Tree of Savior Forum

Finally IMC is taking action against Dina afkers, Good Job!

Are we not missing something here? Even though this grim reaper is not aggro, clerics and also pyros are the big loosers here. What if it steps on a heal tile or fire pillar?
This “solution”, as some of you call it, does nothing but screw people. Well done IMC, this is less than 7% improvement.



Doesn’t matter how shitty the AI is. The moment an AFKer auto-attacks it, he’s a Level 500 boss that will wreck your ■■■■.

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This change is horrible and totally not well-thought out. How about Warlocks or other classes who want to actively farm Dina Bee? They will still trigger the Reapers, but they’re not AFK-ing/botting/macro-ing.

Who would actually want to actively farm dina bee?


A friend of mine who is a newbie went there for questing found that the necro are afk and reaper no where to be found. I went there, found the reapers, dragged those to necro, did some dmg test from my skills (bcz couldn’t do so in survival event) and then left after witnessing the necro dead.

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They should’ve banned AFK necro farmers since day one. This feels like patchwork. I personally know of dozens of players who have alt accounts that have necros AFK farming 24/7 for them.

It’s the fault of language that people argue that being completely AFK and doing nothing and earning money in a game where active farming is the only other way of farming is completely ok. It isn’t. No it’s technically not botting (using 3rd party programs) but it is automatic farming.

This game wasn’t meant to be played that way. Just because it’s possible, it isn’t intended by the developers. Why do you think Grim Reapers exist at all? Are you in this much denial? Do you really think IMC condones AFK farmers who make 10m / a day legit and have been farming for 8 months?

Quit this game partly due to IMC not doing anything about AFK necros. This isn’t reason enough for me to return unless practonium and blessed shard monopoly is changed/removed.


The damage what has been done has been done. All now we can hope for a better system to prevent such stuff rather than patching afterwards.
What is the major issue right now?
=> bugs (no)
=> bots, macroers and AFK farmers on a low population game (YES)

No game is absolutely bug free. They are patched and fixed day by day.
IMC being understaffed has trouble in fixing bugs fast enough but that’s it.
Sooner or later every bug will be tackled and fixed. But the thing is the game don’t have much player base remaining to do the fixes slowly and surely.
As for me, I am not troubled by bugs much ( yeah, they just annoying but still under tolerable limits for me). I am having hell of a fun time.

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Well all I have to say is good luck in getting 232 million silver minimum for the solmiki gear (without the weapon).With the weapon it will cost more of course.

Many don’t but you need to because the attributes and the end game just are just impossible to achieve.

Without rerolling Solmiki you need to do about 630 days without fail and that’s not counting the disconnects you get from ET nor the 50% chance you get from the 30F / 35F / 40F cubes of getting a fragment instead of an essence.

By that time they will come up with a new tower because earth tower is finish…maybe shadow tower or something with new tier gear while still farming those 630 days of ET (Solmiki) LMAO.

Like IMC gives 0 alternative of making silver beside 80k per 290 run…
I honestly think people are happy that this happen is because they do not know how much money you need to be decent at the end game.Same with the lv 315 orange weapons,few knew about them and the horrors you had to go threw until many players got to the farming phase and start to QQ in game and on the forum.

This will be no different unless IMC gives us a way to make silver,because most of you will be back and be like dude how were suppose to make money for my attributes and end game gear.We all know how expensive rank 8 attributes are lol,just imagine rank 9+ 0_0

agree yo, they gonna make people waste time on Earth tower, then open new one.

now everyone will go to new tower and forget earth tower ever existed

I hear this often said that:

But it is. It falls into multitude of terms of service violations:

  • Natural progression of the Game.
    Clearly AFK farmers have had a big impact on every servers economy. It in fact has altered the natural way this game is played for in-game gains hence it has destroyed the economy. You either make a necromancer to gain money in this game while away from it or you stop playing.

  • Continuously disrupt other players’ gameplay.
    Pretty obvious one. You not only halt the quest progress of other players in the Dina Bee map (and other maps) but you also cause FPS problems and you can’t ask an AFK player to stop. They’re AFK.

  • Abusing or exploiting abnormal AI
    I have no idea why Dina Bee farm has such increased spawn rates and it doesn’t seem normal. It’s not a dungeon. It’s just a map. If it’s part of the quest or the theme of the map, sure, but you exploit the spawn mechanic for illicit gains AKA being AFK every day of the week. If only you saw Necromancers in other locations all across the world perhaps this wouldn’t be exploiting an unnatural spawn point. But you don’t. NecroFarmers go to Dina Bee farm for a reason: To exploit the AI and spawn system there explicitly.

  • Acquire illicit gain through unfair methods.
    Vague, but so are many Terms of Service. Unfair? Definitely. Necromancer is not a shop. There’s no % tax and it’s money flowing in from monster kills, not other players. Why do we have Squires, Pardoners and Alchemists paying big %taxes while Necromancers pay nothing? Sounds pretty damn unfair to me. It’s in-game money printed out of nothing while those other classes trade with players. Necromancers who AFK farm inflate the value of silver.

  • Abusing bugs or other game play issues for your own benefits.
    Bee’s are obviously bugs. Joking aside I don’t think AFK farming with your entire guild and letting others know how to do it and how to roll an efficient necromancer for AFK farming is exactly good play.

In short: It is against the Terms of Service and all NecroFarmers should’ve been banned since day one.

Which leads me to this argument:

As far as we know, this is true.

No it doesn’t. It simply means that IMC is incompetent in applying their own rules and it is also one of the main reasons people quit playing this game.

My 50 cents.

Edit: spelling and formatting.


Sorry but thres a bunch of bees OUTSIDE that tiny area where afk necros are…

Also… on topic… GM spawning mobs does absolutely NOTHING… its not a stand, it doesnt fix the problem… its just them abusing power for jiggles coz it really do nothing… AFK farmers will either come back and see that they died… AFK boters will just log in again and again until they can move to their spot and cast their skills and gain silver… and most importantly THOSE GRIM REAPERS ACTUALLY DISRUPT MORE THE GAME THANT THE AFKERS… at least with afkers theres always 1-2 bees free in that tiny area (again, that map have more areas that spawn bees), but the reapers cant let you pass to those areas… so Reapers is a overall GG to any player trying to quest…


Allow me to guide you on why this part of your interpretation of my statement is really wrong logically.

Imagine this scenario:

Dina bee farm increasing necromancers in the map from 30(Saturation point of 5 channels) to 100.
What do you think will happen?
Will more silver be made?
The answer is the silver gain will just be divided from the map into the 100 necros now.
If the silver gain was 72 million/day for 30 necros = about 2 million/ day per necro
For 100 necros it’s still 72 million/day = about 720k/day per necro

Can you see the logic in this one? Surely you can.

Now the scenario for Dungeon Rushes.
From 800 players with average 3 characters each atm at 400k silver gain per set(3) = 960 million/day

Then if player base increases to 1200 players
The silver gained PER DAY INCREASES as the number of players increases.
It will now become approximately 1.5 billion silver/day in silver placed in the economy.

Hopefully I’ve made an explanation that everyone can understand.
I don’t want tis game to die.

First they came for the Jews(Necros) and I did not speak out
Then they came for the Hindus(Warlocks) and I did not speak out
Then they came for the Mexicans(Pyrothaum) and I did not speak out
Now they come for me and no one speaks for me

Really though. I’ll hammer this point until I have energy left to attempt to give perspective to players. No one is stopping anyone from making their own necro. It’s not an illegal bot program. It’s a class in the game.

Focusing your rage and envy on a single class of players is really really bad. This is why direct democracy is mob rule. There has to be a protection for the smaller minorities and the whole thing just not has to be mob rule of who has the most votes to kick the smaller half.


Oh i don’t reroll solmiki cubes…waste of silver lol

It’s not GM spawned. People crashed Dina Bee channels on Silute and the reapers were there right after the channel got back up.

A painful but true statement indeed. I am doing ET runs to get my Lolo armour set and did rerolls to fasten the phase. All the while IMC added Solmiki, while I’m still farming lolo. A slow progressor like me wouldn’t last another Tower addition, So if they decided to at least increase the chances of getting essences rather than fragments, that would make me a bit motivated to continue to Solmiki area. :disappointed:


Using your calculation. Let’s say someone farms 18 hours a day (so he plays 6 hours), at 100k / hr, he would be making 1.8m a day by … being afk!

Now consider the other point you mentioned that a player runs 290 rushes on 3 characters a day (which is a lot more than the average in reality imo because even if people have 3 or more characters, they don’t run all of them everyday because it’s boring).
That would be 400k x 3 = 1.2m.

This means the afk farmer can make at least 2.5x the amount of silver (3m vs 1.2m) that the average legit player makes everyday, by exploiting some game mechanics. Does it not break the economy?

Also consider the likelihood the average players don’t even run 290 rushes 9 times a day.


I see some people talking “IMC should have fixed the problem entirely”, “IMC should give rank reset to necros”, “IMC X”.

One issue at each time. And if the Grim Reapers are actually spawned by GMs? Or some automated quick fix?

Until you fix something properly and an issue is known to bring bad results, I’d say that any quick fix is very welcome, as long it is continuous being dealt with until it’s solved.

They do need to fix the AFK farming thing, but they don’t need to act on it only in a big single time.

In fact, with less people going AFK because of Reapers it’s a bit easier for people themselves to get used if a bigger update on this issue comes.

All of this is irrelevant because dungeon runs are a limited resource. The gains a server makes from a dungeon per day is still limited, per day, and to the trends of the server and game. I doubt the entire population of the server is going to suddenly start running dungeons and inflate silver over night, because that requires time. Time is a resource too.

A necromancer has no limits. It purposefully exploits poor AI and game mechanics to print silver while investing nothing. Making a necromancer C3 is as hard as making any class C3 and the unfunny thing is you can already AFK farm as a necromancer as C2.

To elaborate:

A person who runs a dungeon is limited by:

  • Their personal time (a resource)
  • Their dungeon run limits (a resource)

A nercrofarmer on the other hand:

  • Has no down time.
  • Has no material costs.
  • Doesn’t pay any form of % taxes as shops do.
  • Requires only 2 circles (more effective with 3) of Necromancer.

It’s entirely flawed logic to compare a limited resource gain that requires active play time to an unlimited resource gain that is done AFK.


It’s actually pretty good money and gem xp if you can manage to get Warlock spirts up at all the spawn points but usually a Necro will get salty and have an alt account Warlock spam evil sacrifice.

Arguing money that is “earned” afk vs. active time investment. Are you fcking kidding me?