Tree of Savior Forum

For those wondering about pyrokino

Hi there, Pyro C3 Kino C3 here.

Everybody knows that pyromancer is a PvE focused class while psychokino is pure PvP, you can combine pyro with other class such as linker to still have some impact in PvP though.

From my point of view and with lot of hours with this character, saying that this build is good will make me a liar to be honest, at least going pure pyrokino.

Pyro itself isn’t any good in PvP since this class just lands skills on the ground and everybody can avoid them pretty easy
On the other hand kino is pretty good in PvP (got to take care with clerics above all), but making a combination of those two classes is a big mistake.

In my opinion, going something like Pyro C2 Linker C1 Kino C3 makes life way easier, for both PvP and PvE.

Just to finish, let me show you a video of the classic fireball + psychic pressure combo, if you manage to do that in PvP (most of the times enemy should be sleeping or in raise), probably is an instant kill, also rushing runs are pretty easy, rushed in about 15 mins 130 dungeon 3 times, same goes for 175, still don’t know about 200 tho.

Okey then, if you have any question, ask me anything C:


My build is Wiz C3 / Pyro C2 / Kino C1, more PvE focused.

I did it for Surespell and Quick Cast, Fireball duration/tick count increase and of course PP

Having trouble deciding on my R7 choice before Sage, but I’ll get into that later.

It should be noted that Fireball missiles do damage based off of the original damage of Fireball times x0.8-x0.85, modified by attribute increases with Fireball.

Wiz C3 effectively contributes to +50% more Fireballs since it magnifies the damage of each missile by x1.5 as well, as you would expect.

Only major downside to Fireball missiles, from what I’ve seen, is that they are ground-based. So fireball Missile procs are ineffective against flying types.

My R7 choice is difficult, because there are many things to choose from that can help make this build more effective, and nobody knows the future of R9/R10 yet.

Interesting path, if I were you I would invest on Linker.

Link + Magic Missile deals tons of damage.

Linking 3 fireballs in a triangle (for example) and using PP moves the three of them, which means that you could move one on the right, and by the time it goes out of your PP range, your left ball will be near to you.

I haven’t tested it yet, but I think that linking fireball to enemies and using PP deals the same damage as if it weren’t linked, with the benefit that you can place a fireball near a wall and use PP there until it ends. But as said before, I haven’t tested it yet.

Also there is a linker attribute which decreases the defense of enemies, so that will help on your DPS aswell.

I’ve considered Linker C1, but the links don’t last long enough and I could just get Linker C1 scrolls even if links did last.

My R7 decision is basically a 4-way tie with the following classes:

-Necro for Dirty Pole, 100% uptime obstacle that can help maintain the presence/existence of Fireballs while also allowing PP. I’m pretty sure Fireballs stay stationary after they have been raised by the summon of Dirty Pole (or if you manage to place them on top of the pole), but I’m not 100% sure of these cases… it just seems to work that way with Icewall so I assume it will work the same way for Dirty Pole. Shoggoth and other Necro spells are a bonus.

Main reason why I want to experiment with Necro is to see if the Decay debuff also considers Fireball and Icewall missiles, especially Fireball because Fireball missiles act a lot like Archer missiles (they collide into the nearest target instead of passing through).

-Cryo primarily for Ice Wall. Fireballs raised by Icewall also remain stationary, which is really good. Also grants Ice Shard missiles for ranged (and vs flying?) dps.

-Pyro C3 is effectively a longer duration on existing fireballs since each fireball can last 5 more ticks (this is practically a 30-50% damage boost from Pyro C2)

-Kino C2 is really good for bosses, since I would extend the amount of targets I can hit with PP by 5, so setting up with 2 Fireballs and pushing them while waiting on the cooldown of 2 more, then use Micro Dimension to multiply, then PP into boss for higher damage. Also, level 10 Swap is helpful for moving 10-20 fireballs into a good position for PP + Fireball combo.

There’s basically no need to circle into Linker, especially if I can get JP scrolls.

It’s an expensive alternative to JP, but at higher levels, 12,500 silver will likely be an amount monsters will drop easily and me using JP scrolls would only be for world bossing and/or dungeon bosses.

Ahah I can’t do that with my lvl5 fireballs QQ

I remember the “Oh pretty nice combo” when you saw me in TBL, enough saying :stuck_out_tongue: hahaha

This is my build and i like it a lot, tho not the most efficient.

Linker increases your Fireball + PP combo so much (but usually only when you are solo, since Fireballs can “die” if they take too much damage from your teammates).

Also, it is decent for PvP. With moderate playtime i get ranked between #40 ~ #60, and even managed to be in top 20 last week on Klaipeda.

In no ways this is better than the usual Wiz3Kino3Lock, but i really hate playing WizardC3, so that is how i ended up as Pyro…

Saying it is good for PvE is also a bit too much (LOL). It can solo world content at ease until level 220 and it is good for missions/bosses. However, it is really bad at farming dungeons and world content past level 220 (normal mobs with super high HP).

I am pretty sure the missiles do not benefit from the enhance attribute. I tested this a lot and the base formula would be something like:
missile base damage (determined by Fireball skill level) + 100% matk + elemental damage and other bonuses (like Blessing).

It can hit flying mobs.

Damage is shared/multiplied. Also, leaving the Fireballs far means damage loss.

Best case is having the Fireballs near the enemy, link, PP.
Enemies can be hit by more than one missile, up to all 9 in some situations. And having, for example, 2 Fireballs linked to the enemy and hit all of them with PP, it is basically doing 3 time the normal damage.

There are many other skills that can also hit the Fireball (but w/o creating the missiles), such as Gravity Pole, Meteor, Hail, and things from other characters as well, all multiplying damage to linked targets.

I’ve done Slaulai(sp) mission a lot and use PP + Fireball on the torch. The golem and doll mobs get killed quickly, but the floating stone orcas do not take damage from the Fireball missiles.

Unless I’m bugged, Fireball missiles don’t hit flying targets. Please show a small video/clip of the mobs getting hit by flying targets, not counting bosses since bosses count as ground even if they are floating.

It does. I did more damage with missile procs after enhancing Fireball attribute. It seems to be 80-85% of Fireball damage including attribute increases.

Hmm, that is right, sorry. I usually only use it on bosses and PvP, so i did a quick test that was not that good (the mob was too close to me and died to PP, even from my back, not the missile).

I will test it again sometime when i gather more silver, but i tested it by removing headgear with MATK, and the damage from missiles always decreased by the same exact amount, despite having a 40% attribute.

I remembered tho, that elemental damage (Arde dagger, headgear, staff attribute) still had the bonus damage from the attribute, but the base damage + matk scaling didnt.

I did the Fireball test in the lower levels. I will do the test again at my current level with no buffs on and post the result.

Ohh. Just did some tests again.

The missiles dont have their own base damage, it was the enhance attribute the whole time, but it is not applied 100% (that is why i got confused…).

The damage bonus from the attribute is divided by 9 (the total number of missiles). Except for Elemental Damage, which is applied to each missile with 100% effectiveness.

Tested on Hanamings (monster level doesnt matter), current enhance attribute level 51.

  • Normal gear, no magic amp:
    1503 damage

  • No Rod (minus 270 matk):
    1218 damage

1503 - 1218 = 285

Full attribute efficience would indicate to 270*1.51 = 407 (270 + 137) damage loss
137 / 9 = 15

270 + 15 = 285

  • No Rod and both Wizard Bracelets (minus 334 matk):
    1152 damage

1503 - 1152 = 351

Full attribute efficience would indicate to 334*1.51 = 504 (334 + 170) damage loss
170 / 9 = 19

334 + 19 = 351

  • No Arde Dagger (minus 153 elemental)
    1272 damage

1503 - 1272 = 231

Full attribute efficience would indicate to 153*1.51 = 231 damage loss

So, base Fireball damage, matk and elemental damage is applied to each missile.
Fireball and matk bonus damage from Enhance Attribute is divided through all missiles.
Elemental bonus damage from Enhance Attribute is applied to each missile.

Elemental damage is love.

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Ugh… Windows Media player can’t replay the clip I made. I should have done it with OBS instead.

But basically, I went to Fedimian Suburbs and took on some Cockatrices.

I had no damage increase gear on, no buffs.

Around 503 [edited] Magic Attack (301 int). Fireball attribute increase is at 60%, level 10 Fireball

Fireball damage: 480
Fireball missile damage: 359

This is against a target that halves Fire damage.

I did more tests. I’ll redo them again but this time I’ll just record them through OBS into .mp format

Edit: Video works, Windows Media player needs an update I guess

I didn’t know you could Swap fireballs. I’m a Lv200+ Kino3, and I haven’t experienced a successful swap with my teammate’s balls. Though, I haven’t tried with my own since I’m Cryo. xD

Yep, you can! :3

It’s a good option if you need to place your Fireballs in a precise location next to a boss or obstacle before using PP on them ^o.o^

The only other alternative is to get AoE attack ratio and push Fireballs with dagger or staff hits. I think Fireballs count as small targets, so each AoE attack ratio point you have means one more Fireball can be hit when pushing them ^o.o^

That tests are awesome dude, thought each fireball bolt dealt the same damage as a single full fireball tick.

Taking into account that a single bolt damage is 1/9 total strenght of fireball, maybe just having Pyro C1 to get fireball lvl 5 with high leveled attribute + extra gear (like arder or +fire property enchant) can do the same damage as my lvl 15 fireballs then, even if fireball’s duration is way shorter (most of the times you’ll get cancelled by something so this isn’t that important IMO).

That opens a lot of paths in a different builds and still having that insane DPS if applied correctly lol

P.S: This thread turned into the official Kino one? C:

Nah they can’t :confused:
lvl5 fireball will die too fast once it starts ticking. Makes the pyrokino combo way harder to set…

As lemaitre said, your Fireballs will be consumed much faster at level 5.

Casting them very close to a boss, just far enough for them to not start ticking, then getting your character above the Fireballs and start PPing in the boss direction will make them take many missiles at the same time, while the damage from Fireballs themselves and also PP.

If you timed yourself properly (boss has no attack patern to disrupt you for now), you will be able to keep bursting it until the Fireballs get their maximum hit count, since XL/bosses count as “walls” (so Fireballs wont go through).

I just wouldnt take PyroC3 like you did. ;x

This thread is focused on Pyrokino mechanics… its kinda hard to discuss Pyrokino mechanics without, you know, talking about the utility of Kino spells for Pyrokino builds ^o.o^

On another note, does Magnetic Force also pull Fireballs? ^o.o^

Edit: Also, does anyone know if Decay from Dirty Pole enhances Fireball/Icewall missiles (i.e., do shards count as Missile-types and Magic damage)? ^o.o^

@Satoru Yea taking pyro C3 was a big mistake, it’s almost impossible to consume the whole fireball with PP if fireball is lvl 15, at least from my experience.

@xinronyr There isn’t a kino thread tho, but about the first question MF doesn’t attracts fireballs, the other one I don’t know xD

does dirty pole really block the movement of fireball?