Tree of Savior Forum

[FAQ] Server Transfer


thanks, good info here

stuip question```````

did you solve this problem dude?

Hello, I’ve read numerous topics and tried to find an answer to my question but sadly couldn’t.

Is it possible to transfer from Kleipeda to EU Fedimian once the game launches F2P?

No, this is the only chance for you to transfer from Klaipeda to EU or SEA server.
You may have another chance to apply for transfer to any server that will be opened in the future but not Fedimian and Telsiai.

Thank you, so I better fill in that server transfer application soon.

its been 4 days since i sent my support ticket, still no news on ways to unlink my old steam account. server transfer is in a few days. i would really appreciate if your team could hasten up with a solution. im not planning to create a new facebook/google + account just for the sake of linking in my new account so i can go through the server transfer.

is there a maintenance tomorrow?

i dont see it in news and announcements.

another question . is there a transfer happening tomorrow? since you’ve mentioned it’s happening during maintenance.

just wondering if there’s a 1st and 2nd batch of transferring

yes tomorrow is a maintenance but not for the transfer this is one week later

Hi Sweetnelford,

Nope didn’t solve yet also have submitted a support ticket 2 day ago also didn’t receive any reply.

Are you facing the same issue?

kk. thanks thought there is a 1st and 2nd batch of team transfer

@Staff_Julie you guys said teams will be transfer on weekly Tuesday maintenance, is it this Tuesday or next Tuesday?

for those who have already sent the request, you do tomorrow this blessed transfer çç

is this sure?
i think only next week is the transfer for all.

Transfer will be happend next week, not this week…

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transfer tmr pls pls pls

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan

I’ve made the transfer request from EU to SEA since 16th April (2 days ago) but the ticket remain “Unanswered” until now. Do i have to resubmit again?

yeah…i have msg staff_julie already and she/he reply me already he was asking for my teamname for now…w8ting for here reply