Tree of Savior Forum

đŸ”„ End-game content idea: Fastest Dungeon Full Clear Time Record

I was marathoning “The King’s Avatar” yesterday (Chinese dub needs getting used to :smiley:) and thought their game’s concept of fastest dungeon clear time record was interesting and sounded challenging.

I think it’d be fun to try and beat each other’s records in clearing dungeons starting from the lv.50 one. For example:

  1. There would be 5 records for each dungeon: 4 solo (fastest swordsman/archer/cleric/wiz) and 1 party (fastest party).

  2. The level of participating players, upon dungeon entry, must not reach the required level of the next available dungeon e.g. for the lv.50 dungeon, only those who are level 50 to 79 are qualified (since the next dg is lv.80).

  3. There will be a separate “Join Fastest Clear” entry button which produces an instance that doesn’t give any exp and drops/silver so players can repeatedly do the challenge without daily limits and not eventually going beyond the dungeon’s level requirements, nor being able to exploit it (maybe still keep monster kill count as a small bonus at least). Of course, normal entry would still count as long as the participants satisfies the requirements mentioned here.

  4. Use of instant clear vouchers will automatically void the run for record.

  5. For party runs, if at least one member doesn’t meet the required level, the run is not counted.

  6. Once a new record is set, it will be announced to the whole server including the names of the participants. Records can be checked by simply viewing each dungeon’s entrance UI.

  7. Statues of the current record holders would be displayed near the dungeon entrances.

  8. Maybe a temporary title reward for each record holder (e.g. “Harpy Slayer” for the lv.140 dg) that could disappear and get transferred to a new record breaker (updated every weekly maintenance)?

The same mechanic could be applied to guild missions/raids.

I for one would be willing to create and experiment with new chars to do these challenges.

What do you think?

re: #2

re:guild missions

Other interesting ideas:

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian


Instance Clear Voucher :smirk:


Oh haha, forgot about that. Updated post.

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Time attack mode, I like it

I was hoping something like:
Character above the level requirements gets level, gears and stats are normalized based on the dungeon’s level(similarly to old TBL), this makes high level character’s advantages are only more skills to rotate.

Another idea is Heroic/Nightmare mode(totally ripped form another game).
Requires 1ticket/token/voucher per run.
Think ET difficulty only harder, this mode is the ‘computer is a cheating bastard’ mode, mobs will have the ‘fresh from the r8 patch hp spike’ and can cc via stun/sleep/freeze/etc with just their normal attacks, they have 80% status immunity.

Raid Bosses should have at least 3 stage fight based on certain hp thresholds.
First is the heavy melee sandbag mode, slow but hits hard, easy to read movements/attacks.
Second it will start attacking the farthest target first, also uses crippling(freeze/petrify+death sentence kinda thing) aoes so teams will need better coordination to avoid/recover from it.
Last will be a beast of pure rage, think enraged Apex+Hyper states of MH.

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Love the idea. Here’s my contribution on how to expand on it.

I would love that the players can only pilot characters with predetermined builds, gear and attribute levels. That will level the playing field for all players. If not it will only be for the 5% of the population with over upgraded gear.

The concept’s lore can be something like “re-living the memories of the past heroes/revelators”, where we get to use the old heroes and get to relive their battle against the demons/monsters by controlling their avatars in the DGs.

Each old hero will have his/her build, gear and attributes already determined, so players can’t change them. Each base class will have up to 3-4 different heroes, each with a different build (determined by IMC of course). The heroes will have their levels, gear and classes appropriately tuned for the DG.

For example the the swordsman hero “Shieldie” (John Doe name) being of SW1>Pelt3>Rond3>Murm. Another swordsman hero would have SW2>HL3>Doppel3 setup so on an forth.

What this does is the following:

  • Creates a level playing field for this time attack mode, where players are gauged based on their skill, strategy, optimal dungeon route rather than gear or amount of silvers. A fair game for everyone.

  • This “end game” content also doubles as a testing ground of sorts for players to see what the classes have to offer. This gives them a chance to see what they like or don’t like before making their characters into the build, lessening the chances of them speccing into a build they don’t like and come over to forums to whine about it.

  • Since everyone is using predetermined heroes, there wouldn’t be any level limitation upon participation, so players of lower levels (100+ levels) and team with players with 300+ levels. This makes it easier to find and form parties, allow new players and veterans to play together.

Other details of the new DG time attack runs:

  • Available from level 100, like the mercenary missions, with DG50 and DG80 available right at the start

  • Each time attack DG will be unlocked after the player clears its real game counterpart

  • Players can only choose the hero class based on their base class only. Meaning if the player is using a swordsman, he can only choose a swordsman character.

  • Players may participate in the DG hero run 2 times a day per character.

Rewards on participating the DG time attack runs:

  • Besting the records will be like what @ZeroFoxGiven has posted, having their names announced, a title and having their names reflected in the DG entrance UIs.

  • Participants who completed the runs will have a “Buff of the heroes” buff which corresponds to the character they use. Eg. using the shield character will get a buff which increases all shield damage skills by 5% for 1 hour. Using a Cryo Kino Runecaster hero will have ice damage skills increase 5% for 1 hour, so on and forth.

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I always appreciate any improvements or suggestions and Ideas, But I must read through your ideas first and I will provide it to the Developers to how do they think about it.

But, to strengthen this, I also need many people’s idea and how they think about this too.
So my opinion could be supported that many users agree with it.

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@STAFF_Yuri happy to see u here reading suggestions. Can i be opportunist and propose something totally different? Two small suggestions: a “Select all button” on the team storage and an area around statues and important npc’s where sellers can’t spot. Really bothers mouse users people who sets their stores just right on the top of teleport statues or the market guy

I understand this could be also good suggestion too, I’ll put that on my request list right away.
It is really bugging when they are too many user shops around the npc shops isn’t it?
I also received the idea of Prohibiting the User shops around NPCs, perhaps this could be worked as plan B

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I would also like to suggest a bossing dungeon.

You enter the dungeon, and you fight bosses after bosses (which increases in difficulty) until you die (can’t resu). Should be solo and party option :slight_smile:


That inspires me a small event, Thank you @Feelstasta I think I have a idea


@STAFF_Yuri Thank you for taking your time, taking in requests and being talkative in the forums! If I can hop onto the suggestions train, may I ask for a Boss Rush kind of dungeon? I know Mercenaries can see like that but it would be fun to be something like a lot of (or maybe endless) bosses that get harder and harder and award better equips everytime (maybe kinda like an Earth Tower) but not tricky mechanics, just harder and harder bosses. Or mesh up with the time attack idea.

Maybe more “Life” skills? I see Fishing may be a new addition we get soon but what about Cooking? Maybe a Chef Class? Or just start doing a different thing unlinked to classes at all, like Life Skill tab or something like that. Fishing, Cooking, an enhanced Crafting.

Yeah, I totally agree that we need more “Life” based skills and not to mention the improvements of guild system
To make the Living better We also need how to join the little communities. such as Guilds of course,

I asked the devs to give more ways to people could have information about in-game guilds not just by forum
But some sort of pin board in the game to read which guilds are recruiting and such.

Cooking will be also good thing, we already have Squire’s Food Table is acting as that, but we could start from there too.

That’s really funny. I’m sure I suggested this somewhere a few weeks ago.

A bulletin board in game where players can put up notices at a cost of 1TP for a day, 4TP for 5 days. and 6TP for 7days.

Gives players another place for you to drain the free TP, and incentivises purchase of TP for those longer durations.

The bulletin board should be something that pops up on screen and has all kinds of sticky notes pinned to it, with a brief limited number of chars preview showing at first. Then, when clicking on it, people see the full message.

Having good locations on the bulletin board would be important, so paying for the longer durations would be a good idea. People will use the bulletin board to advertise guilds, items they have for sale that most people regularly shout, and most importantly, to praise Aqua.

Our notice would obviously say: [FREE TP] (preview), Free TP can be acquired by Praising Aqua daily. Visit for details.

If you add cooking, you need 10 different varieties of CAKES and COOKIES. We want digital baked goods for noms.

haha sorry I think I missed it :slight_smile: But I already send that to the devs!

Nothing to apologise for. I just like the idea a lot and have talked about it with others. A bulletin board that we can pay to put things on in game would be very useful, and it would give the town a feeling of community permanence, as the bulletin board would refelct what is happening within the community at any point in time.

That will become especially valuable when your gvg changes come and the guilds start fighting each other again, because people will also be able to put up gloating messages on the bulletin board.

Another thought is that it gives a good location for Awakening services to be advertised, which are very hard for people to advertise right now.

Yes, I feel we have too short ways to advertise - interacting - other players. especially, when you want to make a guild with unknown personnel. And the condition to make the guild too, its too high. I know the devs are planning to innovate that part though, but I could still use many ideas.

If you want new players to join guilds, the thing to do is to provide an exp buff for doing a daily quest that benefits the guild.

So, you give players “guild-dailies”. These are quests that guild members of a guild can do once per day. These quests provide the guild with something that benefits the guild (like talt). It teaches new guild members that they are supposed to give their talt to the guild. And, when a player completes this quest, you give the player a 24hour exp buff, like 10% or 20%

This would do a lot to get new players to join guilds. The point is that you need to give them an incentive to join the guilds. And you then need to also teach them how they should be helping the guild.

This idea blatantly ripped off from Revelation Online, which probably also ripped it off from some other game because RevO is basically all the best bits of many different games stitched together. I’m sure someone else on the forum will know of other games that use guild dailies in a similar way.

exclusive guild benefits to encourage ppl to the guild
 nice :smiley:

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Specifically - Benefits that will matter to a new player. While still providing something valuable to veteran players. (the guild gaining talt). Possibly add a chance for a rare thing from the guild daily too, to keep the veteran players having an incentive to perform them.

Everything in guilds hinges on incentives. Incentives must always be large enough to get people to do them, or they won’t do them. Incentives incentives incentives.

staff yuri you are very nice :slight_smile: