@MrFioz that build can work, so go for it. however, i’d like to suggest a couple of changes. get rid of pyro, as enchant fire is for an extra attack line for blessing to sit on but, due to not wanting to break link hit limit, enchant fire becomes a detriment to your build. i’d slap wiz2 in there for surespell so your rune of destruction won’t get interrupted. i’d also move around thuma skills a little. i see you’ve gone for level 9 transpose which is ideal with 100% con build, but i’d change swell body to level 8 instead of 10 (only difference is it hits 7 targets instead of 8) and do level 9 swell left arm and drop reversi so you can get level 4 shrink body (level 4 shrink body hits 5 targets - the attribute that makes shrunken enemies take +120% damage really is huge, and would allow you to clear some enemies quickly in-between your links). if you really, really don’t want shrink body then your pick for thuma skills will work. but it’d be a shame to miss out on having such an incredible tool in your toolkit. (side note: reason i say drop reversi is because the build is already tight as it is. having exact transpose level and exact swell/shrink levels for their target limit is important. however, you could sacrifice yet another level of swell left - level 8 swell left instead of 9 - to allow for the reversi point. but i feel the build is tight enough as it is, and you don’t want to gimp your main thuma buff too heavily).
here would be my suggestion for squeezing linker into the build: http://www.tosbase.com/tools/skill-simulator/build/30nfppyv1f/
EDIT: just noticed you mentioned needing a pyro scroller in an earlier post, so if that’s the case, keep pyro in the build. i’d still recommend the changes to thuma skills, but if you really don’t care about having +120% damage debuff in your build then your current skill picks are fine.