Tree of Savior Forum

[FEEDBACK] Grandt's Issues and Why He Quit

we’re also just giving you “feedbacks” why are you mad?

Looks at profile

No wonder. Just a peenoise. Something worse than a troll. Moving on. kek


well your “feedback” is useless and doesn’t make sense, just like your life. cheerios bro! #inb4cauyaoretardjumps #hopefullyjustfromachair #mayyoubeblessedwithabraininyournextlife



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omg you guys totally hurt my feelings with that meme and those hastags

im going to quit tos now and make a topic of why i quit, to get attention


“and here I am trying to get attention to which I claim is seeking attention”

ironic isn’t it? feel good now? kakakakakakaka

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#this # that # me # you #the #lol #the#the#the##############

why is cauyaopls so triggered to spam nonsense replies in this thread? Is it because he knows OP hit the nail right on the head?

Actually most I quit threads have TL;DR feedbacks but people just ignore that because of the title “QUIT”

Meanwhile they worship IMC’s failures and weekly costume maintenance updates. Ah the irony.

Moral lesson when you quit tos and give feedback. Dont put “QUIT” somewhere in your title.

Good thing there are less ragequit knights like cockyoupau or whatever that kid’s name is. I think he is the only one left iirc.


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