Tree of Savior Forum

Forum Reputations?

That attitude is why I enjoy your posts. :slight_smile:

Do you mean my ā€œattention newcomersā€ thread which got deleted? I never got to see his reply as I was busy IRL

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I did tag hkkim several times, even in that thread.
He never replied, no one important ever replied and just deleted it.
Brushing issues under the mop as always, they didnā€™t even mention a fix for server capacity bug in the patch notes.


I see trolls everywhere.

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Everyone is cool in my eyes, but i cant stand the trolls and hatersā€¦ you know who you are.

There a lot of haters here, and idiots, that explain why some of them has a lot of ass kissers and likes.

uhh I really respect translators like Spadow and Gwenyth and WatchGintama.

I also love the artist community, s/o to


Among others for the beautiful art and being wonderful people in general yes

Also Sixaxis for that one time I found you in a mission and you seemed like a cool guy with a zombie factory. And chillcross for being a generally good guy from forums and that one deep and totally meaningful time we spoke ingame (hey youā€™re that guy!).


Oshit itā€™s dat boi, Chill. Donā€™t worry, my Priest is catching up. Only reason I said that was because I'm still below your Chrono, aaaaaa

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Wow thatā€™s a surprising tag! Didnā€™t expect my name!

Well respect for the translators like every said some people I talk on the forum!
Like @Rob-Mar @Imouto @Takemi @Epten from the same thread.
And other people that were already tagged like Melon or Moonspring.

As for bad reputation, I would say @Masaya.

Edit: Btw Iā€™m out of likes for today so I canā€™t like anything. Sorry.


Why is this one of my favorite threads? Wait, I think I can probably answer that myself. I think it has to do with the fact, even though we all might not see eye to eye on things, weā€™re here for mostly one reason. We enjoy Tree of Savior and want to see it at itā€™s best. (Although best is subjective)

A lot of times you will see the same names day-in/day-out either complaining about something, or offering a different approach to the said problem. Sometimes a logical thought.

Why did I spout off all the random garbage that you probably donā€™t care about? Because those same names you see all the time, have made these forums (at least) into a community. And that is why I love Halloweeā€¦ Er this Thread. It shows.

Throws on Beak Mask


Iā€™m mostly disliked in these forums due to my blunt personalityā€¦Ranting upsets me so much for some reason. :relaxed:

@chillcross and @Melon are two of the very few people that I actually enjoy reading their posts.

I havenā€™t seen @MagicTart, @Moonspring and @thebloodyaugust posting much lately but those also provide posts enjoyable to read.


Works had me away a lot and most places i go donā€™t have wifi. So when i am around i mostly just spend my time in off topic now, given up on trying to correct people lol.


Yay a shout out!

No i didnt leave, i just got a little annoyed with all the constant complaining on the forum so instead of arguing i just played and minding my own business.


I am a true Big Shot, I am the supreme Big Shot of this forum

guess i shouldnt limit my trolling to swordsman then :smiley:

finally i see the guy who is Haseo :slight_smile:


Tri edgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


This should be in off topic section.

Donā€™t be hatinā€™ man.