Tree of Savior Forum

Fencer thoughts?

Hi guys. Planning on making a fencer. Just starting it out. Currently s1-p1.

What are your thoughts on:


Is it okay to incorporate corsair for a fencer build? how?

currently doing the same path. personal preference, I like barb, gives you damage boost (Warcry/Frenzy), 2 stuns (Helm Chopper/Seism), +50 crit rate and 50% slash debuff(Cleave), and Pouncing.

yes Corsair will be a great choice as well for both PVP and PVE. with Fencer mostly being a standalone class, getting as much support/utilities in your first 5 ranks will be beneficial. with Corsair, you’d be able to do some help thru disabling at least 3 enemies in TBL with Iron Hook. Jolly Roger for farming and utility (up to 12.5% chance to nullify damage with a 5 man party), and another form of CC thru dust devil.

p1-b3-f2 is more or less the cookie cutter build for the Fencer path.
Alternatively, you can try p1-hop3-f3 if you want to focus on pierce damage, though from what I’ve read it’s a cumbersome path that involves a lot of weapon swaps.
Corsair provides utility in the form of Hook and Dust Devil, but you won’t get any real attacking abilities until C2, which hinders your progress to F3 (super important at that rank as well).
H2 or B2 into corsair are both totally acceptable. You get all the Hoplite debuffs/buffs you need by H2, and so long as you don’t care about Frenzy stacks then B2 is enough.
Try lurking this thread to see some experienced fencers (unlike me) as well as some theorycrafts:

highlander 3 is better with fencer IMO because of cross guard

what do you guys think about my build?!

There are quite a lot of things I would change:

  1. HL3 is not advised, Skull Swing doesn’t stack with Attaque Coquille. You can just get HL2 and something else. Fencer is strong on its own. Still, HL3 will provide decent dps when Epee isn’t up.

  2. Not taking Pelt is a mistake. Guardian was buffed in kTos and it will arrive in iTos soon. +18% evasion is always beneficial to a high Dex Fencer build.

  3. Full Str? I have doubts about this. Firstly, Swordsman doesn’t have bonus to crit rate, nor convenient buff similar to Switf Step. Getting close to 100% crit rate is important to Fencer 3 because of Epee. You can get more damage from other sources.

  4. Max Flanconnade? This skill has quite bad scaling, only 39 more damage each level. Plus, you already have so much Slash damage from HL3.

  5. For god’s sake, get at least 1 point in Sept. It’s a 8-hits skills

Like @hienng1991 stated, H3 is not recommended since Skull Swing has poor synergy with Attaque Coquille. However, it does help with your slashing skills, so it’s still acceptable to retain those ranks. As a H3 myself, I recommend taking points off Cross Slash in order to bump up Crown, as the debuff duration scales with level, is helpful in party play, and gives you more leeway to use Skull Swing.
Alternatively, you can drop H3 for B2 if you want to at least add Frenzy and Warcry to your repertoire, which is why most people pick up Barb to begin with.
Having both Flacconade and Attaque Composee is redundant; leave Flac at lvl 1 for the block frames and max AC for the damage.