Well, im opening this topic to talk about a build which has been around for a while and it’s quite popular, but i dont find a related topic specific for this builld. Im talking about archer 2-sapper2-fletcher3-mergen. This builld focus is et and wb. Atm wb isn’t a thing, but there is an incoming patch and wbossing will be a thing once again. This build probably won’t be the meta dpser world bosser due to doppel cancer, seriously imc you should nerf doppel, none other phisycal class can compete with him. Despite of that, if u are a fellow archer user and are considerig Et/wb you should try this build out. Probably the classic a1-r3 outdps this one, BUT, you lost a lot of aoe required for et. Considering trascended weapons are untradable and most of us can afford two astra bow, i wil suggest stick with this build.
About equip and gears, my advise is go full str. Dex is no needed and you still get like a hundred from max, peta, astra and 315 purple hg gears. Accesories i would recommend going phada on et and sissels for wb. Remember mergen skils require aoe ratio.
Hoping people get interested and comment.