Tree of Savior Forum

Further concerns about 1:1 trading and dueling

Im once again worried that lack of 1:1 trading and dueling in open world will take away huge chunks of funpie when i will be playing with my friends/guildmates. I think the cost of not having gold sellers is too high when it comes to trading. and i fail to understand why dueling isnt a thing, what if i want to test my build in 1vs1 fight with my friend ; (

1:1 trading is one of the Token benfits. It’s not ideal, but it’s there.

There is a duel feature in the game, I clearly remember people having duel in Klaipedia during iCBT2. Except if it was removed …

You can trade 1:1 under the token, and it’s not going to be very hard to have even as a f2p if it follows kToS and has token tradeable in the Marketplace.

You can duel too… where did you hear you can’t? lol

Well, if it exist they forgot to mention it on official website. If somebody can confirm…

I can confirm that you can still duel in town on ktos.

Are both players supposed to have it to trade or one?

Yes, both players…

Most of these infos are available on the forum.

@noilid thanks for the quick confirmation !

Both players must be under the Token effects. It’s not that hard to obtain it actually, they’re tradeable on the Auction House so lots of players will put them on sale. You might not be able to get it as a f2p player at the beggining tho, i heard people usually ask 2m per token on kToS, this is a huge amount of money for begginners but at high level you should be able to collect this amount quite easily.

The community is complaining about this tho, we MIGHT see some changes on this.

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The thing is, as far as i know my friend he wont spend money on something he takes for granted, like trading. So im asking cuz its not a problem for me and one-way token trade would be just perfect. But thanks for replies guys, i know all i need now.

I’m gonna be honest with you.

People made some good points regarding this 1:1 trade thing and i somewhat agree with them. But i say, let’s just see how it goes and if it’s really bad, we do something about it. At this point it’s speculation based on what happened on kToS and people often say that we’re not them and things are different here, so that might be something positive right? If this model failed there, it might work here, how knows? We haven’t played yet xD