Tree of Savior Forum

Feedback of this CBT from my point of view; FAIL

well i think what he really mean is slow fix for an “major” error could result to a raging hyped player. everyone said this is a BETA test. so report bugs etc. and i think 80/100 players already reported the major bug for log in errors and expecting to resolved it and make it as a top prio for fixing. thats what BETA is. we report you fix. LOL if you dont fix it fast we rage. LOL peace everyone. both sides have point. its just their opinion and you have your own just let them speak what they want to say. just chill. grab a forum and wait. ayt?! sorry for my bad english. not my main language tho. :grin:

@memekurr do you program sir?

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actually it’s not a Failure. One of the reasons of the CBT is server stress testing.
Obviously, it’s showing a result. I know you are frustrated, We are, in fact. We can’t login but that doesn’t mean all of the participants can’t. it’s just, some are lucky and some are not. What’s important is IMC knows, IMC is looking for solution. All we have to do is to Wait.

I’ve seen people in all seriousness complaining that ping of 32 makes games unplayable. shrugs

And yeah, it’s not like there isn’t anything else to do while they fix this particular bug. And it’s not like bugs can be just magically fixed by snapping one’s fingers. Hell, does English team even have access to the code? In some of Korean games (a rather large amount too, afaik) localization teams have to redirect all the bugs to Korean developer team and wait for the new build to be finished by them.

@micl_cruz sorry. what do you mean by that?

He means to ask whether you are familiar with programming, since some bug is not at all easy to fix, and some seems to be petty bug but it does consume lots of time.

That why you saying “we report you fix LOL if you don’t fix it fast we rage” might get on the nerves of the programmer since we know the taste of bug fixing.

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why dont you leave and wait for the official release… im sure the bug problems will be sought out by then…
if you cant wait that long try going outside, there’s this thing called “life” where you can see and socialize other people, have fun, enjoy, masturbate, etc etc…


Like because of the masturbate part

Okay guys Let’s calm down now and leave all complains into your heart. Let’s all just wait for the devs and also be patient enough to keep this community strong and friendly.

Stop wars - spread love! Just test and play as you like.

Huggles :smile:

Now I’m beta testing “dicID_^$ETC_20150918_014643$*^” like 24 hours already.
It is fun… right?

if the game will atleast let me SPAM that Enter button rather than kicking me, atleast it’ll make me feel better hahahaha.

Wow, people complaining about ping of 32 :open_mouth:

The only part where I feel any “lag” is when teleporting. Killing mobs, talking with friends ingame through chat, it’s all perfect. I even recorded some videos to show some friends that didn’t believe me at the time… and I dare to say that it’s even faster than games hosted here in Brazil. Or… I don’t know what lag is, like I said before hahahahah xD

Maybe that’s why the bug with accepting friend request wasn’t fixed? Well, only IMC can answer this, but I also think that they need to report to the korean devs and wait their solutions.

I’m watching some anime while waiting this week maintenance.
You won’t login, no matter how many times you try, so wait, do something else.

let’s go masturbate :grinning:

Although I am not too happy about the login error everyone is getting either, I do have to point out that it has only been 24 hours since CBT2 (where 150k+ beta keys were handed out) started. A little too early to be bashing the entire dev team =/

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Are you serious? The first 24hours of this beta ended 2 hours ago. “Nearly two days”…pfft. “A failure”…yeah, right.

Wait for the first patch. If they ignore the really evil bugs then I’ll listen to u.

I was able to test with lots of people yesterday. Yes, there are really annoying bugs …but this ■■■■ happens. Nobody is happy bout this…I bet the first patch will help.

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OP I think you have mommy issues.

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OP doesnt know what means beta. He dont understand that game didnt have realease yet and it is still in production. Such statements this early is bad trolling attempt and he should be banned. Just ignore him.

OP don’t be mad, you’ll login and play your beloved game today :smiley: