Tree of Savior Forum

Full support Linker/Chrono?

Hey guys,

This is merely some theorycrafting but I would like to know your feedbacks of a full support Linker/Chrono as party buffer.

Wiz 1 - Wiz 2 - Link 1 - Link 2 - Chrono 1 - Chrono 2 - Chrono 3

  • Pure con/spr and little int [2:2:1]
  • Duo leveling with swordman (lets call it leveling not leeching haha)
  • I am aware this has like 0 own dmg output

This one will be very tough to level but would it be usefull for partys in the end? What do you think of the combs of skills taken all benefit for party and cc?

I decided to go with Wiz 2 because I think Lethargy and Reflectshield are as protection more usefull in this build than a little dmg output with a chance to freeze (Cyro).

Another thing I’ve been wondering: Will Surespell & Spiritual Chain combine? Is it possible to give Surespell with SC to another Wizard?

Overall I’d like to know your opinion about this build.

Wis C2 is a waste, take Pyro or Cryo C1. That way you wont be completely useless and can provide more support: link enemies to your own fireballs or freeze them for extra CC.
Lethargy is a waste of points, 1 for utility and synergy with your warrior friend is enough. Put 1 into EQ for utility, some more into sleep.

There isnt much of a choice for spending points for Linker C2.

Chrono: i would get more levels in sleep at expense of Back Masking for stronger and longer CC.

Exactly what Im probably doing. I was very thrilled to play as Cryo3/Chrono3 but some friends of mine bailed to play in this pre-acess month so now Im only duoing with a friend. Hes gonna be doing an archer/musketeer and we will lack damage until rank 5 or 6. Facing this, I swapped my Cryo3 to Pyro1/Linker2 and keep Chrono3. Here is my build:

The synergy of Pyro1 and Linker will help a little with damage and will help leveling early on. Enchant Fire combined with Quicken will be a fill for groups (when cd hits, even with Pass) and AA’s classes. Linker abilities still very good and combined with Chrono abilities it offers a nice support to groups making me a valuable acquisition to any endgame content (EarthTower, etc).

The others abilities of Pyro1 (Fireball and FlameGround) helps with a little damage in early levels but probably will decay on higher levels.

In other hand, you can go Cryo1 instead of Pyro1 but I think its not worth trade your damage/easy leveling in early game (and the minicombo EnchantFire + Quicken) for CC ( high level monsters can have 25~40% resist to freeze - saw in another topic. something about of their spirit stats. CAN’T CONFIRM THIS).

For stats, I should go: 2:2 SPR:INT until I hit certain cap with INT (probably something around 40~80, haven’t decided yet) and then 4:1 or 4:2 CON:SPR.

honestly just make the cryo3-chrono3. full con. You dont need linker with a swordsman buddy since their attacks are already aoe, and people will value cryo tree over link in ET

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he’s right.


I want a swordsman buddy too, so I can run my Cryo3/Chrono3 :pensive:

@Elysion @moises_andre12
You guys think if I duo with an archer I can run the Cryo3/Chrono3 5:1 CON:SPR (until SPR 50 ~ 60)? The leveling will be soooooooo damn slow! I know it will payoff in endgame, but it will be so hard.

I think you’re overestimating the struggle though. Soloing up to level 110-120 will be okay even for cryo. Chrono quests pretty well if you don’t have issues with gears and money. Just consider rank 6 and 7 a…challenge. :smiley:

Dont rule out the possibility that you won’t need spr at all in favor of int:con. Luckily if you have stat resets available its going to be a non-issue anyway.

Linker would actually be more useful if you had an archer friend you were playing with, while duoing, but in the end cryo/chrono is still the ideal way to go

Now, if your archer friend was making a machinegun build, then some sort of linker-thaum would be stupidly overpowered to duo with them

Im so in doubt which one I will follow. Every single day I change to one or another (yesterday I was into Linker/Chrono; today Im thinking again and bending to Cryo/Chrono).

I think, even with the dificult to leveling, I will stay to Cryo/Chrono because it was the original one that I wanted to follow and pays off so well in the endgame content and PvP.

cryo/chrono is the standard meta for a support wizard. You cant go wrong with it, its the favored ET support wizard, it will make people in regular dungeons/missions happy to see you, its still useful in pvp even though not optimized for it. Its only downside is slow solo killing

So Wiz - Cryo 3 - Chrono 3

can you give me advice on the Cryo skills tree which combine usefull?

Can cryo solo in level 110-120 range while still going for full con?

You’ll want full int at early levels to solo easier, so a stat reset is the optimal choice. Full con might make your early game suffer but I went full int as cryolinker (not even rank 5) so I really dont know :slight_smile:

How was the leveling though? I’m not a really solo player but I noticed that there are times when you will play solo. I’m from a different timezone with my friends so it’s kind of hard to sync our schedules.

its a problem for everyone. You have to be in a specific level range to party with your friends and at any rate you’ll end up solo questing most likely. Not a fan of that >:

Cryo>linker was really easy before with such impressive cc (5 sec bind on any level mob + no chance of resist. wow). They buffed cryo a since then maybe it would compensate a little, however, you’ll still end up auto attacking more than pyro or even wiz3 due to the nature of cryo skills in general.

In short, its not the worst choice. Might be a struggle mid game until you either get another dps class on top of cryo or have a static party. Thats my guess.

This is heavily incorrect. Im currently 122 cryo/linker c2 playing almost exclusively solo and i can NOT kill certain quest bosses anymore. I do almost no damage to normal mobs either, it can take me 15-20 sec to kill 1 mob sometimes, im not even kidding. The struggle is real, and you defenetly need a party, or at least a good dps class to tag along.

No. Just no. I wouldnt recommend anyone soloing with this. Damage started falling off hard even 40 levels ago. Im in exactly that position right now. I went full support + CON because i thought there would be alot of grouping up. Turns out there is none of that.

If you are mostly solo, for the love of god dont go c1 cryo, c2 linker and c3 chrono full con. Im 122 right now and ive been struggling like crazy for the last 40-50 levels since partying up isnt a think, as i thought it would be.

Suppose I wasn’t clear enough in indicating this was a build I played previously in icbt2, not our current version. By the way I stopped 12 levels before your mentioned level and my damage was absolutely fine at the time -not just blowing smoke here.

I’m a full Con lvl 130 Cryo/Chrono and leveling was just fine. You can kill everything even though it takes a bit longer but it’s not super slow. The only thing I did was asking another player in Mage Tower to party with me since I’ve seen him entering the tower at the same time. Do the same when you see players at the beginning of maps, also I bought an Arde Dagger around level 115 and it made things much easier.

Edit: To make this clear - I can clear single mobs really good with 1-2 Ice Pikes, I can kill giant mob groups with Frost Pillar + Snow Rolling pretty fast and Boss fights are also fine since Ice Pike hits a big monster a couple of times and my Icewall deals good damage whenever I shoot icicles at the boss with my autohits.