a really low profit, almost irrelevant.

Ok, some things you said are crap, really, and if you read what I said about invocation you would understand. I said invocation is conditional, meaning that it requires you to kill monsters in order to use the damn skill and yes it is powerful. Also PoA shouldn’t be call a filler skill when I’m damn near sure you use it more that invocation in most instances. And yes I will agree mastasma is one off the most powerful wiz but you do know it will be at lol 15.
Plus other higher ranking class? That was crap FF is also a conditional class meaning that it’s most effective with linker linked mobs also it is mostly busted dmg same goes of shadmancer a bit(And don’t forget FF and Wl will be at c3 while sage at c2). And as for enchanter, I will admit it is a great class but it’s just like Chaplin only truely aa. So in conclusion, sage ultimate dimension is just like fc but better, where it can hit the target 5-10 times plus leave a dmg debuff for 5 sec but hits ever .5 sec giving ten extra dmg plus you can now hit flying mobs too, so sim sure at c3 it will be op. Sage got a bad look as a dps because of c1 but if you don’t remember Wl mastasma was useless at c1, plus it has way more useful skills than wl:tired:



why wl1 shadow2 is more popular than wl2 shadow1 ?

mastema att on wl2 is good or shadow2 is still better ?

From my experience so far, W2, L1, E3, and FF3 is a solid build that allows you to single target and aoe effectively. Good for bossing too! Enervate makes AoE hit much harder and acts like a second JP.

I just wanted to come back here to say that as I always said the wizards were weak …
Even IMC has noticed and so all Wizards will receive a good buff …

I’m sorry for the stubborn!

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