you stand there you get hit you dont have heals you have to pop a potion or regen at a campfire for 5 minutes… its broken i tell you. The damage is too low. thats it… you used to have fireball do something so that yea it was hard to place and you may have scored a 5%-20% hp hit to your health but atleast the damn mobs were dead and you still had 80% hp left to go do 3-4 packs in a row before you had to regen some stamina and mana… im tlaking here when mobs are not trivial and actualy deal some damage on hit. If the skill has to have just 1 tick, i think it should
1-be a projectile like a classical fireball
2- always apply burn debuf to all hit targets
3 be castable on the moove.
4 be atleast 50% stronger the moment it hits because now its like 5% damage to a mob… which means 20 of them to kill one which means 100 seconds+casting animation =/~120seconds of spaming that ■■■■ just to kill one mob.
i noticed energy bolt and how from a tertiary skill on my gf’s cryo it suddenly became the best dps skill… this is not how you balance a game. You dont brake basic game mechanics of someones playstyle,