Tree of Savior Forum

Frozen Alchemist build


I’m trying to piece together a Frozen Alchemist build…i like crafting and this will be my main

Any suggestions for my build below?

Alchemist Rank 7 Wizard>3x Cyro > 1x Sorcer > 2x Alchemist

you need frost pillar best cc skill ppl go cryo3 for this skill.
ice bolt not that good just put 1-3 point on it.
ice blast got nerf long time ago noone use it.
take sub zero shield(max).
and put 0 spr cuz sor summon drain sp by %.

btw don’t watch old clip from icbt it’s outdated.

You don’t need frost pillar. The only thing it really gets used in is earth tower for PVE. and i cant say i have ever seen it used in pvp.

But it is a decent skill.

frost pillar is hard cc for pvp blodletting and dispell scroll can prevent frezze but not the pull. i can’t find video for you but it’s work this way from my experience.

btw raise and gravity pole are hard cc too

so you can get cc all day with this build

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This is a screen shot of someones class choices, what am i supposed to be seeing here?

Also the freeze dosnt matter because PD is a thing. so basically its a pull on a 49 sec cd. So once again it has some worth but i feel ranks could be better spent.

she rank 9 pvp on ktos and no other better skill in cryo3 to spent. that’s all

Where do you see her rank in that photo. Also there are wizards ranked higher then 9 (quite a few) and they dropped a cryo rank in favor of warlock.


warlock is dps class
cryo/phycho is support class
not many ppl love to play support but little damage and cc from support class still op in pvp.

Not really physco is dps as well and cryo is defensive not support, and those groupings are a joke in the first place in this game but


Is a way more common build and it also has a number of players out performing rank 9 so logically the trade off should be a improvement. And when you look at how much damage you are gaining for giving up a 49 sec cd pull, it just seems like there is no contest.

Once again i think frost pillar is okay, but i also think there is better available.

oop I forgot damage from icewall + phycho combo

I understand your point but this game have many possible build you can do what you want or what you think you like most. if you follow other build you will end up playing class that you don’t like and will reroll lol.

for me if i play worlock i’ll go wiz…>chro2>wl

Well im not saying anyone has to follow the build, but currently pending more balance changes, there are optimal builds for pvp. And IF the op is a min maxer type that is what hell want.

But who knows maybe hes just interested in PVE he hasn’t really said lol.

oop i think we both offtopic hahaha first reply for he and the rest I just discuss with you about how worth frost pillar is.(i’m confused = =)

If he want to go cry3 just pick frost pillar this skill good on pvp and pve(in dungeon)
but since he go alc I think he don’t mind pvp/pve thing.

I’d go, for alchemist:

Wiz > Pyro > Linker 2 > Sorc > Alche2


Wiz > Pyro 2 > Linker 2 > Alche2


Wiz > Cryo 3 > Sorc > Alche2

number 1 and 2 are very good for grinding ant taking you up to the levels where you get alchemist.

Number 3 is mostly for people who want alche and don’t like pyro too much, it’s up to you but this seems much worse than the above, as link is awesome for solo and party content and pyro damage is much better than cryo’s, though you’d not have the cc.

I say lose the Sorc. It’s only nice if you can get it to c2. Add a psychokino instead and build it like:

Wiz> Cryo > Psycho > Cryo2 > Cryo3 > Alche1 > Alche2

It will be a much easier leveling experience and has some PVP potential

thanks for answers ^^

Yes, you can also do that, but I’d go Sorc as you’d be able to do some AFK farm (not sure if it’ll be possible though)

I have no idea what you should do on Sorcerer and your picks on Alchemist are ok.

I like this for Wiz>Cryo3

I can’t guarantee it’s the best way to go, i’m just saying that i would pick these.

Gust lvl1 should be more than enough, the remaining 9 points better put in Frost Pillar (a must at 5) and Ice Wall (pref) or Ice Bolt.

On a second look, i agree on Gust but strongly disagree on Frost Pillar, 4 skill points for 4 seconds? You can get a better deal leveling up other stuff.

What will be more efficient in you opinion then?