Tree of Savior Forum

For those wondering about pyrokino

I tested it with two different Necromancers as party members. Their Dirty Pole blocked the Fireballs from being pushed by Psychic Pressure.

If you’re skeptical, test it yourself ^o.o^

As far as I’m concerned, Ice Wall, Dirty Pole and QS Pavise act as walls and stop Fireballs from being pushed.

Diev statues, to my knowledge, do not stop Fireballs.

Sometimes Fireballs get bugged and remain stationary on specific portions of a map. I have not figured out the recurring trend of this, so I don’t yet know what the cause is or how to use it effectively.

Edit: It should be noted that the Swap attribute (2 second stun after swapping) doesn’t seem to work for Fireballs, unfortunately.

It’s just me, or using telekinesis on enemies (mostly PvP) makes them invisible? I mean, sometimes they don’t get that CC which looks like getting hit by earthquake, but when they are CC’ed after using telekinesis their character just dissapears of the screen, or jumps to the other side of the map :S

Guys can you give me some opinions on my build?
for now my build is : wiz > pyro2 > link > psycho2 so what should i get for r7 and r8

Should i go for :
Psycho3 > sage
Necro2 for dp + fb + pp combo
Cryo2 for iw + fb + pp combo
Wiz3 for quick cast and surespell

Ty in advance

If you plan to primarily do bossing and don’t want to burn money on Linker scrolls, Linker C2 is a good option for magnifying the damage of pp + fireball combo.

Your other choices are also solid, but Psycho C3 might be unnecessary. Psyco C3 is really good if other Pyros and/or Pyrokinos are in your group, otherwise it seems overkill for general bossing (you’ll need more setup time to benefit from Psycho C3’s 19 PP targets, even with Sage duplicate).

Well i will be doing pve with a bit of pvp that’s why i considered going psy3 and is it really a good idea to go linker c2? I heard that you don’t get much benifit for taking c2.

If you were going Linker C2 for any other purpose besides PP combo, that statement might hold some water (because its only +3 targets), but what is important is that you get more ticks with PP + Fireball when they are linked.

I’m not 100% sure how IMC expects Links to work, but currently it is really strong for PP linked combo.

Right now at C1 you only get 50 Link hits. Assuming you have 4 Fireballs tied together, that’s 50/4 or about 12-13 ticks of PP on 4 Fireballs (at least that’s how I think Link is calculated). With C2, you would get 100/4 or 25 ticks on 4 Fireballs.

Someone with Linker can explain the benefits of Linker better, but since you already plan on going Linker C1 you may was well consider Linker C2 for more ticks.

The major downside of Linked fireballs is the extra lag and drop of fps when you use PP on linked Fireballs. I’ve literally crashed a couple of times when I used 6-8 Linked Fireballs and used PP on them ^o.o^

If IMC implements a class reset I was thinking of doing myself the first build you suggested, wiz - piro 2 - linker - kino 3 - sage. My playstyle is focused on CCing enemies, protecing my teammates, and trusting in them to do the damage, so IMO this path will be a supportive wizzy.

But if your main purpose is PvE, and you like to deal damage, I would go for Necro2, since it provides lot of damage and meatshield, which is actually pretty good for PvP aswell.

Sorta off topic question here but is necro c1 still good or do i really need c2 in order to be good?
and is necro still good without shoggoth cuz i dont like em :frowning:

No point really going necro 1 because 1. It doesnt have any CC and 2. Its damage is way too low after r8

You don’t go Necro C1 for its damaging skills, unless you’re a Linker.

Necro C1 is an option for Pyrokino builds because of Dirty Pole alone.

One of the major problems with PP + Fireball combo is the fact that Fireball gets pushed forward with each PP pulse. There are ways to mitigate this negative effect, but they are quite inconvenient/annoying:

  • You can curves the Fireballs around you by getting in an appropriate diagnol position from the fireballs with them slightly behind you and using PP while slowly rotating the control stick per pulse. This can get you 4-5 more pulses than normal, before the Fireballs are outside of PP range.

  • You can also simply push/set/swap Fireballs near a wall and PP them into the wall, but doing so reduces the number of potential targets you can hit with the pulses, and vastly limits where you can do the PP + Fireball combo, especially in wider areas.

  • If you have access to Joint Penalty, you can link Fireballs away from each other and try to pulse the main linked Fireball with the others. This can keep Fireballs that are linked together from drifting too far away from PP. However, you’re always limited by link-hits and the number of targets that can be linked, which means Linker C2/C3 is necessary, a steep 2-3 circle investment to keep a decent quantity of Fireballs in place as opposed to Cryo C1 or Necro C1

  • Cryo C1 is good, but is gated by a 65 second cooldown and 15 second duration. Assuming you have the opportunity to use PP off cooldown, it means having to wait 40 more seconds, where you could have cast PP again and had it on cooldown for another PP attack during the time you’re waiting for Ice Wall.

Dirty Pole offers a 100% uptime obstacle, which allows a Pyrokino more options of where to kill other grounded mobs on a map instead of simply relying on walls, steeper Linker investments, and/or Ice Wall’s 23% uptime.

Also, if Dirty Pole magnifies Fireball and/or Icewall missiles, that would be an additional reason to go Necro C1… but I am skeptical of whether or not it does magnify missiles generated from Fireball and/or Icewall.

Edit: I am not trying to say Cryo C1 is a bad option. Cryo C1 is still good and can help gate off enemies from accidentally burning Fireballs out. By the time Icewall is off cooldown, most of the Fireballs cast before Icewall was cast will be gone, and I’d assume no Fireballs are being generated during the Icewall duration to maximize its uptime. Since Icewall has a long cooldown, you could generate some Fireballs while its down (at least 4, and then +3-6 with duplicate). Assuming at least Pyro C2, relying on Cryo C1 while keeping Fireballs from being expended requires patience for Icewall to be active. After Icewall ends, you should expend the Fireballs within 8 seconds before generating new ones to maximize damage.

Hey, in pvp, can you use fire pillar, pick enemies up with telekinesis and hold them in the fire like a marshmallow? :slight_smile:

Pyrokino here and yup I do that all the time and it feels really really gewd hehehe

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Thats awesome. Makes me consider going pyro3>linker2>kino>sage instead of pyro3>linker3>sage. I guess ill have to decide if id rather be a little better at pvp or pve.

Taking a rank in kino might help in pve though too…

fb+pp is strong as long as you can pull it off I can manage to out dps meta classes in missions when there is no sw and a cleric who place sz near bosses

Even if there are meta classes such as dragoon, I won’t lie it’s hard to outdps a wugu, fletcher, dragoon, warlock or doppel, but you’d be surprised how many times I’ve (and probably every pyrokino has) done it even being lower level lol

So ive decided i will take a rank in kino. It has too much synergy with pyro to pass up.

I have a question though, how important is it to take kino 2 for the stun attribute on PP? Is the combo impossible to do in pvp/pve without the attribute?

My build right now is wiz>pyro2>linker2, nearing rank 6. i really wanted to take pyro3 and if i can get away with only taking 1 rank in kino and still be able to do the combo ill be happy.

One more question. This char is mainly for pve, but id like to pvp with it sometimes if i can. How much base health is enough to pvp with pyrokino?

You will mostly use the combo against bosses only, so just 1 circle is fine. But using PP as a single skill to farm will be basically impossible.

About 20k is the very least i would get for any of my characters to play PvP.

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I have a question though, how important is it to take kino 2 for the stun attribute on PP? Is the combo impossible to do in pvp/pve without the attribute?

Everytime I’ve done fireball+PP combo has been against enemies in Raise (kino 3) or I’ve used magnetic force (kino 2) + sleep before, you won’t have time to cast fireballs + pp if the enemy hasn’t a long CC already. That stun attribute gives a Kino it’s life (in PvP, for PvE you can still use it against high hp mob but being linker you shouldn’t have much problem).

One more question. This char is mainly for pve, but id like to pvp with it sometimes if i can. How much base health is enough to pvp with pyrokino?

I’m sitting around 22k hp and still having problems, mostly against archers, fletcher, wugu, or cannoneer can kill me pretty easy, it gets harder if they have cloaking due to this stupid invisibility system.

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video of pyrokino with agni

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I can bring a PvP - PvE video about my pyrokino but first I need this necklace, I mean, isn’t even released yet lol

And probably will come with rank 8 update so as soon as I get sage I’ll do a skill&stat reset I guess xD

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