Tree of Savior Forum

Founder pack price increase?

its better if they dont apply the 30% off starting this 21st april. just make the price as usual. everyone will be happy to purchase em. the 30% discount still cost more than the usual price we knew.

Might have to do with the adjustments and fixes around the steam payment service abuse which allowed to buy the packs basically “for free”. I don’t think they’re trying to “scam” you guys…

This is fukin joke. The price double since the 30% discount are coming on the 21st. IMC think we are dumb sorry we are not.

Seems likely. So far it looks like it only increased for countries that benefited from steams regional pricing.

Yeap, elimination of Steam regional pricing.

Some of you guys maybe raging right now, but I think it is intended for fair play. Mind you, I m from somewhere with regional pricing -50%.

Looks like TP is going to be sold in the form of DLC packs and this unpopular move of “fair play” which is fairly understandable IMHO or else people will be using VPN to abuse the regional pricing to buy TP at the lowest price.

Also, this may also promote regional servers such as Indonesia SEA server as they may cater with lower TP pricing.


If only there was no consumption for the botters’ supply, we would not have these problems most likely. I hope the price increase is due to mistake which could occur when they temporarily disabled the DLC 3.

Still the same here.


Exactly what I thought. They seemed to have removed steam’s regional pricing. Good thing I bought mine before the changes.

90, not 99

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Let me do some math
On Brazil access 1 was R$90 and now R$170.
Increased price in 90%.
On 21 April will get a discount off 30% price go to R$119.

In fact who don’t bought EA pack 1 waiting for the “discount”, will pay 33% more.

IMC said 100 TP = $9
On Steam regional price problably 100 tp = R$20
Now 100 TP = R$31
Increased more than 50%


actually ppl will just not spend money on the game, or buy from goldsellers, nobody will pay that price

i was planning to buy DLC 1 next week but i won’t anymore. buuut i have 10 tokens stocked so ill be playing AT LEAST 10 months without spend anything. a lot of BR’s will do the same, nobody will pay that price, but ppl will still play in Steam server, this means, the cost for IMC will be the same, but they won’t get anything from us


It was ฿899 before then… Why double it? Too expensive than darksoul3 right now. So sad…
If price like this… almost all thai players post in community. they cannot afford to buy with this price…


well if i knew that id buy pack 1 yesterday, now i probably won’t spend mony cus its too expensive

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and i was about to buy access two COUGH . RESET COUGH COUGH

Hi Ethan,

But no matter how you put it, once you increase the price on something most people specially the ones who benefited from the lower price will not be happy about it. I do suggest to have a workaround rather than let us players (FOUNDERS) suffer from the lack of bot countermeasure.

Sincerely yours.

let us at least buy the founders packs for the regional price lol

It hasn’t changed at all for $USD, it’s still $50/30 for us, it seems they removed regional pricing so you guys are paying your equivalency of your currency to USD.

To me, it just means the rest of you guys are paying the same price as me now. I don’t actually see this as a price increase.


I understand that, but I think you guys should say something before the changes, I was waiting the 30% discount to buy the Founder’s Pack 1, and now with 30% is going to be more expensive. I should bought before. And now I wont buy it.


pretty bad decision @STAFF_Ethan

never made an announcement just straight up changed the price.

you guys just did what other company did. from $30 to $45 then made a discount to look like $30.

example would be GTA V. from $60 original they up the price by $20 i think and made a discount to become $60 and the $20 discount was an in-game cash for online use which pretty much fk up the users.

imc will spend the same money, but will get A LOT less from the places that use regional price, this means a lot of free players = less mony = less mony to stop bots = more ppl buying from RMT = stuff