Tree of Savior Forum

Founder pack price increase?

I see. I looked up the minimum wage in a few of those countries and it is much lower.

Technically though, they still were paying half of what I’m paying when you convert it to USD. I can see why people are upset though.

I’m not sure if i would pay it either if i made that much. They might have to wait until it goes F2P.


Hello Mr. Ethan. From my perspective, here’s just a few things I could see from your response.

First of all, you upped the prices to discourage bots from signing up more accounts right? Well whoopeedoo, here’s the bomb: In 8 days time (I doubt you guys can come up with a state-of-the-art world class anti-bot-hack system in 8 days), bots can sign up FOR FREE! :wink:

Next, I guess we can foresee the soon-up-and-coming-near-in-the-future closing of the Telsiai SEA server right? As a SEA player, I can tell you, at your current TP prices, 70% of us will not be able to afford such exorbitant prices, with our current salary (i assume 99% of the rich businessmen do not have time to play your game, otherwise they wouldn’t be rich with the amount time you need to spend in here). Yes, blame our economy, too bad, boo-hoo. You can probably see a decline of at least 60-80% in purchase of TP from the SEA region (probably with exception to Singapore), hence no income comes from our region, there wouldn’t be a reason for you guys to maintain a SEA server anyway right? RIP Telsiai, have a good day. Non-SEA players, can still enjoy, it’s okay for them :slight_smile:

Just my opinion, but so far, most of your actions to try to curb illegal gold selling and botting activities is doing nothing but screwing us legit players who’re just trying to enjoy your game. Players who’re actually passionate about ToS to purchase a Founder’s package to play it earlier (not F2P players). Your Market and trading restrictions are doing nothing. I still see RAMPANT goldselling on the shout channel going on 24/7 AS WELL AS in-town SPAMMING of LOCAL CHAT.

Here’s a piece of advice for ya, how 'bout actually GOING TO THE ROOT SOURCE of the problem? Fix the BOTS, not FIX the RESULT OF BOTS. Invest in a good anti-bot system, and not try to curb the illegal activities (such as gold selling, etc) that RESULT FROM BOTTING. NO BOTS = NO GOLD SELLER. Being able to cut down like 50% of the bots is going to have MUCH MORE EFFECT than all your current market restrictions that’s close to HAVING NO EFFECT AT ALL.

Thank you very much for your consideration and reading all this.

A Disgruntled Player (from IMC’s management, not the game itself)


agree , think the same

Regional pricing would make sense in B2P games without micro transactions. F2p + micro transactions and regional pricing? I call that BS.
You basically get your friends(from other regions) to buy cheap for you and trade.


dude, ALL games in steam use this price, ALL MMORPGS use it, why ppl think its something made just for TOS loool

I want to ask people stop comparing only income.
I pay $10-$30 for a meal, think about how much you pay for your meal. Thanks.

I understand the price is a bit high in terms of purchase power, but it’s not that high if you consider how much you can buy with $10 and how much US people can buy with $10.


The amount of players in any F2P game that spend money on the cash shop is extremely small and it’s typically those with more money that spend it. Then of course you have the whales who make up the biggest portion.

So in reality this likely wouldn’t affect long term TP sales at all.

It remained the same price for me as well, and I pay in euros, so ya’ll just got away cheap when you purchased it for half price.

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40% huh? What dark hole did you pull that number from? 40% of people who bought TP for 75% - 90% off is nothing.

Pretty much any successful mmo that has made millions. Refer to Nexon.

equally so if its equal then they should based it on regional price so its fair for us to get lower price because of our economy or for being a third world country.

you guys can get the game for just working a few hours

while us in third world have to work for like 10 days 8-12 hrs every work schedule for the week.

you think thats fair?

i dont know how much you guys get per hour but us we need to work for 10 days

$365 every 2 weeks deduct the cost of living and expenses and the only thing left would be like $10.

Completely agree. I spend an average of $50 every week on groceries. That doesn’t even include breakfast and lunch which I eat at work Mon-Friday for a weekly average of probably $35 (and now that I’ve actually done the math for that I’m probably going to start bringing lunch to work so I can save money on that, because it’s a lot). I spend a ton just to feed myself and people are complaining about paying a one time purchase for a game they will never need to spend money on again if they don’t want to? Come on.

Umm, lots of people including me were planning to buy 2 more packs when prices go down at April 21st. If you raise prices like this, they won’t buy those packs and your company will lose money.

So I hope prices would return to their original state till the end of the Exclusive Access.

Why not just ban accounts who abuse regional pricing trick instead? At least return regional prices for 1 or 2 days when sales start so those who waited for it can buy their packs.

If it’s just few days than botters won’t be able to abuse it too much, especially with new bot report tool.

They are mad about TP pricing.
But, fail to see the reasoning behind it.

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“To protect the economy inside the game, let’s destroy the economy of our players outside the game.”

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Nope. If you are in a third world and can’t afford it you really shouldn’t be buying TP in the first place. You need to figure out your life first.

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Im not against removing regional prices BUT why you did it so QUIETLY?

Why you didn’t announced that? Those, who wanted to buy some packs later. You could gave us atleast few days before this implementation.

I feel cheated now.

Bring back those prices untill F2P launch. And only then - remove it. That would be FAIR.


That is not the answer to avoid payment system abusers or bots, you’re just assuming that regions with lower prices are the problem but, first of all R$90,00 (old price) is not and never was a “low price” here in Brazil, in fact I can buy GTA V and The Witcher 3 with this amount.

Second, that payment system abusers was a failure on your/steam payment system, doesn’t matter if it happened on Brazil, on a poor country or USA the tragedy would be exactly the same. Assuming that is the lower prices is really a desperate move.

If increasing price is the only one way you can handle this situation, this game should not be announced for free at all, you’re gonna get some major problems when this game officially launches.

I’m really ashamed that people of my country did this payment system abusers, but punishing the rest of the country and other countries as well it’s not the right answer IMC, like I said, “lower” prices was not the reason for that and could be happened in any country.

I was looking for buy the Founder Access 2 at 21/04, I even already paid the amount on my Steam Waller for that but now I’m afraid that I can’t not buy the Founder Access 3, the lowest one (If it ever comes back).

Also sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.


I bought the founder pack 1. My doubt is: if I buy any other pack again, on 04/21, in the same steam acc, will I receive the tp’s and prizes? Or I have to create another steamacc and then a new team to receive? There were ppl saying it wasnt possible if u already bought one, then u would have to create another steam acc. Can someone confirm that? ‘-’ thank

Just a comparison mate, let’s say 100USD and RM100.


  • Meal x3 = $30
  • TOS = $50
  • Some other stuff = $20
    TOTAL: $100


  • Meal x3 = RM30
  • TOS = RM180
    TOTAL: -RM110

See the difference? Not trying to compare who’s paying more etc, just trying to note that if prices are too expensive, people just simply won’t be able to afford it. When people can’t afford it, they don’t get income, hence there won’t be a place for SEA players soon if this goes on. No income = no point keeping that server alive if it’s not generating good money. You guys won’t be affecting ofc, it’s just us.