Tree of Savior Forum

Future choices for us elementalists

This must be one of the Archers, Swords, or weeping Clerics intruding on the Wizards’ conversations … Better to ignore …

All this theoretical information is very beautiful and should be based on them that IMC lets the weak Warlock nerfed like that.

All your theory falls the moment you enter Sallus and a Shinobi kills the Boss before you cast second skill.
All your theory falls by the time you enter the ET and a Falconer uses circling a Doppel or a Sapper kills the mobs all without you needing to do anything.
All your theory falls on the time that you will face a Boss and there are no mobs nearby for you to kill and create evil spirits, so you get dependent on 1 Mastema skill because the PoA depends on the Boss standing still and many keep moving and escape the skill .
And finally…
All your theory falls on the time you try to use any of the two skills of Warlock C2 and see that they are useless.

That’s why I’m migrating to MU Legend … Wizards are only nerfeds in ToS because players from other classes live crying and the wizards accept everything without complaining.

After the last nerf of Sage neither in PVP you can play …


Elememes struggling with their class choices is a delight to me for some reason xD

Similar to @Neiru, I don’t have that issue, because My Elementalist is a Cryomancer with a storm/ice-theme… so it flows perfectly right into Enchanter.

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Gotta love Cryomancer: Freeze Speciality + Electrocute: Freezing Magic Damage attributes :prince:

It’s not really players fault if IMC is unable to balance things. Agny had something like +300% damage on fire skills right ? Now it’s something like 50%…

Ask them to balance a skill that deals 1000% damage and they will just delete one or two zero :tired:.

I think it’s maybe better to ignore disrespectful people, and not just people who are maybe not playing Wizard. If you don’t listen to people just because of that, your opinion has no value.


My opinion is of no value to those who do not know how to value it.
But I have experience playing with ALL the wizard classes of this game …
But anyway, whatever, what you say or what you think, because ToS started very promising but because the IMC listen to players who cry for everything and get into what they do not know, as the case above … .
Unfortunately ToS is a bankrupt and decadent game …
The game has already had more than 50k people online today does not reach 3k.
I’ve been playing since Beta and it saddens me to say that, but unfortunately it’s true.

So tell the bullshit you mean because this is a fact.

Or maybe because you’re ultra subjective. POV.

It doesn’t prove you are able to make a valid point, nor it proves if people have not your experience, if not a better experience in Wizard classes.

And what 63scaur said :

Which is THE real fact. How the hell can you judge if someone know a class just by one sentance which has nothing to do with the knowledge of the said class ??? :crazy_face:

If people are asking for a up, a nerf or a balance, it’s not their fault if IMC are unable to balance things. Do I really need to repeat it or is it so hard to understand ? How players can actually be the problem if they have no power on the game development ??? Decision comes from IMC.

ToS started very promising in the teasers. I tested it during CBT, and the game they promised was far from what they wanted to do. If you really played during CBT, you know how terrible the game was.

Decadent ? What does decadent means for you and in which way it is decadent ? Is it IMC or players fault ?

Where did I or we say that it’s not true ? No one here talked about actual number of players compared to the number of players when the game started :confused:. I don’t even understand how is it directly related to this topic.


I’ve been playing every classes in wizard tree with 8 wizards in my main account and 6 wizards in account made from first time player events.

Every classes have their own pros and cons, wizard have no exception.
I’m not saying Wizard is fine, but it is diverse and lesser restrictive enough to be able to fulfill every content or role with specific build.
You still can go full CON with no issue unlike str/dex base.

At first glance, the DPS ranking:
Swordies > Wizards > Clerics > Archer

But in term of playability:
Wizard > Cleric > Archer > Swordy
Wizard is so diverse that the amazing 4 Pillar classes Thauma3/Chrono3/Cryo3/Linker2 provided every utility in many different play styles, you will see great things when more R8 new classes added can plugin into these 4 pillars very well. We can single target, AoE, farming, ET, control, heal? (who need heal nowadays)

Cleric, cleric is so good in support and utility, but unfortunately this cheese melting game doesn’t utilize much of that, so there is rise of demand for end game DPS clerics but still they hardly top1 dps, at least they are very good in multi-functional role and very self-sustainable. Cleric also very R8 reliance, what you will take in R8 basically is what you will take for R1-R7. Semi restrictive as well, it can go matk/patk build

Archer, except Falconer, the rest are also skill spammer. Semi weapon restrictive

Swordy, basically skills spammer with no other role to fulfill. Very weapon restrictive
Except they have OP DPS like goon-lancer/dopple3/shino-murmillo is what they only have.

I don’t know where is your negativity based on, you seem like DPS is everything and you only want to see the power of trashing every content like how Pyro-Linker-Sage was. This is so wrong

I don’t know what is your justice and OP perspective of what is right design or wrong design. But such game mechanic definitely not your taste

There is no game that don’t suffer population drop, ToS is also under-develop will face its judgement day soon mainly its outdated and buggy game engine, but it is lucky these 2 years have not much competitors, but next year will be, more mobile MMO will take over pc MMO. In fact, IMC also developing ToS: Mobile Remake

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Like I said before … I’m not even there … you can delude yourself and talk the bullshit you want … you’re free for that …

But just to mention … to say that nobody needs a cleric in this game is really very funny … you should never have entered a PVP (TBL) …

Saying that Archer is the class with the least DPS gets to hurt the belly of both laughing … From the day you enter the PVP and get 2 loads of Cannon Blast from an invisible archer and your character appear lying on the ground … oh you will see how the Archers have no damage and will surely want to have a Priest on your team to save you with Revive or Resurrection (although they say that the clan is no good … LOL).

I said, and I repeat … you can delude yourself and talk the bullshit you want … you are free for that …:smile:

This is a Elementalist tread, who cares about Archers in PVP.
Stick to the topic and stop talking ■■■■.

Don’t care him, he is just delude himself and talking bullshits as he said as what he is doing.
I don’t even know why he is even here, he should just go back and enjoy MU Legend as it sounds a perfect game for him.

Well, is this game exist PvP? I don’t even waste my time in ToS PvP as it is totally unbalance ■■■■.
And back to Elementalist, they do 1 hit KO others with Meteor as Full CON.

Maybe if your MDEF is garbage or you have no CON, in which case you probably shouldn’t be pvping

WIZ>ELE3>USUX>NO!USUX best elememe build em i ryt? :rofl: come on high five? :wink:
wtf happened to this tread? :haha:
Lets get back to topic please…
Seeing the new 350 weapons especially the hammer and the dagger…

Mashinios Mace red/orange 350, 3 socket slots
Attack: 1144 - 1264
Magic attack: 1203
INT +57
SPR +57
Lightning elemental attack +295
*Special effect: Your attacks have a 30% chance to deal +2000 Lightning Elemental Damage.

Mashinios Dagger red/orange 350, 3 socket slots
Attack: 1144 - 1264
DEX +59
Critical rate +39
Lightning elemental attack +303
*Rogue Backstab damage +150%

FP + Electricute combo will hit so hard :distinguished:

elementalist its only a good choise for pve builds. on pvp do you need CC. so in pve the best top dps way its Ele3+FF3

Same goes for you, it doesn’t make your points valid to say that.

Actually there is no way people can listen to him with his behavior, but to be honest, he’s theorically right on PvP part, even if PvP is unbalanced.

As for PvE, it really depends on classes you picked, not really on the tree. I’m not really sure Archer is 4/5th in DPS against a boss for exemple, especially with a Wugushi3. With buffs my bad geared SR is sometimes top 1 compared to well geared players with the same buffs, due to the fast attack.

Is Elementalist3 not taking Wizard3 ? You can go with Sleep, Stone Curse. Warlock and Shadowmancer can be picked in the same tree in a PvP build. Actually an Elementalist build is maybe better for PvP than a Psycho now bugs are gone. Bugs are gone right ?


Sadly the Special effect of Mashinios Mace is only on AA.

I’d transform my Wiz1Pyro2Ele3Wr2 into a Wiz1Cryo3Ele3Ench2.
Warlock is gold but it will be a decent support, due to cryo and enchanter, and a good PVE build to play alone.

I’m curious as @Neiru said about how hard it will hit with the right weapon , with Hydra Cards and 350 orange mace too :wink:

Mace + dagger will still give you almost 600 lightning elemental attack w/c goes well with cyromancer’s attribute, frost pillar and electricute.

I heard some rumors .There are some new mobs can’t be frozen.

are they normals or elites? elite mobs like the ones in ET cannot be frozen.

thats ccs are useless agains plages and oracles. Psycho ccs are better