Tree of Savior Forum

[FIXED] "You are not Beta tester" too hurtful

There shouldn’t even BE a Beta Key button for non-testers. Seriously, why just put that there instead of providing it as some kind of email or private message or something? Think about how many people logged in, not knowing they weren’t testers, and lit up when they saw that button? I think it’s poor planning on their part… But also, there are a LOT of people I know who were following the ToS developer’s blog rather than the ToS main site because that’s where the info was coming in. Except their last post was way back in May, and so myself and many others didn’t find out about this beta thing until this morning, when other gaming news sites started talking about how the selection process was finished.

Tree of Savior folks, I think you really need to reconsider your information dispersal methods, and keep the sheer number of interested parties versus available slots in mind.

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Those who aggree with the text are those who got the beta key and are rubbing that on other peoples face.
Also, the phrase should be changed, because that sounds kind of like flying to the top of a tower, with swarm of enemies attacking you, and then when you reach the door, appears “You are not an Administrator” message.

For most persons that may be frustrating, but for others infuriating.

That’s bad. Why does this button appears if we’re not selected? I feel very sad now… ;___;

I think it’s better to show a message telling that we’re not choosen to the beta, than leave us in doubt and checking every hour if we got a key.


so when you see that message it’s confirmed you won’t get a key? are they done distributing 5000ish emails?

Will you people ever stop complaining about everything? Jesus.
You’re the ones who made a thread asking for it.

Next ■■■■■■■ time there will be a thread of someone complaining that they found the name “Tree of Savior” too offensive because its a MMORPG and it promotes killing trees. ??? like what


A better way to paraphrase “You are not Beta Tester” is to say
“Congratulations! You won time in real life!”

We have changed the message now.
For those who were sad/hurt by the message, we apologize that we weren’t able to do it sooner.


What a bunch of babies, grow up. You people complain about ■■■■■■■ everything.


and Nonon_tos how about not swearing, whining about whiners really doesn’t work =P

It actually works quite often.

It’s fine the way it is. Just like removing a bandage, quick and almost painless. >.> cough… So much better than having no notification.


oh no I really hope imc doesn’t start changing every little thing now that a few people cry over something lol. if something like this works once it’s bound to happen again. :ram:

I mean…was waiting about 5 hours at the most to know if you got a key too long? having that button there to tell you if you got in or not is pretty helpful imo. anyways, what does it say now? is even it there now for people who didn’t get in?


Coming from a guy who doesn’t get the key,

Actually it’s really no big deal for me. There’s still OBT and official release. So cheer up guys.

hahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaaah. But really, guys; complaining about not getting the beta when “5000” beta testers were randomly selected…then not liking the button of rejection when you click that oh-so tempting beta key anyway -facepalm- I’d rather complain about the players out there who got that shiny beta key, and are selling them right now :smiley_cat: you mad? cuz I am!


Doesn’t sound too hurtful to me. You are just hurting yourself.

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"Unfortunately, we were not able to invite you to the Beta Test due to
the limited number of testers we could accommodate this time around.

But we will prepare to have more testers join us as soon as we can, in the near future.

We thank you very much for your support."

Seems better now. :smile_cat:


To be fair, the message was pretty blunt and offputting.

lol they fixed it quickly :smile_cat: