Tree of Savior Forum

Forum Reputations?

thanks random peeps

also shoutout to

@renanforsaken2 for being the bait poster that no one mentioned

don’t worry i still remember you


All of these mentions are giving me power.

I already know the lolicon and lolilicker stages, but now I am becoming an ascended lolilicker. \o/


For me it depends on whether you are funny in a particular post or not. But you are right, most people are too obviously polarized/biased (good or bad) towards others posts.
For me you earned to be called a good person because you are not too serious (close-minded), and post funny things sometimes.

As for my list of good and bad:
my memory is really bad, but I usually make it clear enough anyway whether I think someone is a good or a bad person. :stuck_out_tongue:

That attitude is why I enjoy your posts. :slight_smile:

Do you mean my “attention newcomers” thread which got deleted? I never got to see his reply as I was busy IRL

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I did tag hkkim several times, even in that thread.
He never replied, no one important ever replied and just deleted it.
Brushing issues under the mop as always, they didn’t even mention a fix for server capacity bug in the patch notes.


I see trolls everywhere.

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Everyone is cool in my eyes, but i cant stand the trolls and haters… you know who you are.

There a lot of haters here, and idiots, that explain why some of them has a lot of ass kissers and likes.

uhh I really respect translators like Spadow and Gwenyth and WatchGintama.

I also love the artist community, s/o to


Among others for the beautiful art and being wonderful people in general yes

Also Sixaxis for that one time I found you in a mission and you seemed like a cool guy with a zombie factory. And chillcross for being a generally good guy from forums and that one deep and totally meaningful time we spoke ingame (hey you’re that guy!).


Oshit it’s dat boi, Chill. Don’t worry, my Priest is catching up. Only reason I said that was because I'm still below your Chrono, aaaaaa

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Wow that’s a surprising tag! Didn’t expect my name!

Well respect for the translators like every said some people I talk on the forum!
Like @Rob-Mar @Imouto @Takemi @Epten from the same thread.
And other people that were already tagged like Melon or Moonspring.

As for bad reputation, I would say @Masaya.

Edit: Btw I’m out of likes for today so I can’t like anything. Sorry.


Why is this one of my favorite threads? Wait, I think I can probably answer that myself. I think it has to do with the fact, even though we all might not see eye to eye on things, we’re here for mostly one reason. We enjoy Tree of Savior and want to see it at it’s best. (Although best is subjective)

A lot of times you will see the same names day-in/day-out either complaining about something, or offering a different approach to the said problem. Sometimes a logical thought.

Why did I spout off all the random garbage that you probably don’t care about? Because those same names you see all the time, have made these forums (at least) into a community. And that is why I love Hallowee… Er this Thread. It shows.

Throws on Beak Mask


I’m mostly disliked in these forums due to my blunt personality…Ranting upsets me so much for some reason. :relaxed:

@chillcross and @Melon are two of the very few people that I actually enjoy reading their posts.

I haven’t seen @MagicTart, @Moonspring and @thebloodyaugust posting much lately but those also provide posts enjoyable to read.


Works had me away a lot and most places i go don’t have wifi. So when i am around i mostly just spend my time in off topic now, given up on trying to correct people lol.


Yay a shout out!

No i didnt leave, i just got a little annoyed with all the constant complaining on the forum so instead of arguing i just played and minding my own business.


I am a true Big Shot, I am the supreme Big Shot of this forum

guess i shouldnt limit my trolling to swordsman then :smiley:

finally i see the guy who is Haseo :slight_smile: