Tree of Savior Forum

Finally unlocked Paladin and excited about it and I want some advice

You might not like it (I certainly don’t because I do love the paladin costume) but currently the paladin is reduced to 2 scrolls namely [restoration] and [barrier]. If you have these 2 scrolls you are a paladin.

I think I’ve decided to go full int with around 80 con with C2, Diev 1, p3 plague doctor (only because int seems to scale well for that).

At least like this I can be a good enough healer to warrant a spot in groups and reduce cooldowns, elemental nullification and all that jazz.

I’m still not sold on plague doctor. I can’t even understand what the abilities are even good for. Seems like a lot of status effect healing and “spreading” status effects.

What the hell is “status level 2” or whatever? or level 3? How do you even know what level a status effect is? Plus I can’t even inflict a status ailment on the enemy according to the skills I’ve read. All my abilities depend on the enemy actually having a status effect on them?

Like… plague doctor sounds so terrible to me but the int build for paladin tells you to go plague doctor? Someone want to help me understand this?

What do you think about C3 instead of Plague Doctor?

plaque doctor are the best for now. it make you and your party invulnerable from status condition ( freze, poison etc ). For healing factor it will make you like wolverine, super regenerate ability wich mean you cant die. And incineration give nice damage ( 1k/ 0.4s in LVL 5 ), and will have more duration if the enemy are have debuff ( conviction, deprotek etc). with your class setup you can add bout 10s more too incineration. 1k base damage + Matk + elmnatk + conviction will reach bout 2k damage / 0.4s = 4k /sec x15 = 60k

Here are some insights on healing given that gvg is being developed.

“[heal] 10 is enough” this is commonly said in the forums. This is true for current content because you are mostly healing only 5 other players

What do you mean C3? Cleric 3?

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Sorry I meant Cleric 3.

I completely forgot that depotek zone counts as a debuff. I also forgot about conviction. Plus any other debuff also counts like freeze, slow etc.

Are debuffs against the players more common later in the game? I haven’t been that far in the game.

I also thought healing factor was simply some stupid “increase hp restoration” thing that only works outside of combat but that actually sounds really awesome.

I think the int build with plague doctor is going to suit me just fine. I’m feeling confident about this one.

Since you are looking at debuffs with regards to PD’s I assume you are looking at [incinerate]. Here’s something to think about. Currently, no target can have more than 1 of the same debuff. Someone incinerated something you already incinerated? That someone just replaced yours and you are now doing 0 [incinerate] damage.

Which means that I won’t work well with another plague doctor in the party with me?

I don’t think the OP means to GvG or even PvP with this build though.

@topic: an INT Pally would work, and you’d get your spots in parties, don’t expect to really be taken to ET unless the team isn’t competitive though. Since Restoration (for the Heal buff) and Barrier are both scrollable.

Physical has also been reported to work with Monk 1 for filling in Smite CD gaps + Conviction on Double Punch though, both in this thread and in kriiss’s (using slightly different builds). I don’t think it’ll be amazing DPS, but it would have support, and I’m also skeptical on it being outright bad… the idea really appeals to me.

Actually, let me ask: is not facing discrimination from elitists and finding spots in parties that important to you? The first thing you said on the thread was that you’d finally convinced yourself that you didn’t care and just wanted to play the class that made you come to ToS, but you’re making it sound like you changed your mind.

Either you decide to care, or decide not to. An INT Pally would indeed work from past forum feedback, but that’d be a really suboptimal PD. imo if you’re going Pally you’ve already chosen not to care… might as well keep not caring and see what you meant to do to the end.

If you’ve already decided don’t mind me… just my two cents. I’m definitely testing pally3 + monk1 myself later though.

On the one hand, it’s like you guys are sh#ting on each other for erasing each other’s [incinerate]. On the other hand, you need less debuffs to achieve 100% uptime on [incinerate].

Well I don’t really care if some elitist scrubs don’t want me in their group cuz they want to whore META. I just don’t want to be in a situation where all I can do is solo and never get a chance to do anything at all later. I’m not sure how widespread discrimination is.

However, if I can earn my spots in groups by being supportive, useful and show that I’ve got skill and know how to play then I can eventually establish a network of friends who’ll want to take me with them. Then I don’t need to deal with random elitists :stuck_out_tongue:

One thing has me concerned though after reading the comments here…

Pardners and scroll buffs… they really invalidate the point of having certain classes don’t they? That sounds awfully sh*tty to be honest… I’m not sure this kind of game design makes me feel too good.

PS. I don’t PvP.

The discrimination is so bad the only way to level up a non META build is 2 months of missions past 240. Why? Because you can’t kick in missions therefore you can’t discriminate against any build in missions. Another reason is missions are “any build” friendly.

Wanna know something sh#ttier? There was actually a reply from IMC about this issue. They feel exactly the same that “it is bad” how scrolls invalidate entire circles of clerics (they were particularly vocal about krivis being invalidated by [daino] scrolls). They “said” a rework is in the works but no information since then (I think it was some time in Nov last year that they said this, not sure anymore since it’s been so long) has been given.

Is it really impossible to do something like earth tower with a paladin? Or is it just because it’s better to buy scrolls and grab someone else?

I played this game because:

Plus everyone on the damn forums kept saying “There’s no META” blah blah. Yeah okay.

I think I will just try to make friends and friends won’t discriminate.

Want to know what else is funny? I’m also leveling a wizard with plans on Wizard 1, Pyro 2, Cryo 3 and I still don’t know the 7th yet lol. I just think it’s a fun idea to go fire and ice…

I just enjoy going against META I guess… but from the sound of things it looks like you either go META or you throw away your right to enjoy the game with other people…

I’ve been eyeing a pyro3, cryo3 build for the [fireball] [snow rolling] combo on a pure CON wiz. The dream died when [sub zero shield] got nerfed to affect the one area of the game that is already so destroyed by CC (melee). That horse has been dead for so long it has no body left to beat (some bokor has probably already raised it as a zombie).

On topic
I’ve actually had a cleric on hold because it was meant to be a healdin (cleric 3 + [restoration aura]).

That’s the idea, yeah, but I have no idea either on the higher levels. It could be fine if you specifically joined an active, non-elitist guild?.. it’s what I plan on doing when I try monk pally, but I don’t have experience on the matter.

But yeah IMC’s game design sucks. I’m still hopeful of the monk1 build making pally worthwhile, but support-wise all you really have is Resist Elements and Conviction… both are good, but… not something you’d want to spend 3 circles on if it were only for support. Even TU is scrollable for some reason. Smite helps with leveling even in an INT build and isn’t bad for dps, but by itself it’s mediocre.

At least most Priests 3 still have to get Krivis 1 anyway because otherwise, everyone in the party would need to use a Daino scroll (viable in GvG, but not in leveling). Not the case for Paladin.

ET isn’t really impossible at all with a pally from what I gather, you should be able to go with good friends or a specific guild. It’s more that… scrolls replace your support function there nearly entirely.

The freedom of choice part was well-designed imo. What wasn’t is the class balance… and their patching capabilities seem to be pretty mediocre overall, they seem severely understaffed.

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pardoner sucks sigh. this all because of pardoner. should make the scroll are lesser or half of the real skill or make it expensive

pardoner suckss

Yeah they didn’t think that one through. I honestly don’t know how they didn’t foresee this while they were developing the game years ago. Certain things, during the design of the game, should make you say, “No wait… that would make entire branches of the cleric tree useless. Bad idea.”

I guess some people just don’t have very good foresight. Foresight is one of my strong points, though it really helps me as a programmer to be able to see and visualize how things are going to work before actual testing begins…

In case you haven’t seen the following topic, it might be a nice reference (linking it because I just found it earlier today and it’s awesome):

The INT Pally-PD build is mentioned there, maybe that’s where you took it from in the first place. It seems you don’t really need INT for PD seeing as Incinerate’s base damage is high by itself, but it works and is good anyway. And it seems (don’t quote me on this) Conviction counts as more than one debuff at once due to it debuffing all non-light/dark element resistances?..

I’m sleepy so don’t mind me if I turn out to be horribly wrong, but even if I’m wrong Conviction has good synergy with Incinerate anyway, and I’m pretty sure some of the Diev skills count as debuffs too.

And yes, it’s been a few years since I’ve last seen such bad game development and management. On such a good game, too…

Woah, i didnt think so many paladins existed q.q. I’m Derkein Dragonfang an STR-Paladin lvl230+ as main; and have been playing since launch.

To answer your questions,

I read that Restoration sucks cuz it only works outside of combat, people just potion up and chug along, no one stands around to regen right?

  • You don’t take restoration for regen, we take it to increase our heal by around x1.5. Although the sp regen is nice.

I also heard Resist Elements isn’t that great? Yet people keep talking about magic damage enemies hurting a lot so it can’t be that bad right? I’m thinking I should max this to help the defense of the party.

  • Most people don’t even know what resist-elements is, let alone what it actually does. At 15lvl it provides around 120+elemental resistance and a 20% chance of nullifying any elemental attacks. ; It is only useful if you max the skill (for nullification), else its not worth it.

Turn Undead is also pointless? Doesn’t look too good to me.

  • Turn undead deserves at least 2 points, this is to get attribute. It’s amazing in dungeons in which the majority of the mobs insta-dies by this skill. Outside of dungeons, it is not used.

Conversion can convert enemies to your side, sounds interesting but is it really worth it?

  • Don’t get this, xD… no matter what build you use. The mobs DPS are pitiful compared to our own DPS. and you will never need an HP absorber as you have heal. Also, dungeons may glitch because of this skill.

Barrier seems to be a great spell for PVP… might be annoying pushing back enemies in PVE if you’re trying to AE stuff though right?

  • Barrier doesnt work on PvP, aside from increasing your mdef.

Conviction seems like a great debuff to help the party’s magic users roast an enemy so this is certainly worth maxing.

  • To the contrary, its actually archers that benefit most from this due to their insane attack speed. +480 elem dmg each hit. Yes it’s great =)

~~ Dragonfang [Paladin, Klaipeda]

So it took 3 days of a lot of playing but I’m back.

You can ignore the SPR count I’m getting extra from gear I’m wearing.

I’ve been doing some thinking though. Paladins have always been “in the middle” when it comes to role in games. They are “kinda” tanks. Patch healers, or “kinda” healers if invested in that route specifically, “kinda” DPS.

But they’ve never been strong at anything, yet they can do a bunch of things to compliment a party’s weakness.

I thought about removing 200 points from my final INT count to put 100 in str and 100 in dex or 200 in dex to help out smite in the long run and put 100 in con and go plate armor.

I think that throwing stat points in only 1-2 stats is really anti-paladin. I also feel going full int to support 1 magic skill that the plague doctor has is anti-paladin. However the support skills for debuff removal is quite nice for plague doctor to add to my support pool.

Thoughts? I feel like this game scales so poorly that in order to keep up at all you need to ‘specialize’ in a stat though… it’s kinda depressing.