Tree of Savior Forum

Fletcher experts come in

have you tried playing both fletcher and qs3?

Yep. My QS3 is first damages everywhere like any QS3. Fletcher is second or third, Monk are stealing their place right now :p.

Most of the Scout I have seen in PvE were totally useless because of this choice. Itā€™s much better to take an offensive class for PvE, and more when you are an Archer type class. Scout C1 will be useless later on, in Dungeons and World bosses.

what about world boss? have you even tried doing end-game content?

No, Iā€™m a lvl 10 Cleric so I throw random things here.

well it seems to be the case

well i guess additional mobility decreases with level.

what rank 1-4 class exactly?

oh please dont tell me youā€™re one of those r3f3 kids.

Archer 2- Ranger- Scout- Fletcher 3 is the meta fletcher. Dont believe in the bs that a2- r2- f3 is the new meta. It almost makes no difference at all (sacrificing scout for ranger 2 is bs imo).

A build that is good both in tbl and wb is better than a slight performance increase early game.

Whatā€™s going on with you man ? It was just a jokeā€¦ calm down and take it easy :fearful:.

If Iā€™m wrong on some points tell me why ;).


I said it, Offensive classes (you can ignore symbol color since QS3 do not tend to a defensive playstyle :s).

Kids ? They are kids because they play a popular (and outdated) build ???

Iā€™m leveling a Wizard C3 Thaumaturge C3, yes Iā€™m really that kind of guy trying to do most popular builds -_-"ā€¦

I donā€™t know what kind of steroids youā€™ve been taking on your QS3, but Iā€™m pretty well geared and I can never overtake Fletcher3ā€™s in 265+ missions.

I currently have a +10 Didel Grand Cross and Running Shot Gem too.

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Im a 257 Fletcher A1 R3 Fletcher 3 with decent gear, not gems. and on the mercenary dungeon, nobody beat me at dps the bosses. i mean NOBODY. i dont know that new "meta"work because i have never seems any other class that are not A1 R3 Fletcher3 beat me on dps.

Keep in mind my weapons are +0 so im lacking a lot of the damage.

QS3 still better for single target and Fletcher still better for multiple targets.

Fletcher is not good at multiple targets, and out performs QS3 in single target dps. The only thing QS3 outperforms is in farming speed.

Lolā€¦ You still have enough fps to be able to auto-attack so your argument is invalid.

Our auto attack speed in iToS is crippled, Iā€™ve compared it with korean footage of people running the 130 dungeon and they are quite literally attacking twice as fast as I do.

Running shot is doing +280% of your auto-attack (+2 lvl, 320% with divine might), do you think an attribute is needed for running shot to make more dps than entire Fletcher outcome ?

Running shot is only 280% of your physical damage, Magic Arrow attribute is a total multiplier of everything with a base +1139 skill damage added to it as well. With mergen giving bonus damage to bows in the future, MA is still going to be king in terms of bossing.

Iā€™ll say, play the game and you will see if a Fletcher is bad against multiple targets. Itā€™s a matter of build (stats + stuff + enhancement) and lvl of attributes. Iā€™m not saying Fletcher is a monster AoE class, just sayin it is better than QS3 for AoE.

Literally any class is better at AoE than QS3, this doesnā€™t make Fletcher3ā€™s aoe viable in any way.

Not crazy as a QS3 single dps :wink:. They are really fine with AoE, you guys are in another game, really.

Show me your Fletcher3 and QS3. Iā€™ve never met a single Fletcher3 claim they have good AoE after grinding at truffles.

Most of the Scout I have seen in PvE were totally useless because of this choice. Itā€™s much better to take an offensive class for PvE, and more when you are an Archer type class. Scout C1 will be useless later on, in Dungeons and World bosses.

You sound like someone who just hit rank5 fresh and are judging the entire game based on that.

Why would you need to be good at dungeons when your build is meant to boss? And clearly youā€™ve never world-bossed before if youā€™re saying Scout1 is useless for it.

why dont you put running gem on virtov leather glove ?

just what I thought, because fletch1 is so weak compared to QS. thats why hes been saying that QS better than fletcher wo even looking at that ridiculously OP MA.

difference in damage will mostly be apparent at end-game. even at ranks 8-10 because of A2. let me ask you, how much of your overall damage do you think comes from your R3? aside from steady aim and barrage, do you still use your R3 skills during boss fights?.

probably why he never answered when i asked him if heā€™s played end-game content. everything heā€™s been claiming only applies pre-fletcher 2

Wouldnt reroll my lv 280 a-r3-f3 though but if i have the chance then maybe ill make it a2-r-s-f3 but nah. It already has pretty good attributes.

There is also 1 archer class overlooked that can farm millions of silver(CONSISTENT not RNG based) though. Ive rerolled instead to that class and makes pretty solid silver gain through 130 runs and stamen farming.

In other words those who have invested on their ranger 3 archetype can simply keep it. There are other classes that can offer more though.

Yeah Iā€™m in the same boat. I have a level 150 A2 R1 Scout1 with no attributes and a level 260 A1 R3 Fletcher3 with 50 levels into MA, just too lazy to re-level up my other one.

Honestly the 4 opening classes arenā€™t as important as everyone makes them out to be. I bet you could run some weird build like A1 R1 Hunter2 and still outperform another fletcher3 if you pumped enough silver into magic arrow.

A2 R1 Scout1 just provides you the most value in terms of utility and ticks of damage.

Hunter2 Snatching vs Harpeia worldboss, vs Rexipher worldboss, vs Necroventer worldboss though.

Most of the Fletchers I know rerolled to SR2 because Fletchers gotta get carried to boss floors in ET.

They are correct. Fletcher is a bossing class - not an AoE class. SR2 Retreat shot is a good Archer AoE.

Hmm I wonder SR2 vs Cannoneer+? which one is better.

Because you took SR man, I donā€™t think SR is the best choice for QS3 and now they changed Retreat Shot you have 0 synergy between your QS3 and your A2/3.

and Build path.

Yes, say that to QS3 A3 Musketeer :sob:. They out performs any QS3 if you are talking about a R5 against a R7 Fletcher3 ofcā€¦

They outperforms everything at R7ā€¦

Yes, you are right. But we all have the same base attack speed soā€¦ ? Keep in mind if you are playing QS3 with Kneeling Shot of A2 you can improve your AS just by moving in direction of the monster. If you donā€™t press a movement button, for a weird reason your attack speed is not at his maximum value.

Edit : Donā€™t forget the synergy with a Chronomancer which Fletcher3 doesnā€™t have.

Or 320%ā€¦ And yes, only 280%/320%ā€¦ ONLY.

Everything ? What do you mean by everything ? And base skill damage is much more than +1139 :astonished:. Or did they nerf it ? (Iā€™m not looking at Fletcher3 those days).

In the future they will be really strong, but the future is not today ;). I agree with you, they will be kind of monsters with R8 (and they deserve it).


I sound more like someone who know the game much better than all of you. No offense, but the screen above is showing why people donā€™t understand why a QS3 is better than a Fletcher3 at R7.

And OFC do you think people will show you their build when they are dominating others -_-" ? If you guys played RO you would understand.

Who said that ?

Yes I never world-bossed :joy:. Scout1 is not adding enough damages in World Bosses, they are not useless you are right, they are just good. Donā€™t be offended just because the new popular build path is not the best. And you have to remember that most of the popular builds on this game are constently replaced by new popular builds.

Where the hell do you see I was talking about Fletcher1 ?

yep. end of argument.