Tree of Savior Forum

[Forum Game] Hangman

Let’s play Hangman. Guess the letters. You get 6 wrong letter guesses before mister stick-man bites the dust!

Second Game:


_ A N _ E _ _ _.

(8 letters)
Hint: Knight.

Incorrect letters: R S

1st Game: Highlander! (Guessed by Kiyoshiro).
2nd Game: Avocado! (Guessed by LegendWyn).

Hmmm… How about… “X”?

Wrong! X is not a letter in the name. I don’t think any ToS classes even have X in them…

I know :stuck_out_tongue:
Okay getting serious now. How about “S”?

Wrong. S isn’t a letter in it either. Don’t you know how to play hangman?! Start with vowels, you fool!

Oh lol. Ok ok. Uhh…how about “A”? :unamused:

Why would anyone want to play hangman with someone so rude :frowning:


I don’t remember being rude.

Das rude, you don’t remember??

You mean ten letters? not 9?

Nah, I’m ok with that. I read and understood the part “you fool” in a comical way. :smile:

Doesn’t fit, so I won’t count it as incorrect.

Let’s try the letter “C” :o

How about Thaumaturg?


Thaumaturge doesn’t fit, sadly!

Ahh dayum! Thot I got it right…

Is it nine or ten letters? because you have 10 slots showing. :confused:

The word is ten letters long.

Then that’s where I made a mistake. :laughing:

Ok, I will take a guess with cryomancer? If not pyromancer…lol