Tree of Savior Forum

đŸ”„ Stats post-rework: A little too useless?

Dang, I really should check out those AA builds, especially the Chaplain one.

Is gold man. 15k per swing with 5 hammer + cafrisun. Everything hurts though but [healing factor] so who cares.

People will definitely change to more sustainable, cost-benefit builds for farms/alts and only keep the high performance money sinkers for main/trans alts

I think it’s fine like that, the many shop classes they’ve designed start mattering again.

Definitely YES to this. Even with INT.

It’s you again

Please, putting points into DEX has the huge advantage that you can spam more skills in a certain timeframe if you’re a physically attacking build.
That alone gives you the upper hand if you’re able to stack over 300+ DEX because you’re finally able to put all those skills into use that just clogged your skill bars.

Who’s going to use e.g. skills like Thrusting if he’s low DEX and has tons of better skills?
Of course the DEX build, because it can spam these low-tier skills. They also cost nearly no SP, which makes it easy to get some additional damage with less investment in your rotation. Also, don’t forget that 40-45% attribute on these skills are dirt cheap (12-18m).

Also, what people tend to forget: The game is ± at half of the aimed content. Imagine getting 500-700 DEX+ later on, it will basically turn you into god and at a certain point autoattacking might even outperform spamming skills (RO proved it with its autoattacking builds) if IMC ever manages to make a decent code that doesn’t slug down the game with all its effects, particles,etc. the client can’t properly work with

i took 100 points out of str in spr for longer farming
 was gonna switch it before resets end but its pretty sweet i dont ever have to stop and heal sp anymore and save lots of money! 8D

The ping problem though.

I’ve heard a lot of people seem to consider 180 DEX as the max they can get for ASPD, anything more doesn’t increase their DPS.

I myself have tested this on my SR. 200 seems to be the sweet spot. I tried 250, 300, and 300+ max (with leftover points) and found out there was no more I could squeeze out in terms of hits per second. I just dumped the rest on STR because a little more accuracy would be nice.

Right now, for builds that rely on ASPD, they will have to test to what extent ASPD from DEX benefits them according to their playing ping as to not waste points.

We’re unfortunately capped with our own individual ping, making it advantageous for those with good ping.

Which makes sense if their design goal is what they stated, I.E. not having people stack all into a single stat. It’s very worthwhile to split STR/DEX now.

One huge thing people are overlooking is Glass Mole cards. Glass mole cards are stronger in general now, because damage is entirely based on your attack, so +80% attack is straight up +80% raw damage (not exactly +80% final damage because of the new def calculation). High DEX = you can stack more damage into the 4 second window. Additionally, now that there are two sources of SP pots with independent cooldowns, you can trigger Glass Mole cards much more frequently - and you can just buy the cheapest NPC SP potions to do it so it barely costs anything to carry around a stack of 80% damage buffs. This makes having high attack speed with skills that scale with attack speed VERY desirable.

I know, I got 2 swordies built on high speed skill spam. Sw3HL2Fencer(DS/Skyliner/Moulinet/Compo/Flanco/Sept/AuFer)

And my A2Sap3Falc3 is also built most on Dex cos I can only AA with Kneelshot after unloading my long ass cd skills if I want to maximize my real time dps.

I was speaking about the other general builds that have skills that aren’t fully affected by aspd.
Unless all physical skill are changed to get to work with the character’s aspd my point stands, players will still invest minimal necessary points for BlockPen and Accuracy and they’ll redistribute the rest elsewhere.

Thrusting isn’t currently even affected by by aspd. :sweat_smile:

OP’s experience shouldn’t be surprising.

The changes put damage output onto weapons instead of stats. Other things are still important to stats, but damage isn’t too major of a factor. You’ll still get 75% or so of your damage from your weapon.

In merc mission damage is everything. There is no other factor that matters. The mission is either very easy because you can do good damage. Or very hard because you can not. There are no other factors that really matter.

The content is at fault here. Not the changes. The changes are highlighting the content problems as people do testing. It also does not help that this content was simply not designed for the new gameplay caused by these changes.

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Same with Heavy Shot. I think all of the other skills that were previously 0 CD are, though.

Haven’t really tested out(no use for em yet since only been doing only Mission/Saalus dailies) Heavy and Oblique since I mostly used the two for my CC(Knockback/Slow) and Kneel AA is more efficient with Sacra and Bless on.

Thrusting is still on the slow side for my Shinobi, same as above mentioned, AA with extra damage lines on high aspd if way more efficient.

If its ContinuousAttack attribute gets buffed from 5%chance to 30(+)%, I’ll think about it.

Are you sure on that? So you’re basically saying that even a high crit build better not stack critical attack, but physical damage?

When your attack gets high enough the defense breaks down and you straight just do Attack * SF.
So in some situations Glass mole will mean 80% more damage or more in the case that its what gets you to True Damage.

:thinking: stats is a small increase to damage yet people don’t want it.

I play a game where people are willing to sacrifice a stupidly good weapon to another stupidly good weapon for only 2% more damage. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


About the log calculation? Crit is not used in it, so the Crit Modifier and CATK.

For gem damage it’s fairly straight forward. Red Gems are more useful for basically every class up until 40% Crit Chance which is difficult to achieve, especially since you’d be sacrificing Green Gems for Yellows, and that doesn’t even include CATK not being calculated in the log function. For almost all builds Red Gems are better, even for ones that utilize Crit.

For high Crit builds, using a Pygry spear over the Purine 315 Purple HG one for example, would be better though.

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Best comment so far. All facts.

Spear Throw still takes ages to cast.

That animation killed Hop3

This defines it pretty well, we have(had) these stupid meta builds exactly because of this, content only requires dps.

To make it easier to grasp, it’s like we have a Holy Trinity(Tank-Heal-DPS) without Tanks.

They actually increased boss knockdowns so DPS is mostly defined by “do you have Pain Barrier Y/N?”

Seems like they just want hop3 to be the spear+shield class that blocks everything with Finestra’s ridiculous block scaling or something.

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