Tree of Savior Forum

Forum restrictions are maddening

Well i dont see it being bad on creating another topic where it was discussed on other that died like 1 or more month ago, but when you get 2 or more in a span of 1 to 2 days start to get annoying.

Like many lurkers here, Iā€™m a long time lurker, first time poster.(Not sure I can really call myself a ā€œlong time lurker eitherā€, as Iā€™m talking a few months here)

This is by far one of the most out there spam prevention methods I have seen.(If that is even what the ridiculous wait times are for)

Praise be! :laughing:

Im starting to think that theres a post limit before these restrictions are lift up.

@nando20xx there is.

If IMC didnā€™t change the ways to become a member then this should show you how to get to member.

Basically be active for 15 days and reply to at least 3 different topics. Be nice to other forum members to get a like. Donā€™t beg since youā€™ll just get flagged instead of getting a like and read up on both old and new posts that interest you by using the search button.

Summary, just be active for 15 days doing what is right and you are ok. lol pretty much what i did, but in my case iā€™ve been active since i registered.

Post a nice meme, if it makes me laugh, Iā€™ll like it :^)