Tree of Savior Forum

Did you know that 80x3 = 150? :D

  1. Sugar Treats received in the Halloween Dungeon will be multiplied by 3. This includes the additional 30 pieces of Sugar Treats mentioned before. Meaning players will receive the 30 Treats bonus plus 3 times the candy.
    For example: If you acquired 50 pieces of Sugar Treats in the dungeon. After exiting you will receive (50+30) x3 = 150 pieces of Odd Candy.

I can just say WOW. Fail THAT much in future patch note. Changing rules of event almost at the end is AWESOME. You know there are ppl who was doing event fair. Some of my friends(me as well) were focusing on 1st week. We were farming it daily 900 out 900 candys and spending everything for boxes to get extras. After 1st week we stoped doing this event since we were sure about our weapons(legal way we did everything we can, and only random from boxes had to decide who get weapon). And now you tell us HAHAHA gtfo 180x3=150, 1st week = means nothing. Get rekt by IMC, TROLOLO. Math is evertything! 2+2=5, 11+1 = 99 etc…

If you gonna change rules better to remove solmiki reward at all, much better than spit into our faces with changing rules


yup imc is trolling now, only cheaters who speed hack daily will win the prize

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  • will randomly hand out between 50~100 pieces.
  • each player 2,000 pieces of Odd Candy.
  • will now grant players 30 pieces of Odd Candy after exiting.
  • Sugar Treats received in the Halloween Dungeon will be multiplied by 3

RIP shard prices

I don’t even care, IMC took my idea for making all players appear the same. And that makes my butt wet.



330 x3 = 990 :sweat: they shouldve made it 1 entry per team

You can only trade for the Shard boxes at the maximum of 15 times per team.

What to expect from censorship?

They already blocked my fun thread. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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therefore you make 100 new accounts before maint to redeem the candy and trade yourself shards

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