Tree of Savior Forum

Forum restrictions are maddening

I’ve been here for a while but I have been mostly lurking offline. Decided to ask a question and found out I had to wait for it to be approved. Okay, took around 6-8 hours to be approved, whatever. Now I’ve read that the forums weren’t always like this( but I didn’t know since I never posted earlier) and it probably had something to do with the ■■■■ pics a certain user posted.

As I’m posting this I currently have another post that has already been pending for 22 hours. This is beyond ridiculous. How is this restriction supposed to encourage participation when your comment or post might not even be relevant(or be late/repeat of statements others have said) by the time it gets approved. This will turn off any kind of new poster thinking about replying or asking a question. It’s like having locked-in syndrome. I’m not even that new here so at least have a less restricting user level for lurkers or something. I’ve since started lurking online to have statistics that I was here.

I understand that this is an anti-spam measure but this isn’t the right way to go about it. What’s a forum where you can’t speak without a mod here 24/7. If anything, modding should be done after the post, not before. But seeing as how my post haven’t been approved for almost a day, it’s likely that they don’t have man-power towards the forum and don’t want things to get out of control when it’s unmodded.

Let’s see how long it takes for this to get approved. Timestamped at 10:08AM PST.



And that restriction does seem ridiculous; I joined the forums something like 10 days ago (evidently way, way later than you), so after getting two or three posts ‘‘pending’’ for about 20 hours each, the restriction was lifted and I’ve been able to post normally since.
I’d be really confused if you still weren’t able to post after this, though, since it looks like your account’s been greenlit.

Well its a fact that IMC has left this forum on its own until the next iCBT starts. So basicly, you have to live by the pendings and expect a lot of trolling and flaming in each topic. Not to mention spam.

The fact that there were other “basic users” posting meant either a mod was approving each and all of their posts, or they were posting freely. This led me to think: In the 1st case, why were my posts unapproved while others were being approved, and in the 2nd case, why could they post freely and I can’t? Either way led me to think my account was somehow flagged although it doesn’t explain why I had 1 post approved before this. Since basic forum functions weren’t working I came to the conclusion that I won’t be able to reach the mods through the forums and sought help in the tosbase discord chat. And as you can see, it seems now all my posts were approved and I’m free of the pending curse. Can’t say the same for others though.

Did you completed your Profile, i dont know if it have anything to do with the restrictions, but since i dont know it might be the problem, never know if the forum system might think you are a bot trying to post stuff and didnt even modify the profile yet, dont need to fill all up, what i did here is just put an avatar and my main profile page image, ah and i turned off the email notifications since i dont want spam on my email lol.

We should have more moderators here to lock/exclude things. Too many useless topics being created by new users (I am not talking about this one).

In the last 10 hours we got like 40 new topics, where at least 35 were made by people who joined in Oct. and are about things that were discussed already (search function yay?) or are just plain useless to increase their post count or something.

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The thing is the forums will actually tell you at the moment you create a topic if that topic already exists. So people are just making threads even though they know the topic already exists for the sake of spamming. And since there’s no active mods, they can get away with it.

Yea and well, the moment i posted a topic on this issue that the forums require more moderation I got a lot of flame and spam in the topic. The users who enjoy the constant spam / troll / flame culture will defend it, sadly tho it’s an increasing problem everywhere in the internet. Admins should really start growing some balls fast and start cleaning the games and forums up like they used to - with the good ol’ ban hammer. :smiley:

I just recently joined the forum properly, though I’ve been a long time lurker of the site. Up until this morning, I had posts pending for nearly 3 days. I’m guessing the moderator(s) were not on duty over the weekend. It was unfortunate as I was unable to participate actively. When I did try, of course, I was met with an approval pending message.

That being said, I’m thankfully passed that now, as restless as I was. I would prefer if newcomers in the future didn’t have to wait that long, especially since I’ve not seen a forum system handle new members that way before.

Yeah well im not gonna say about others but i was on your post, and yeah, my statement there still valid from my PoV, if people dont have a drop of intelligence to look in the News/Unread tabs then they will defenetly spam, like the case with the scam sites.

I honestly dont see the need right now of mods, the forum keep new pots on 2 parts which anyone with a just simple click look at all the new topics and unread topics without going to all kinds of pages to find it, unlike other forum systems, for example, forum, to find my posts i have to go to my profile to find them, in here i got a drop down menu that show me my last posts with answers or likes, there you have to look at each section to see what was posted lately, here its all condensed in one page.

Now i ask, what else you people want? Someone to read for you?

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I too am a lurker, started following tos a few days before icbt1. I enjoy reading other people’s topics as opposed to starting my own since they usually address my concerns/interests. Like a week ago i started my own topic to get some cleric info and quickly lost interest in responding since creating/replying took about 24hrs each time.

I wonder if its something that got triggered after the next iCBT beta announcement that caused the forums to get slow and buggy due to the many registrations made, maybe its a spam prevention turned on or something. I hope someone from IMC come take a look. Im not having problems but i see many are.

I would think it’s something like. Separating spam accounts to get a key vs legit forum accounts

I seriously don’t think the delay in posting has anything to do with the distribution of beta keys. Since you don’t even need to access the forums to be able to get a betakey. It’s just a system that has been set to defend the forums against spambots. But since theres no active mods on the forum, the system isnt working very well.

I agree. My posts were pending for 3 days. lol

In nowhere i said a thing about beta keys being distributed, i said the boom of accounts being created since the last annoucement, which would have something to do with a anti-spam in case there is one, not only on forums but on the forum host also.

Yeah i know many people are expenriencing this pending posts, i dont know if its affecting people that are around the forums for longer time than the ones that started those 2 last months.

I should’ve used the reply command here, the post was meant to be for Addiktion. Sorry about the mix up.

I made my forum account Aug 5th and never posted until recently. Thankfully I can now post without waiting for a moderator to approve them. I do think that this forum security is way overboard though.

No problem, i didnt saw the other post too since i was just following the current ones so its my fault too.

Honestly i think its fine the way it is, since we could start to get those spam bots we see on other forums.

Where do you win with the spam issue,really?

People get the same old comments when they make a duplicate or spam topic,but also get a comment when they bump an old thread on the same issue.You can’t keep the same really old threads alive for an entire MMO site’s lifespan,so eventually you’re going to see and have to deal with new threads on same subjects.It’s just a part of the cycle.

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