Tree of Savior Forum

Feedback for Auto-Attack/Oblique Shot Falconer build

Hello all =)

I’m still pretty new to this game even though I lurked around forums for a while.

What I wanted to request is some feedback about my auto attack falconer build that I made up.
A link to the skill build is here:

For the stats I thought something like
~60 str (to help early leveling)
~20 con (least priority, probably just adding some if really needed to progress)
rest dex
[sadly there’s no agility stat for attackspeed =( ]

And focus on equipment that gives crit chance.

I’d probably try to go with the Cafrisun Set + any elemental bow I can find. Switching to Grand Cross + Arde Dagger at level 75 if I can afford it (even though I don’t like crossbows).
Viper from level 170 onwards.

Swift Step + Running Shot + First Strike (+ Kneeling Shot)
would probably be the main combo.
And/or Oblique Shot if I can sustain the SP.
And occassionaly Circling + Multishot for heavy AoE situations.

I won’t do a lot of skills because of the rediculous cooldowns this game provides…

I’ll be mostly soloing and have absolutely no interest in PvP whatsoever.

So, I’d like to know your experienced opinions for that kind of build and feel free to ask if I should have forgotten to mention anything.

Thanks in advance of course =)

Further updated the skill-tree and overall post.

Heard that the auto falcon have 5cd cooldown. So attack speed does not matter. I heard so only. Need double confirm on this.

Important skills are swift step (crit rate attribute), multishot, Kneeling shot (you wish to standard attack).
I don’t recommend Oblique shot past lvl 1 since the increase in damage/SP cost is bad. You probably won’t use it often. Lvl 1 Heavy shot for knockback CC on 0CD.

Important is running shot 5/5, pavise, caltrops. Other skills are very bad, especially rapid fire (long charge, long animation, low damage).
Caltrops 15 to generate aggro on aggressive mobs and CC (combines well with Circling set-up to allow you time to charge multishot). Pavise at least 4 because it is similar to a small AoE swashbuckling.

At rank 1 falcon, you need atleast Call or you canNOT use any skills. Your falcon will leave you once you have used a skill.

EDit! Important: pre-emptive strike is hotfixed in KR.
Please keep in mind the mechanics of the skills Pre-emptive strike. Every attack grants a chance your falcon will randomly use Hovering, and Sonic Strike. If you put Hovering on lvl 0, it won’t use hovering. If you put Sonic Strike on 0, it won’t use Sonic Strike. Hovering will knock back mobs pretty far. Sonic Strike applies a blind CC debuff on mobs, and will apply the attribute. Up to you to decide. Duration of first strike is 1 min per skill lvl, and 6 minutes CD.

Furthermore atleast lvl 4 circling is needed to reduce enemy AoE defence ratio below 0. Lvl 1 circling won’t help anyone.

Cirling (at least 4-5) + multishot:

Circling + multishot:

Furthermore I advise a higher lvl of Aiming for support for your physical melee party members, since Aiming may be used with Circling. Aiming mob size increases per skill lvl.

Important: Call, Circling, Aiming, Sonic Strike and/or Hovering, Pre-emptive strike (first strike).

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Brother, seems like you have some knowledge on falconer. May I ask the falconer circling. Whats the point get beyond level5? Since even boss size only take 5 aoe atk ratio. Just for pvp purpose? (floor20F-40F have many +aoe def ratio gear)

The only use of higher than 5 Circling is for PvP, yes. Since players may stack +AoE defence ratio gear.

I don’t know about mob AoE defence ratio after lvl 280 so I cannot comment on PvE beyond 280. Another mechanic is AoE defence ratio below 0. More AoE defence below 0 will boost skills like magic missile (wizard3) more.

Thanks for the infos so far, I updated the skilltree acordingly.

Oh and what exactly is Roost needed for?
Does it have an actual use I just can’t wrap my head around it…

Roost will make you place a stick. Then you have to wait until your falcon flies to the roost. Then you have to wait until it is done doing bird-things, and landing. Then each time you cast a skill your falcon will depart from the roost, then fly, then use the skill for you. After it is done using the skill, wait for it to fly back to the roost. Then wait for it to finish bird-things. If you cast a skill and interrupt your falcon you will be bugged.

In other words: Roost is completely useless.
Am I right or did I miss something?

Spot on. I hope they fix the hawk next week or prior to that update (yes they’re slow after all hunter hasn’t been fixed yet) since last update the hawk breaks easy, it hangs on the animation, it remains too far from you screwing your timings, and one last thing, damage will be underwhelming.

For my information, what’s broken with hunter? (wasn’t interested in it before)

By the way: does anyone know why they’re setting the cooldowns on every single skill that high? According to the last patchnotes they increased cooldowns on skills even further… What’s the idea behind this nonsense?

Even Roost don’t have any bug. When you use Roost it will provoke Mob to destroy it within 3 hit anyway.

VID can confirm about Pre-emptive strike too. even owner aon’t attack enemies Hawk still attack anyway . It like Hovering but you can moving around freely.

Updated the first post.

I reworked the skill-tree and updated the equipment section.
Any ideas or complaints about my plans?
And plate armor still is superior to leather armor even on an ~160 dex Archer, right?

If you use running shot u need to use grandcross from lvl 40 until lvl 220+ lol
and if you use arde dagger u need to use cafrisun set until lvl 170+ (it not hard to use cafrisun until 170 especially dex build)

or else you will lost dps a lot.

This is true. Wear cafrisun set + arde dagger/karacha/manamana forever.
Use Grand Cross +15 forever, until lvl 240+ and get saalus drop Didel Grand Cross.

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Actually it is quite cheap because you will use it forever. Other classes need to update weapons/get attributes. Running Shot has no attribute.

by “every attack” do you mean the player’s normal attack?

I think it procs both on skills, and normal attacks, yes. There was a hotfix for the falconer3 in KToS. Before, the falcon was bugged and did not use Pre-emptive strike properly (big delay, looked like it could only proc every 5s). Now it can proc as fast as the animation(?). Gwen knows more, refer to the KToS thread at General Discussion.


Eh, just about everything. there’s not a single skill that is launched from the archer. all of them are executed by the companion. this means that your target won’t be likely hit if there’s anything else between your target and the companion. as it will probably prioritize whatever is closer to it. you have to be at melee range to execute your skill as desired.

Now couple that with your skills breaking the companion or miss skills because your companion was too far and you’ve got a hunter.

@ greyhiem and thedojin

So you guys would definitely advise cafrisun over any other armor and going full dex for survivability? Or in my case that’d be ~50str, rest dex as I don’t intend to redo the character yet again =/

I couldn’t believe a level 40 weapon to be viable up to endgame, so I just did a little math. Interesting thing is: while wearing the Cafrisun Set the ‘Grand Cross’ crossbow paired with the ‘Arde’/‘Karacha’ dagger really is the best option up untill level 170 when you can get the ‘Viper’ bow.
After that the ‘Didel Grand Cross’ really would be the next step, even though the damage difference between the ‘Didel Grand Cross’ and the ‘Viper’ would be negligible.
On the other hand the ‘Viper’ would be better than the ‘Didel Grand Cross’ + ‘Arde’/‘Karacha’ when being buffed with Enchant Fire and/or Sacrament.

@ Composition
Thanks for the clarification about that.

So you’re going falconer c3? While I don’t know how effective the auto attacking from the falconer will be, I believe that circling attribute as it was translated
Max Lv: 15
5% chance per attribute level for physical attacks to inflict damage twice
damage of the added hit is inflicted to the whole area under Circling
SP Cost + 9

Could be truly amazing as a supporting skill, this would mean if you hit one target, at its maximum level you have 75% of irradiating that damage to the whole area under circling. if you have great damage this would be great. but you couple this plus aoe physical attacks and you’ve got a pseudo joint penalty, add joint penalty on top of that and you’ve created a nuke.