Tree of Savior Forum

Forum Reputations?

This whole forum is 98% off-topic.

Im rather happy im not even mentioned at all

But im secretly fan of Melon and Nekorin :upside_down:

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this thread is stupid as hell. When you people say stop making doomsday posts, how about you stop making these useless posts also?

Stop replying to useless post, thanks. your input is not needed.

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I just want to make a shoutout to @Hilsun for always agreeing with me.

Also, for who I hate, effe that @Hilsun guy. What an arrogant jerk.


these threads arent needed also :smiley:

thanks, your input isint needed also, as i dont give a fk :smiley:

Na they are good for the community. Whats the good for the community is good for the forums. :wink:

Edit: Coming from the guy who cried about Stat Reset potions. It’s obvious you give to much a f’ck. :smiley:

good for the comunity? this community is rotten as fk, what are you talking community? and how does this help the community? as you are just naming people you think is cool lmao, you guys are all a bunch of fags on a forum kissin ass lmao

Edit: im not so bored to go look at your profile to see what type of posts you made just to make a point hahahaha, man get a life.

I’ll agree that most of the community is rotten as f’ck. I’m speaking to one of those rotten apples right now. I remembered you, you made a complete ass of yourself. Just double checked so I wasn’t accusing someone of being a complete asshat.

Get a life he says. “Let me hop into a relatively decent thread and try to big a big meanie!” Well done sir, well done.


I made an ass outof myself because I feel cheated by IMCs sh,itty policy? Hahahah Welcome to 2016 where the only thing you can do in gaming industry is kiss ass like you guys? NO THANKS!!!

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Welcome to 2016 generation Entitled. You wear the badge proud son!

I will, you should get IMC KISSIING A.SS badge and wear it proudly dude, you really deserve it!

If that’s all you got brother. Sure I’m kissing IMC’s ass for calling you a complete douchebag. Good rebuttal.

lmao ure kissing as.s because anything anyone says agains IMC you reply negatively and always in IMCS favour, stfu dude and stop kissing ass.

If you just linked me into the White Knight crowd, (not that you had any to begin with) you just lost all credibility. I reply with logic and common sense. Not hate for a video game then turn around and spend 500 more hours playing it.


did i ever say anything against this game? errrrr no? hahahaha i think you lost your credibility too dude.

I posted how im mad and felt cheated by IMC. So how about you double check again? lmaoo

It wasn’t about your post, it’s about your attitude towards the people who disagree with you. I’m a EA player who bought all 3 packs, then the 2 when they got discounted. Anywho, I’m done prattling back and forth with ya. Ready to play some ToS! Good luck bro!

Like @thebloodyaugust I don’t really post in discussions anymore. I stopped playing the game a while ago so I’m not bothered enough to reply. (even tho correcting is often needed)

As of recently I only visit the site for off topic.

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guess you wont play for another 30-40 mins lmao they extended dude. And yeah me too, im a founder with 4 founder packs, felt cheated when they did that stat potion reset give away. I thnik after spendin more than 150 euros on this game im fkin entitled to complain at IMC because I felt cheated by their policy and what did you reply in that thread? that ure fine with it! and kissin imc ass lmaoo dude get real seriously.

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