Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details

You cant really say that cryo3 and sorc have bad synergy… cryo3sorc2warlock here… most of the time you tree monsters to pull them together then let your TS hits it and if you think it wont be enough follow it up by snowball while the TS continue hitting it… as for defense lvl10 iceshield+lvl 10 bats + DT is a great defense/offense at the same time… You cant be “snipe” by snipers and others will be afraid to come near you and touch you but the build dont really shines in pve but i can tell you its a monster when it comes to pvp or even guild wars… As for wiz3 on the build if you prioritize damage you might want to get this but i prefer CC thats why i go cryo3 path…


What is the biggest difference between Sorc1 and 2? Does Sorc 1 stay ok at end game with Summoning lv 5 or Sorc is just worth to get if you go through rank 2?

Started this build to test, but might try Sorc1 - Necro 2/3 instead of Sorc 2 - Wl 1/2.

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Look, sorc 2 is good cause ur summon will have a lot more dmg 1,3 x int…and also u can use riding and morph , these skills are the best part , you will have all bosses skills to use whenever u want, temples rapid shot skill deals a huge dmg… and bats lv 10 so OP :smile:

Yeah, that´s tempting. I’m wondering if a 0,8x int summon will be reliable at end game or if would be better to skip Sorc and get something else : (

Sorcs are basically a full summoning class, they will rely on mounting and using summons skills almost all the time, so a build focused on that prabably would need R2 or even R3, because, based on what I had read, they will have no time to do anything else besides mounting and morphing.

I’m thinking of Necros now because I will still play as a mage, with own skills and whatever, but with complementary damage and control. Just need to know if summoning nv 5 can still be competitive or will fall off at late game. I think that the four skills from Sorc1 are really good, at least they seem to be.

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Well necro is also good, both are nice classes , I have a sorc 2 lock lv 280 and my temples still kills everything in any map and really helps a lot in Earth Tower…I think sorc is kinda a support to your own Dmg since in the future ranks 8 9 10 … u can choose between many other great Dps classes ( FF 2 warlock2 shadowmancer ( maybe soon?)

I see Sorc2/3 as an “option” for some situations. Let me explain: I read a lot of topics in this forum, and the topics about Sorcs, including this, states that most of the time that you play with summons, you will be using only it with a few other skills, like bats or whatever. Mount and Morph are almost everything you will be using. If I remember correctly, Moises said that he doesn’t uses summoning as much, he plays most as a Warlock rather than using summons. Even though you can summon a TS and still use WL/Whatever skills, it seems not worth to spam skill if you have a TS summoned, it’s better to just mount, rapid shot, morph etc.

Might be wrong, but I think I would have more freedom playing as a hybrid/secondary summoner than a full summoner. But now sure if summoning nv5 will be that great for just an auto attack summon.

Edit: In resume, I think Sorc2/3 is too complete to mix with other stuff. Or you play as a pure summon or you play as a WL/Others since you won’t have time to do anything else than mounting/morphing. (I can be wrong)

Sorc 2 gives you full control of your summon with the additional damage skills from riding and morph. You may opt to skip using summoning if your party can kill the mobs fast enough that you will not need to rely for summoning damage. For solo though, which I think this build isn’t intended for, you’d still be using summoning a lot or you will suffer from a high down time every time you rotate your skills.

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Hi, please note that lvl 5 summoning is not just 0.8x INT, it is actually 3x INT, while lvl 10 is 4x INT. So basically, 100 INT will give you 300 atk on lvl 5 Summoning, while you get 400 atk on lvl 10 Summoning. This is comparing 10* Templeshooters of course.

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The thing is with warlock, we just use 2 skills most part of the time, theurge Cd 32 secs and pole Cd 2min… so u have time to use riding and morph between, this is something that u just learn when u are playing, that is a right time to use each skill… and I use all of them… but for sure if u want + freedom from ur summons necro is a really good choice, and I think necro 3 is awesome… or necro 1 FF awesome as well…

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Got it. Thank you :3

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Summon gets 3x INT at level 5, 4x INT at level 10 and 5x INT at level 15.


Cryo 3 Sorcerer 3 or Sorcerer 2 > Warlock are both viable, it will depend a lot on which builds go better with either Enchanter or Sage as Warlock need Linker to work at it’s best on PvE.


10 bats is 100% increase on number of hits from 5 bats, this should be considered as 10 extra hits for your Dark Theurge. You only get 50% more with sorc 3

3->4 atq/INT is 33% more, 4->5 atq/INT is 20 % more only.

Control skills allow you to use Summon skills, that can be a big boost to your damage if you learn how to manage it.

Necro is either 1 or 3, Necro 2 is bad and you should take Warlock instead, probably Linker 2 instead of Sorc 1.

Yea…I mentioned that here:

The difference in summon dmg between c1 and c2 is often exaggerated. You’ll find it performs pretty much the same, minus control skills.

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My bokor zombies do half damage to quest mobs as well. It happens when the little scroll icon appears on the top center of the screen.

@moises_andre12 can you upload pvp videos in 5v5 team battle league using your build?

the ride skills and control skills are the primary reason to go sorc 2. temple shooter S skill does crazy burst.

I’m currently Wiz 3 > Link 1 > Sorc 2. I’m thinking of whether to go FF 2, WL 2 or Necro 2 next:
FF 2 - Combo with linker + low CD DPS skill
WL 2 - pole of agony looks strong (but I’m worried that the 2 min CD would hurt my DPS)
Necro 2 - more summons + flesh cannon seems like a nice DPS skill

Basically I’m looking for a solid DPS class to complement link > sorc 2 skills cause so far all I can do is pewpew with TS’s skill, with 40 sec CD :c I need something that could help me with dungeons and maybe ET. PvP viability would be nice but not needed. Any suggestions? :smiley:

Edit: looking for reasons why WL would be a better choice than FF, and so on


If my calculations are correct the number of hits on Dark Theurge grows like this until level 15:

Level - Hit/Spirit - Total Hits

1 - 1 - 5
2 - 2 - 10
3 - 3 - 15
4 - 3 - 15
5 - 4 - 20
6 - 5 - 25
7 - 5 - 25
8 - 6 - 30
9 - 7 - 35
10 - 7 - 35
11 - 8 - 40
12 - 9 -45
13 - 9 - 45
14 - 10 - 50
15 - 11 - 55

With a Dandel Gem you can share 60 hits through JP level 6. You have Familiars for + 10 magical hits on any skill so basicaly that’s a level 18 DT you get for combining both, except Familiars are not nerfed on PvP.

ET-wise you need a Linker 3 in your party to shine with this build, he could be a Chrono 3 and than you can probably come close to an Elememe considering you have to walk among monsters to use that new channeling spell, which is not really their style.

The best options is wo wait.

PvE and ET wise maybe Featherfoot will be better. But Warlock is good enough for those contents and brings me the best PvP burst damage.

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It’d be wise to wait for information about rank 8 to get a better idea of warlock/featherfoot c2 skills. Important to note…you won’t be able to take necro2 at rank 7 with that build; taking necro1 at rank 7 is not recommended.

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Hi, many Warlocks have confirmed that Theurge’s growth is:

Level - Hits/Spirit - Total Hits
1 - 2 - 10
2 - 2 - 10
3 - 3 - 15
4 - 3 - 15
5 - 4 - 20

So at level 15, Theurge should be at:
15 - 9 - 45