Tree of Savior Forum

Future choices for us elementalists

What will you fellows Elelocks choose next patch ? :thinking::cocktail:

  • Wiz3Ele3Warlock3
  • Wiz3Ele3Warlock2-Shadow1
  • Wiz3Ele3Warlock1-Shadow2

0 voters

lock3 ofc :slight_smile: better mastema, better poe and new shiny aoe spell with 3oh ! :stuck_out_tongue: still lock1 shadow2 is decent but for single target mostly :slight_smile:

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wiz3-ele3-rune-shadow2 would be my choice if I were to go for shadow but I still pref lock3 if i were to build for a non pvp environment.

Personally my plan is Wiz3Cryo3Ele3 coz that has been my main since CBT2 :haha:


Warlock is more versatile than Shadow, and will excel in PVE and do well in PVP. Shadow has some serious PVP potential, but Warlock is the better option overall.

I believe Demon Scratching is more useful in ET than any of the Shadow skills. Plus you already have Surespell and Quick Cast to make use of it

Mastema+rune of justice and rune of ice+freezing sphere.

But I’m probably dropping WL and going cryo3 or chrono 3 instead, if we get rank resets

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I think quick cast doesn’t affect this skill

Actually the best thing that I see for Warlock C3 is invocation lv15, but it will be shadowed when too many DPSer in the party.
Demon Scratch is quite not reliable as it doesn’t promise to kill everything on sight, for me it will annoying to see there are some leftovers who doesn’t get 3 hits and killed, they need to fix it 3hits for everything to be viable as R9 circle.

For ET Solmiki, things pretty okay but I doubt the performance of coming new ET 41F-50F/60F maybe.
It seems PD or Zealot is better AoE now because they are more supported/completed with other circles, or even a Falconer will fix a lot of AoE issue.
Elememe with either Warlock3 or Warlock1Shadow2 may face struggle to occupy a future ET party slot, but Cryo3Chrono3Enchanter2 is more secured, AoE dps wizard doesn’t looks good

For normal dungeon, it seems linker2thaum3xx is more viable with link-resist mobs removed.

Wiz3 Ele3 RuneCaster Sage2

Sorry ~~

Warlock 3 looks lame, proly just goin Shadow 2 but still thinking about that circle left

0 consideration to any Cryomancer and way too much considering to Warlock.

My Elementalist is only C1 because it’s mainly there for the summons but I’d say Wizard-Cryomancer-Elementalist-Shadowmancer is probably the best Elementalist focused build, Everything C2 except either Cryomancer or Elementalist C3, take your pick.

Cryo 3 can combo the ice tree with their electrocute which is really good and they have better freezing shield so they’re stronger in PvP.

Elementalist3 is less reliant on a freeze and there for better for bosses, but the extra circle doesn’t bring a lot, 1 point in rain is cool but mostly it’s just to power up skills you got in Circle 1 or 2.

That’s my take on it anyways.

there is no possibility of giving up mastema 15 and an aoe spell with 3 overcharges, if you don’t pick wl3 gl with that

Base on this video, i’m not sure how do you think Demon Scratch.
For me it is quite unreliable and not consistent.

Mastema lv15 is good, but the different actually very little compare to lv10 in 24s, but overall around 10%-15% i would say.

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In my case I will make my cryo / ele just idk if finish with shadow 2 or enchanter 2 because have more damage against freezing targets.

It’s amazing how crying gamers have ruined ToS for those who enjoy playing with Wizard DPS. For a while the Pyromancer was even good, but it did not take long for the crying babies to complain again and IMC spoil the Pyromancer again.
From so much crying and complaining of Warlock the IMC destroyed the class.

Unlike the other classes that are improving in the higher ranks the Warlock c1 was the king when the game only had until rank 7 and level 280.
Rank 8 came and Warlock c2 had no good new skills.
Now comes Rank 9 and IMC puts only one new skill. The skill until it’s good, it has 3 Overhits, but something needs to be done to compensate for Warlock’s Rank 2 being holy crap!

Either change skills for others or change effects … 2 skills that are holy crap!

stop blaming players when it was imc who made the decision to destroy the class

Players didn’t want nerf classes they wan’t balance classes… seeing as pyro was too op with it 1st gen fire ball + 1st gen agni they nerf both so hard that it ruined the class… I liked the 1st gen pyro… they should have just tweaked it a lil bit…


imo, Warlock overall concept is a failure or broken, it is strong but its gameplay idea is not vivid at all.
Dark Wizard? Evil Slayer? Evil Manipulator? Demonlogist? Now like a jack of all trade of all these.

Passive: 10% dark damage

  • This attribute only neutralize your natural disadvantage by half but give nothing extra value. you can’t avoid the fact that >50% of monster in game are dark attribute and 90% of superior world boss are dark attribute where our dmg is cut by -25%, while holy monster pops are lowest. So, either give us extra attribute for 10% demon type monster, or make it 20% dark damage.

Pole of Agony - ordinary dps skill, small AoE, good damage, period.
Invocation - IMO the best skill for DPS wizard if you maxed advance spirit and good with magic missile, at lv10 each evil up to 800%x3 and advance is 800%x6, at lv15 will be 1100%x3 and 1100%x6, it is the most OP skills in intense mobs environment or bosses that summon minions. ET elem3lock3 should max it.
Dark Theurge - Retarded low skill factor %, it should have same scaling with Invocation, but thanks for that so i have more points in other skill. Even C3 attribute double it to 30hits doesn’t help much, but good to apply status i think.
Mastema - The highest skill factor % in entire game as a single cast with C2 attribute, but I hate the fact that it boost holy damage for too much (100%), it favor Cleric/BulletMarker when you need to compete for Rank1. and it have slim chance to fail… But important tips: Get lv16-17 Cure Scroll, it is like 8000+% damage for you.
Evil Sacrifice - Good to use on top of Invocation, best skill in Saalus for super fast clean up if you have high level of Invocation.
Drain - … speechless feature
Ghastly Trail - What a bug, duration too short, it should be a passive where auto follow you, the higher skill level the longer duration.
Demon Scratch - Inconsistent damage, very annoying and worse than meteor, they should change it to 2OH with fixed 3hits everything in AoE.


I completely agree with you… so I’ll prolly keep my choice with shadow 1, only bc I already have what I like the most about warlock (mastema attribute and devil spirits attribute maxed) which is more than enough for this class, imo Shadowmancer has more future.:satisfaction: