Tree of Savior Forum

From 53277 players peak to less than 17k and BOTS are still farming in hordes

I’d guess it’s the same as “HUE”, but applied to Argentinians. :grin:

what bots are you talking about lmao? there are little to none bots on klaipeda, and all they do is sit in crystal mines all day. TOTALLY impairing my gaming experience. totally.

I’d screenshot my bot blocklist, actually record it because it’s faster than posting around 5-10 screenshots for the full list.
Is that enough for you white knight problem deniers?

dina bee farm is full of chaplain bots and afk sorcs
in klap

1 random section
ch1 chaplain bot
ch2 afk sorc
ch3 actual person trying to grind
ch4 chaplain bot
ch5 afk sorc
ch6 chaplain bot

its funny because the ch1 bot was different the day before, it was a male chaplain and it would channel surf
this other day the bot was a female chap and didnt channel surf at all
i went into its lodge for lols and it had 2 chars one was a level 14 archer and 1 was the chaplain

other random sections have 2 or 3 of each

if you are on klapedia just go to dina bee farm and u will find a bot in less than 2 minutes


Currently trying to get Temple Slave Mage Gem, 1 up to 5 bots on each channel at Mochia forest. I saw 2 real players in 5k kills on 2 days…

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oh look the bots are in demon prison 2 too lmao

TerA was the biggest failure.

Up to this day they still sell recycled mounts in diff colored variations because thats the only hot thing in the item mall aside from the P2W lockboxes, lets highlight En Masse’s screw ups:

  • Bought the game (Two founder accounts)

  • Got a frost lion mount, and a whole bunch of other stuff along with headstart access, reserved IGN*, etc

  • The difference between CBT and OBT/Headstart was, the level cap was 32, it was increased to 60 with the exact same content the game had in CBT

  • The hype was real, everyone maxed out in like a week (some chick got to level 60 in 8 hours due to a mining/gathering exploit but she wasnt banned she got to keep her prime title)

  • Game had its share of players coming and going, they had to merge because their servers were EMPTY after a few months

  • Everyone that preordered the game, that was founder and reserved their name, had their name TAKEN due to merge forcing most players EVEN FOUNDERS to rename their characters, this pissed off ALOT of people including me

  • The First players of each job class to level 60 on their particular servers, all lost their prime titles after the Merge, i bet they were pissed too.

  • The game developed its share of Elitists bastards, far worst than the idiots camping Dullahan on TOS, if your not a certain iLVL, you cant go to dungeons they will auto boot you, and theres no way you can get your iLVL up without doing dungeons to get better equips, or buying off the marketplace

  • The launch of En Masse’s item mall shop featured lockboxes full of master enigmatic scrolls, and recycled mounts (different color, different variation… but hey! i thought the founders frost lion mount was exclusive? nope… theres a gold lion mount that is 2x faster running speed on sale for blah blah.)

  • Last straw for me was, every 20 ~ 30 seconds, 18 ~ 20 hours a day for several weeks/months, you see announcements of BLAH BLAH successfully enhanced +12 masterwork this and that, and before you know it everyone on the server is level 60 with full masterwork everything, not only did En Masse ruin the economy, they went full blown P2W while successfully screwing over all their founders.

Please do NOT say TerA is a good game, you obviously DON’T know nothing about the game and its history, they destroyed that game much worst than IMC is doing to TOS


I also bought Tera for the founders and played quite a bit… biggest achievement was finally killing Queen on hard mode.

Everything you said here including the elitism is so true… I even lost my character name during the server merge even though I PAID to rename my character to that name lol. On top of that besides just spamming Queen and dying over and over again to retarded server lag issues, you could farm for the lowest, most time consuming drop rates ever woop woop.

Part of me wishes Tera would have been more… sorta the same disappointment I’m struggling with in Tree of Savior =/

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You do know tera failed hard core in 2012. It was p2p and go f2p to have some players. As f2p it did ok but then started do borderline content.

Your gay mother in closed beta.

Don’t you guys just hate every MMORPG (publisher)?

Even if his mother was gay, why is that a problem that can be used as an ‘insult’?

As a joke for me😄
People need stop this beta bs and political correctness bs.

Blizzard is ok.
SE is ok.

I see. But you realized that those two companies have millions of $ and thousands of employees available, right?

just like trump

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

you forgot to factor things like the registration is closed, so no new players and alot of botters are lying low because of the mass banning.

Laying low my a-s-s. They are making a fuss in the forum along with whiny kids. I hardly see any constructive things here in the forum, only doomsayers