Tree of Savior Forum

Forum Reputations?

IMO thanks to this guys for roasting toxic kids in this forum.



I just lolā€™d irl. Thanks!


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good: someone who is helpful, nice, and is well known aorund the forums fr being cool. like melon.

bad: someone who makes troll threads, or is always in an arguement, like siete

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There, fixed cause it seem I have a pair of what you have none :sunglasses:


I try to stay logical, which makes me also sound like a controlled cynic. To me, Iā€™ve experienced far worse in terms of management from both private server crews and actual representatives of companies.

@Melon is a kind soul. Would not surprise me one bit if Melon stays until either the ship sinks or until the promised land comes. It sort of softly motivates me to stick around. @scarethemonkeys knows whatā€™s up as well.

I also find myself agreeing with @SlyGoat and @Gringe quite abit.

And as for hateā€¦I donā€™t think I actually hate anyone- Itā€™d be petty as hell to do. People may piss me off and this forum may be the cause of many a tumor, but everyone here seems to have atleast a glimmer of hope because they keep bothering to come back on to check on the game. No matter their disposition.


i have obvious haters and i have obvious fans
they tend to be the exact same people from each thread

@nuclearmissile and @haukinyau have contests between who likes my posts the most though

nuclear is winning atm

a significant amount of my hater club is in this thread actually lol
i wonder which one of you made @IMCISGREED >>

37 people agreed that imc is the biggest troll

i am getting a de ja vu from this thread

i believe my last response to a thread like this was

ā€˜ā€™ i am a strong independent black woman and i donā€™t need no man ā€˜ā€™ā€™

shout out to @extrinsicality for breaking the game and selling the hacks for 6$ a month

and shout out to @FlanFlan for entertaining me before she quit

shout out to @Avidity for being dumb enough post a video of them botting in front of a GM and then complaining they got banned for no reason

shout out to @PrinceMark @furkingbustar and @KaiserX for being the original hater club but then quitting or getting banned or w/e, i donā€™t know how/why you vanished

shout out to Warrock for his slick moves on the women in the forums
and his stupidass backstab build

obviously someone agrees with me on something

even the staff got my back


I totally donā€™t hate anyone, though I do get frustrated sometimes with other usersā€¦ but thatā€™s part of being an online community.

@IMCisGreedy makes me giggle sometimes
@melon is a sweetie
@chillcross sometimes reminds me of things I forget and is actually someone I donā€™t mind discussing things from opposing standpoint with
@sixaxis just because my repeated requests for bokor advice were met with enthusiasm.

Thereā€™s a lot of other people but itā€™s 10:30pm and Iā€™ve had a long day so Iā€™ll stopā€¦

oh and @meatball for giving great threads on hunter


@Melon and @Rabbit are my two favorites :slight_smile: <3 u two.

and theres like 2-3 people on these forums that dont like me, the only person i can remmeber the name of is @SlyGoat, no matter what i say, he always finds a way to disagree.

theres 1 guy that has an anime person as his profile pic, not nearly as attractive as my profile pic though :wink:

also @scarethemonkeys seems to be the PD of these forums lol, cleansing it of all evil


you got hate mail for agreeing with me? XD

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In all fairness, I donā€™t keep up with half the crap in this forum and your optimism is quite outstanding as well. I only know what I know. I can be wrong, but I accept that.


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Yeahā€¦ @Gwenyth is a hero. And the other people at the github that help with the translations.


I see @lolilicker and @gwenyth= automatic like.


No no no! I forget what I agreeā€™d with you on, but that like, never happens. It did at some point today. I just canā€™t remember on what.

The Hate Mail was from some random kid Iā€™ve never seen before. New forumā€™er. Made me laugh. Had mean things to say all-around.

My ā€œmainā€ (use that term loosely) is a PD Lol.

Bottom line is; I donā€™t really dislike, or hate anyone on these forums. I may not agree with you at all times, but thatā€™s the glory of opinions. Iā€™ve been called everything in the book, but at the end of the day; itā€™s a book I close and have a laugh about.

I like @IMCisGreedy posts, no homo


i love @IMCisGreedy, full homo


thanks random peeps

also shoutout to

@renanforsaken2 for being the bait poster that no one mentioned

donā€™t worry i still remember you


All of these mentions are giving me power.

I already know the lolicon and lolilicker stages, but now I am becoming an ascended lolilicker. \o/


For me it depends on whether you are funny in a particular post or not. But you are right, most people are too obviously polarized/biased (good or bad) towards others posts.
For me you earned to be called a good person because you are not too serious (close-minded), and post funny things sometimes.

As for my list of good and bad:
my memory is really bad, but I usually make it clear enough anyway whether I think someone is a good or a bad person. :stuck_out_tongue: