Tree of Savior Forum

Featherfoot PVP balance

Hi guys, would like to ask this as i have read previous post about this class. Do you think there would be a chance for IMC to change this, wherein featherfoot could make someone at least bleed. At least if they wouldn’t like the blood sucking to work.

Though it would be nice if blood sucking would work on pvp since it seems a bit unfair considering the cleric line could easily heal themselves up. But I do hope if it would work at least they would try to lessen the damage.

Any reactions about this guys? Would this proposal be plausible?


I think it should work but balance it for pvp so it won’t be to op.

Add human race into the skill description

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hopefully imc would notice this :frowning:

i really really want to try out featherfoot since it specializes on one monster or per character attacks. and it would be very helpful in team battles or 1v1 pvp



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Thanks for tagging them :smiley:

Doesn’t make sense that health drain skills don’t work in pvp. They should work in pvp without any nerfing.


They need to had Medium ot Human race in the skill description.

Being a melee caster, I don’t think it is unfair to have life drain enabled in pvp. I agree with this thread, human race should be added to the list of capable targets to be drained from. Was wondering though what race are players considred? Mutant?


Should keep thread alive.

How much % of drain you think would be good for PVP @Ellyr @derek_gabs @nemesis1982

We see other wiz classes on the top 10 PVP in Kr but you don’t much Featherfoot… maybe 1 or 2.

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At our current state, blood sucking at level 5 will heal your hp by 30% of the damage done. Blood Bath has a fixed value but will be changed in the future to have a % heal based on damage as well (hopefully this change is included in the next maintenance :heart_eyes:). I think 10% per damage healed is fair for pvp.


i agree with ellyr’s suggestion for 10%. or at least a good amount is about 15% which would be at least a 50% reduction of what we could do to PVE. Since that is what it seems to be the capped damage for every class in wiz. Same goes to my psychokino which had about 50% of its damage reducted in duels or such.

Hopefully they would consider our suggestion :slight_smile: I would love to continue playing my other character if this were to happen.

No one being objective can say that the current strength of Featherfoot is balanced. So few people bother with the class because of the ridiculous restrictions that make no sense for a R7 damage class to have. I don’t understand why they haven’t already buffed Featherfoot’s functionality by now overall, not just in PvP.

The damage of Featherfoot is actually fine it is just the skill restriction and the build dependency that makes this job not that appealing to many. They probably made it a heavily lore based ending up limiting the job’s potential. Anyway, the damage is fine only blood bath is severely limited by the racial type because it wouldn’t deal its full potential damage without the mobs bleeding.

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Looks like I read the patch notes wrong. :stuck_out_tongue: thought that buffs would come this week. Lol

I think they should change that the beast, demon insects be bonus damage.
I want to make a featherfoot but I am a PvPer

That’s too bad… Wanted to create a FF for PVP. So I can use this catch phrase:

Sadly, apparently