Tree of Savior Forum

[Feedback] How do you feel about recent IMC events?

Did you really think about it?
Have you considered making solmiki players yourself?
Have you consulted a lot of players?
You just feel OK and don’t care about most of the players.

This post has shown that the majority of players, looking at other servers and looking at the Itos, are tragic.

This is the result of the vote,
The IMC of so many people chose to ignore it,
Finally, choose the worst outcome, make some people happy, let everyone else down, and then leave TOS.


I didn’t care much for the Solmiki weapon reward :unamused: because for me its a far away goal and by the time I would start grinding for a solmiki weapon they would have already dumb down the difficulty of ET. :wink: But I know a lot of people are already grinding 40f way before this event even started so I can understand why they would negatively react to it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:On IMC’s side I guess they were thinking, “:crazy_face: Since we are going to dumb down ET in the coming future, it’s not bad to give out solmiki to a handful of players.” not really thinking that a lot of players who grind ET will feel which is sad. :confused: I would have probably been better if AFTER lowering the difficulty of ET… say after 1 week or a month they would give out solmiki weapons. They also didn’t consider the fact that a lot of people will try to cheat their way to a solmiki box in order for 1.get the weapon or 2.sell the box for profit in real life money.

Anyways I’m just rambling… I wish next time before they do any event, they should send out a GM 1st to ask the players what they think about an upcoming event’s prizes and mechanic and stuff.

I think one of the most important issues in TOS that need to be addressed is the lack of communication between the @staff and the players.


No. Please CANCEL the current tamer event and honestly preferably remove the handed out Solmiki rewards from halloween. This is beyond ridiculous at this point. No one wanted this.

The events are broken and players are receiving an extreme amount of rewards. You just gave out the best weapons in the game to 12 players per server for doing a stupid buggy trick or treat event. Not only that, the rules of the event changed multiple times during this “contest”, and even in the end it didn’t work out how you explained it would. Only the last week mattered and 12 players from EVERY SERVER were rewarded. On one of the servers the majority of the winners were all from the same guild.

The tamer event is breaking the server economy due to the ludicrous number of oversights and bugs. There’s no point to even actually playing the game anymore, the events give out more rewards than anything in the game. You can just grind events all day long every day. The majority of players aren’t even aware yet of how much players are exploiting the current events to receive rewards, and it only gets worse every day.

I love Tree of Savior but I’m hitting my limit.


They already gave it out. I already saw someone selling a solmiki box in the shout box.

I know. I’m asking for them to remove them. It may be cruel, but the notion of them giving out Solmiki weapons was ridiculous to begin with.


Poll’s choices are kinda meh, but i’m between the first and the third options.

1-It’s clear we have no space for dialogue, i’ve the impression the section “suggestions”, “feedback” and the polls created on this forum are a waste of time.

With all the arguments and the reasonings written in this forum, IMC simply decided to cover their Eyes and continue their nonsense. Other version of Tos in the world removed Halloween event, because they care about players’ opinion.

2- look, i have 5 characters and 2 pets, level around 330-317, i’m not motivated to play this game. Events are not appealing at all

  • survival is plain bad and boring
  • Monster tamer: high level monsters don’t drop monster energy frequently so i can’t invest in it
  • anvil is just giving out a scroll and some gem abrasives, 5 minutes a day to do it
  • Halloween was so fun being killed by invisible guys or teaming players, with changed rules on the last week

There’s no endgame when your class isn’t meta for Solmiki or you don’t like PVP, the real endgame is here in the forum speaking of nothing because of your illogic decisions and inability to listen.


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment unlocking different Solmiki weapons, IMC version

I couldn’t care less about these weak events you guys decide to make, all I want to know is when you people will fix the attribute bug from maps/channels and corsair flag + certain skills combo that freeze or crash the game client?

Have you people take a look at the charts? Your game is dying right in front of you, if you people gave up on our version because the sales aren’t going well, it’s entirely your own damn fault for ignoring important stuff and adding useless things to the CS.

Our game culture is pretty different from you guys in Asia, your company at least should know that.


Both monster tamer and halloween events were(are) huge disasters, ripe for exploit. Monster tamer was exploited by certain people to allow for unlimited runs, and people sold those runs for shards resulting in stage10 weapons and more.

Halloween resulted in 12 solmiki weapons, something that normally takes months of dedicated grinding, just being handed out to players. Some of them obviously exploited the event early on due to its faults. 12 per server, what a huge mistake.

Events should be for cosmetics, experience, attributes, things of that nature and that is IT. Stop trying to entice players back with ridiculous prizes, as it is a signal that your game is dead. Market in other ways.


Goodbye ToS, hope ended long ago. =D

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i hope IMC learned from this, i like playing but i CAN leave.


My guildmate made this as parody of last event.


Didn’t 1 server canceled the event due to also some familiar inccident? :hushed::open_mouth:

Please stop with these stupid excuses at least.
What the people wanted was to remove those prizes. The poll was blatantly clear in that regard.
Who cares about what you promised in the initial event announcement: it was a terrible idea to start with. You gave away the best weapons of the game to a bunch of cheaters and exploiters - the first weeks people could just group up with friends, despite the intentions of making people unrecognizable, and those ones likely ended up in the top spots - and you’re even talking about being unfair? Unfair? Tell that to the few honest players that still play this game, the ones that haven’t left yet.They could as well start exploiting these events, since it’s far more beneficial than playing by the rules.
I will continue to play, but don’t expect me to spend another single cent on this game.

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Your history of “promises” starts from the paid “open beta.”

↑Pretty cool guy who often carries ppl in Saalus/ET↑
And I’m quite sure he “secured” his weapon after the 1st week w/o ganging players with other ppl.

On topic: Good I left my Fedimian one year ago. jTOS never disappointed me. There’s a strong feeling “they care” from every their action/decision.


1/3 of your total players voted for the Solmiki weapons to be taken out on the forum, you can’t be serious when you say you took into account the players’ opinions… Knowing not all players check the forum, answered this poll (I didn’t, for example) or even that some of those “total players” are bots/AFK farmers, I think even more than 1/3 would have voted for them to be taken out.

Although that’s not even the source of the problem. Your first mistake was to think it was acceptable in any way to give end-game OP weapons for free from a random event. They take months to farm, a lot of money, time to clear and on top of that people regularly fail it because of bugs. It’s something really frustrating to farm, but you guys decided to give the item away so easily. Obviously it came from good intentions, but you need to put yourself more in the players’ shoes…
But anyway, the moment this event was abused that heavily and it became so chaotic you should have taken it down and canceled it, saying it’ll come back in a better shape. But no. You kept it up and continued as if nothing had happened. That’s the worst.
Whoever is in charge in IMC lacks way too much common sense…


I feel the devs are actually doing their best to improve the events. We used to have only attendance events or annoying events like the first edition of Survival Instinct back in January. Recent events have more interaction between the players and even though my ‘avicapture’ folder grew a few GBs in size due to the many tickets I sent in the past few weeks, I had lots of fun during the Halloween event. Monster Tamer was another great event and the second edition of Survival Instinct is kinda nice too.

However… The game management ruins all that work. IMC simply doesn’t know how to reward their players in their events (rewards are underwhelming or way too much for an event reward). IMO, I think events rewards should prioritize cosmetic items (hair color voucher should appear again in any of the future events, perhaps a hairstyle voucher would be nice too), special titles and free TP (last time we got free TP from an event was last year iirc).

Worse than that, IMC has been always rewarding exploiters and players using hacking tools. It was like that back in january/february with the chat command to crash and rollback channels (they only banned people who got their Practonium earlier thanks to the channel crashing resetting the cooldown of their Mystical Cube, but people that used that chat command or upgraded their weapons to +15 or further weren’t punished). It was like that after the DPK fiasco (they could’ve avoided most of that shitstorm if they sent an announcement ingame about what’s going on), which caused a HUGE drop in the number of concurrent players just after the “Renewal” patch. And it happened again during the Halloween event. There wasn’t a single player banned, even if “only” 12 per server got their Solmiki Box (with items not tagged with [Event] in their name), all of them got 35m worth in attribute points and many more rewards.


all i can say is a game with potencial but man WTF IMC is doing ? They do not make a single decision right and completely ignore the community.i Also gonna quit the game soon