Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details

Can you explain this video to me? Found one without quickcast active so we can see the damage being done by the base skill itself. My elementalist is currently c1, so I’d like to know why the skill appears so underwhelming against enemies of that level.

All damage from frost cloud (with quick cast)
Low damage in that video is probably due to poor gear, attribute, ice enemy


Read again. I said a really common build in ktos is wiz 3 - linker 3 - warlock , which is different from wiz 3 - linker 1 - sorc 2 - warlock.

Yeah, i still love my build no matter how popular it is (which actually isn’t since a LOT of builds i’ve seen even being wiz 3 - ele 3 based are bad designed skill/stat wise. And i’m going FF so i hope i wont see so many clones of me walking around (i will make sure i wear a different Hat from others too ROFL).

Together we are strong lol

wiz3link3 is depends on the game quickly opening up future classes.
Tho it definitely depends on the situation, I dont believe wiz3link3 can match wiz3ele3 until class 9, most likely 10.
Especially since wiz3ele3dps + chronolinker support synergizes so well in parties.

Glad to see it remains effective at our current cap with +50% damage. It could definitely be his character too. Does that mean you see it performing well at 400 or 500+? It would have to compete between:

A. Skill damage losing relevancy (magic damage vs. skill damage) as shown with lower rank dps skills up to this point in the game. You mentioned this as well I think [quote=“yyang_umd, post:40, topic:243401”]
we dont really look at the flat damage but rather how much int (matk) you have.

B. Higher rank dps skills pushing rank 4-5 dps skills into the background. If you think Frost Cloud is immune to this then we will have to disagree on that until more information is available.

Anyway, those are my concerns. I’m playing elementalist again and liking it a lot so far. Even pyro is still fun at higher levels despite fireball being the only worthy dps skill.

It’s all about party composition when talking about PvE. That’s why when it comes to heavy-strategy dependant dungeons/bosses the standout builds are the well known : wiz 3 - ele 3 , cryo3 - chrono 3 , linker 3 , petalsta-corsair, some archer builds (dont know much about). More all-round oriented builds can work as well, but at high levels of execution i cant see them getting better results than the meta ones.

But game is changing so who knows, i still believe no matter how many ranks this game will end up having, the more specialised builds tend to be more polished and do their job better than hybrid ones.But there are some GREAT soloing builds so u have to choose what fits u the most.

Pyro has skills with many ticks, but its just too slow and thus scales off quickly.
For ele’s cloud everything is condensed into 10seconds, which makes it much better.
Looking at warlock skills they dont seem to scale well enough to overshadow frost cloud, even at class 9 (new skills aside). Pole of agony has limited utility while dark theuge is pretty laggy, often doesnt get off the full # of hits, and puts you in quite a predicament trying to land hits in a hoarde of raging mobs.

disclaimer: i prefer the sorc build better.
the guy in the video with puny frost cloud damage probably didn’t have it
against enemy that’s good against ice
bad stats/ Gear

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Also correct me if im wrong but is there any attributes to amplify your familiar’s damage?
For frost cloud 33 ticks at 200% +100% attribute = (matk +693 flat damage)*13200%, which is quite significant down the line.

It doesn’t matter how many posts you make about it, it won’t magically make your build good.

Pet AI is currently horrible. Everyone has to use the same card, because all the other cards are useless.

As far as I’m concerned I could just say: “Pet AI is horrible now and will always be horrible”. And that argument has the same weight as your “calculations” that Ele 3 damage won’t scale well,

Seriously, you want to be a special snowflake? Just do it, but don’t spew misinformation about stuff you have no way of knowing.


You don’t sound too fond of warlock. Is theurge actually that bad?

Dark Thurge’s single target damage is decent, especially with link. It scales with level, so at lv 15 it will undoubably become very powerful in certain situations such as bossing and pvping melee players.
However against normal enemies you often have to run around them for like 5 seconds to get all the hits in since there seems to be an increadible lag time (almost like youre playing with 1+sec ping). And in most situations, youll just be plunging yourself to your death.

Take a look at the picture here. Warlock skills are about the last thing on my mind :wink:

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The rank 7 of most wizard builds are “fillers” because we need more ranks, the same thing with Ele, the best circle of the build its ele3.

When IMC surprise us with rank 8-10 we can talk about Elementalist Scaling, but at the moment Frost Cloud its the best fuking aoe of the game.

10s, ticks every 0,3 aprox and 30s CD, its the skill with the most dps and uptime of the game, this is a fact.

I don’t get why Elementalists are getting offended by this.

Everyone knows Wiz 3 > Ele 3 is the best DPS set for 7 ranks.

This is supposed to be an alternative to Elementalists, while elementalists are all about AoE and have 1 very good skill at that, this build is supposed to be made around single target skills and only AoEs from rank 8+.

Ok, Frost Cloud will never get bad, I get that, are you happy taking 3 circles of a a class for 1 good AoE spell? That was when I decided Ele 3 was not my way to go.

Dark Theurge is a C1 skill from Warlock, at C3 this skill will deal 75 hits, with 6 linked mobs that’s 450 hits every 32 seconds. In any place where you can’t hit 15 mobs with frost cloud Theurge will be better, that is considering mobs will need all those 75 hits to die (400+ level mobs will probably have 300k+ HP)

I’m Ele 3 and i’m not ofended at all, i would just advice to take care with some “statements” with no solid base at all like this above, cause u know how sh.its like these spread and frustrate people. We dont really know what is coming after rank 7, we could even possibly have to reroll our character just because some rank 8 DPS class outdamage Warlock or FF C2 and u may end up remaking your whole build.

If classes will REALLY fall of this badly, we would see EVERY single wizard going for wiz 3 - linker 3 - whatever -whatever-whatever - RANK 10 highest DPS. I truly believe the game isnt gonna end up like this.

And once again, the linker arguement stills poor, u almost use the same damage x 6 linked mobs all the time to justify some damage multiplier. I warn u to the fact that people dont see a c1 linker as “OMG 5-6X DAMAGE”, they see it mostly as some hybrid build for soloing or so. BUT, if Linker is truly needed in some strategy, they would rather get some C3 with HIGH stats like STR or CON cause it boosts the party so much, and then, some “generic” elementalist 3 - warlock will just do his job twice (huge damage from dark theurge etc and also AoE fillers with decent damage).

And the AoE system really suck, hope they replan it with some logic. As someone said once, it makes no sense u throw a freaking meteor in 10 mobs, but only 8 get the damage xD, or u set the ground on fire and some mobs pass through it like nothing happened at all.

Conclusion: lets pressure IMC so they give us some transparency about new ranks , AT least some description like:

“Sage is a class specialised in whatever. They use whatever to do whatever and make whatever whatever”. It would be really meaningful at least to me (like saying if it’s an AoE damage class or support or heavy single target class).



Hey, funny story, I spent a good amount of time last night looking at all the Wiz class attributes and seeing what I could combine for some damage output, and I, too, noticed that you can get some pretty great percentage boosts to dark damage (is it 45% total?). I’m not sure it’s a Wiz3 build, though, since I feel like Magic Missile will fall off harder than most Ele3 spells, unfortunately. It’s so awkward that the payout for getting our favorite offensive buff means giving up so much offensive power.


Look, I really understand what you are I saying, I am against bold statements too, but I think people are falling into Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Warlock too easily while Warlock is NOT good combined with Elementalist.

This game requires a lot of solo playing, making a build that allows you to grind solo (which means more exp I believe (???)) and still excels at other modalities. That’s what I have in mind when planing my build.

Take a look at Elementalist, look really at all his skills, how many of them are THAT good? Frost Cloud. Hail DOES decent damage but you know it’s only a FC combo to guarantee that mobs die. Meteor is decent, but doesn’t hit many targets as you said and you can see even it’s damage falling at later levels. Now think about how poor the other skills are in damage, mostly you have hail left for a future lightning spell. Notice that all of this is about 200~220+ content, before that even Magic Missiles can one-shot things.

Aside from that you have Sleep, Quickcast, Surespell, Magic Missile and some less important utility skills. Wiz 3 is actually the future proof part of the build.

Now let’s go through a few things. Linker is the only class able to apply a singletarget hit multiplier. Linker 3 is godly support with correct stats, you can barely imagine what it could do with Thauma 1+ and almost full int. Linker 1 is simply a 500~600% buffer to multihit singletargeted spells, Wizards avoid this type of damage because they tendo to specialize in “large” AoE deployment skills or AoE bursts. But the thing is this game has a very unique calculation system. Hangman’s Knot has an attribute that reduces HK’d mob’s AoE def Ratio by 5. Monsters have 1, 3, 5 AoE def Ratio on sizes Small, Medium and Large. that means any spell with a very small AoE area can affect all HK’d mobs, that’s why MM gets so much better on linked mobs.

People are saying, don’t talk about what we don’t know yet but let’s be realistic here: After rank 4 Wizard’s lose DPS classes until rank 7. On rank 4 and before that Wizards rely on AoE skills mostly. On rank 7 wizards rely on high damage multi hit spells, but with low AoE. Elementalists 3 are taking Warlock for a filler while they wait they wait for their new supreme AoE class. That may not even happen, the fact is DPS classes are back to Wizards with rank 7, and they look very different from the ones before that. Also most names released from the Wizard branch don’t really look like an Elementalist branch, but it might be hidden or just be a weird name like sage (support most likely).

The thing here is, if what you want is those classes from rank 7 at higher circles, they won’t shine with full potential unless you take Linker, 75 hits for an Elementalist is nothing even at Warlock C3. 75*6 = 450 hits for a linker 1, to me, feels like an efficient nuke to 400+ mobs.


I have a 6 star Templshooter (yes, 6 star is lame, but I haven’t played CBT’s and stuff so I’m still learning many things, haven’t got time to go deep into this dude’s level.

From level 200 to level 201 I made some anotations from my templeshooter growth:

  • stats at level 200:

hp 15130
atq 2132
def 481
mdef 517

  • 201:

hp 15154
atq 2139
def 481
mdef 519

  • 201 + 2 INT (1 point invested from level, 1 bonus)

atq 2145

  • Basically, he is getting 7 points of attack for each level he grows. Plus 3 points of attack for each point in INT I put. This scales with ranks and you can switch equipment that gives INT as it is used only in the moment of summoning. He also crits for around +70~80% more damage with around 10~20% chance I believe, haven’t really counted it but feels like this.

  • I believe this game will have at least 500 levels to be honest. If you have around If you put 400 base points in INT and final rank is 10, here is how calculation should go:

  • (500 - 200) * 7 + 2132 (I have around 150 CON so this is not much) = 4132 from previous attack + level attack.

  • 400 base points. 315 = 500 points, so more 85 INT after that means 670 INT, 1,9 x multiplier from 10 ranks makes it 1273*3 = 3819 attack.

That’s basically a 8k attack with 6* at level 500, each star upgrade gives you 10% more stats so there it goes:

  • 7951 x (1,1^4) = 7951 x 1,4641 = 11641 final attack at level 500. This can Crit.

If someone have a better understanding of the calculation mechanics and can tell me if I’m wrong I’d really like to know but this seems correct to me.

This build is interesting because we all know as early circle falls off, so will Rank 5 to Rank 7 as we reach Rank 10. The unique thing about the SUMMON ability is that it is not tied to skill level or class/rank level, it is tied to YOUR character growth. So as we scale into the 500+ levels, so will our SUMMON. I don’t think there’s quite a more unique skill in the game that scales on your character as oppose to the stat being fixed on skill level or class/rank level.

This is why I think the this topic was made. SUMMON is a unique skill, it will keep scaling as you gain INT.

Frost Cloud at rank 5/5 scales additive-ly with your character growth. Summon on the other hand scales multiplicative-ly, that is what the topic creator is trying to get at, and I agree with him.

Everyone know how hard Pyro 3 at Rank 4 falls off at Rank 7… That will be the same for Elementalist at Rank 7 once we reach Rank 10. Think about it. At least with Summon, we know it will continue to scale very well into the later game.

+1 for this topic. Yes we know that currently Ele 3 is king of end game, but so was Pyro 3 at Rank 4.