Tree of Savior Forum

Fletcher3 Discussion Thread, Clearing the Fog and Busting Myths

lol @ people trying to tell xylonez how to play fletcher.

Crossfire may be a trash aoe skill for 210+ high hp mobs, but it’s still worth leveling 15 because it’s your best filler for a world boss dps rotation. Also good for speed farming large amounts weaker mobs where you can 1hko ones with 6-10k hp as opposed to 3-4 hitting them.

Barbed Arrow is unreliable because a good amount of bosses are plate/ghost.

I think in WB: MA, DMA, Barrage, Spiral, Broadhead is quite enough for skill rotation :slight_smile: hardly use xfire on WB.

And yes, with a bunch of mobs that have lower than 50k HP, xfire is useful. Otherwise, not useful at all. :disappointed_relieved:

Hi, I am new here (ToS) currently playing on Indonesia server. I am going to Fletcher, currently AR2-R1-SC1 with full STR build.

I see a lot of bad review about Crossfire, so I don’t think to bother getting it more than 5(Glad to see the bad review cause I was planning to 15 it before). So because of that I will try to maximizing my Archer on PvP(Previosly PvE if Crossfire 15) and World Bossing.

So what I want to build is more likely Fletcher 2 - Rogue, because I am full STR and I want the Crit buffs from Rogue itself, is that really worth? Thanks.

Make it to Flet3 or dont take fletcher. If you take flet2 only, you wont have enough power for WB and your build is totally useless.

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No point in going rogue when you have a2, you can hit 500 crit rate from swift step, quicken, and gear alone

Maybe when rank8 comes out, scout1-fletcher3-rogue1 is going to be the new meta.

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Ah I see then, thanks for the reply and explaination, going to stick with Fletcher 3 then.

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Am i doing something wrong when i cant solo-farm Demon Prison effectively as Fletcher at around level 145-50? (I went A2, R2 before, yes should have been r1, s1)

I literally have to run around in circles waiting for my barrage to come off cooldown, take a lot of damage even with all the evades i do and just overall suck at this place.
But since there is no group, i have no other option really. Wanted to make some silver, but there is no way i can solo farm that.

Yep, you’re playing correctly. Fletcher1 is very weak and the build only starts shining at Fletcher2. Fletcher3 is when the build goes to astronomical heights in damage.

All of fletcher’s skills root you down, so that’s why I made a point that the Fletcher build is a very immobile build and having more evasion would be very benificial.

I’d recommend getting broadhead arrow + crossfire maxed, at least you can move and kite around when you apply DoT’s on your enemies.

I see, i see.

I am trying to find a place to grind now. I might go with Honeymeli-thingies. Seems like the perfect mob.
Just not sure if its worth grinding on.

Edit: I am grinding bee farm so long that i can figure out what options there are. EXP is bad but at least i finally make some silver.

Does the broadhead attribute level(not the skill level)increases the bleeding damage?

yes it does. (I haven’t tested yet but ppl said that)

Guys, i’m at A2-R2, aiming to F3 and i’ve made this path because of the nerfs in ranger from ktos to itos (steady aim, etc) to replace with the swift step 25% crit rate passive and now they’ve announced that the itos here will receive the ktos patches in the next maintenance and will have the repositories merged.

So now i’m in doubt of still levelling this path with A2 or remake with A1-R3 if the ranger becomes the same as in ktos atm with all buffs or keep levelling hoping for a rank reset tp item or something.

And if it stay the same as it is now, i should remake it too with A2-R1-S1/A1-R3?

What you guys think? :disappointed_relieved:

Remake w/ A2>R1>Sc1. Movement speed bonus from cloaking to good to be miss

I’m really thinking about remaking, the ranger from ktos will get the same nerfs soon while we are getting the patch in next maintenance?

afaik, kToS also got the steady aim nerf. we just got the nerf earlier than they did.

Just hit in to Fletcher 2! What a great feeling to taking all Magic Arrow attribute till 30 and now I’m broke :frowning: So far so fun on casting Magic Arrow on many Bosses. Should I only focus on Magic Arrow attribute until 50 (I don’t think I can afford to Maxing it that quick) then get some Broadhead attribute or else?

So, if the requirements are not fulfilled A2-R2-F3 will deal better dps compared to A1-R3-F3?

R2 sucks, Scout1 is better at rank4

How much crit rate or dex for a2r1s1f3? End game

400, 600 crítica rate? Then rest str?