Tree of Savior Forum

Fletcher magic arrow is OP

Seriously, what is the deal with this skill?. 25 hits over 10 seconds with actually close to 0 downtime. Thats a 2500% modifier, on top of 25x ~1k skill damage thats a DoT and lets you do other things while it’s ticking. If you do the math… There’s actually no other rank 7 class that can compete in terms of dps. So in terms of single target, fletcher 3 is in a league of it’s own. Period. And aside from that they have a 0cd AoE spammable in crossfire? So thats Single target AND AoE down for them. On top of that, they are not even forced to use a musket/cannon/crossbow. They are able to switch between bow/crossbow for their rank7 skills which means they get to have 100% more damage against flying mobs. Looks like theres only one way to play archer for PvE, the other classes don’t even come close. Please, i challenge someone to prove me wrong here.

having acount that clerics have heal, safety zone etc…

-.- I’m talking about within the archer class. Theres no real reason to roll anything other than fletch3 for PvE

Quarrel shotter have shields that block all except grund skills with no mp consume, sapper have nice aoe, cannoner too, musketeer have nice burst, wugushi nice aoe and single dps, swreiter nice movility aoe/dps ranger c3 the barrage is fast and beuty :o rogue, 100% evasion 90%crit rate can steal skills, scout c3 I think the split arrow must be fun, yes. the fletcher is the best for bossingand is who more dps have in archer tree and too the more sp dependant, must craft the arrows,the lagg don’t let him play decently

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Musk machine gun, scout c3, cannon burst dmg, etc.

The druid in the alst video have his atribute probably close to 100.

I am pure int lvl 212 druid 1 and it ticks of 2k1ish for me with dmg optimized gear…

how can it tick 2k if base damage 1100+?
matack+buff+extra damage

1100 + 1200 matack + 300ish elem dmg - mdef.
But that was on truffles which are 10 lvls higher.

0 attributs? kk
oh ye. 2.1k was my Frost Cloud on same lvl , but base skill damage 670

Lol this is stupidly OP. That even a blind 1st grader can pull of. Lol