Tree of Savior Forum

FPS ultra low in Tree of Savior

Date and Time : 09/01/2018 - 19:00

Server Name: Silute

Team Name: Leogolas

Today my FPS has dropped from 40 to 0.03. My game is crashing, I can not walk and the game crash complete. Until a few hours ago the game was running all right. Out of nowhere, when I was in Klaipeda, it started with that. I’ve rebooted the computer, recovered the files through Steam, moved in the settings and nothing works.


Same thing happening to me.

Date and Time: 01/10/2018 - 8:30 AM EST

Server Name: Silute(SA)

Team Name: Habsburgg

Character’s Name: Asmoria, Aerolitos, Klaus.

Bug description: After I select the server, move in to Lodge and, finally, select character to play, the loadscreen stucks. If I wait for a few, the screen goes all blank. Waiting a few more, the thing load completelly, but the FPS is VERY LOW (0.03) and the MS is ULTRA HIGH (30000.00 +).

Already tried to repair the Client on Steam, unninstall and reinstall the game, but nothing works.
This is the ScreenShot 1:

Cara isso é perigoso pro processador e placa de vcs, capaz de queimar, tenham cuidado… nao insiste muito ate a imc tomar posição disso…

Check the general forum discussion, there is a hook64 exploit. You guys mght have been a victim. There is an addon to fix it, called unfreeze.