Tree of Savior Forum

[Fanfic (or Truefic?)] **A Tale of Two Discordian Kingdoms: The Legacy of Mindy**

Starcaster Productions is proud to present:

A Tale of Two Discordian Kingdoms: The Revelator’s Legacy

I will tell you an old tale. It started like this:

The Kingdom of Lunalepsy was in awe and prosperity, but Magistrate Mindy couldn’t handle the heat. He started accusing Lady Elizabeth of tomfoolery and misplaced rage, using it to his advantage to promote his agenda. Lady Elizabeth lost her temper, approving of Mindy’s exile from the kingdom.

Mindy promised he will ruin Lunalepsy’s life by poaching citizens, ravaging towns and villages, and stealing her army’s blueprints for the Discord war. Before being exiled, he started poaching small members left and right, toying with their minds to the point he drove them into a frenzied mob of despair and Twitcherism.

After he stole the blueprints, he decided to create a copycat army of his own, wearing women’s clothes. Also, he took pictures from some low-class alley prostitutes, clamining to be “them” just to avoid Lunalepsian censorship. After he consolidated his new kingdom based on poaching, stealing, rape, and other things this storyteller won’t mention, he created the ultimate army called “The White Knights of Mindy.” These thirsty men didn’t stop at nothing to get what they want, so they invaded Orsha and claimed it as their own.

Orshians had a rough time since the merge devastated the land, which proved to be an astounding opportunity for Mindy to take the land and create more White Knights. He suddenly realized his WKs were being doubtful and questioning his authority, so they were flocking back to the kingdom of Lunalepsy.

When he found out about this, he cast a terrible curse upon his knights, turning them into thirsty social justice workers. These SJWs had undead properties, so no more questioning or doubting their true master. This lovely bard singing this lovely tale stumbled upon a couple of undead SJW on his travels around the world, especially Orsha. When he arrived to the gates, he saw Mindy disguised as an Eastern Webworker, seducing more men with his surreptitious claws.

At first he didn’t recognize me because I was glamouring myself, but as soon as I spoke in public, he retaliated against me with his so-called professional banters. He claimed to be professional and non-ludicrous, but Lunalepsians know Mindy was a threat to mankind. He pretended to ignore the fact he was exiled from that kingdom and claimed that he was harassed by Scholar Luna, causing an upheaval between several factions. Lord Basura, a reckless Orshian mercenary, never believed in Mindy’s threats. He started questioning him non-stop about his peculiar behavior, but Mindy had gained popularity due to his wicked ways.

After their fated encounter, Mindy started denying his gimmicks with hashed retorts. He tried to dissuade my balled, but in the end the people from Orsha caused an uproar. Divided opinions and mixed feelings were the menu of that day. Everyone had something to say, even if they weren’t directly involved. The undead SJWs from her kingdom started bleeding like no other person, wreaking havoc.

After such heated fight, Basura’s mercenaries went to the Global Sorcery of Information, trying to find a way to help the wanderer. They found out Mindy was glamouring, using images from abused women and malnourished prostitutes. It was an ancient technique called “doxxing” and it was quite popular in the ancient hemisphere.

Magistrate FuhreiFuhrei bled like no other, screaming all over the place because her cover was blown. She was a spy of Mindy, gathering intelligence just to save her sorry soul. The Great Council of Lunalepsy exiled her from the kingdom, which infuriated her. She joined forces with Mindy, causing a massive storm of neverending drama.

After Lord Basura and his knights doxxed Mindy, he retaliated with worn-out antiques and misused lines. He knew it was over for him because he had been exposed as a G.I.R.L, code for “Guy In Real Life.” Paladin Slanzar tried to fight as hard as he could, but in the end he was defeated.

Both kingdoms waged war relentlessly, but it came to an end. Wanderer Starcaster exposed Mindy as a fraudulent creature, and people began to regain their consciousness. Some people were reluctant, so they stayed by his side. Scholar Luna and her magistrates decided to cease fire since they had all their fun and drama was just getting stale and repetitive.

Since then, Lord Basura and more prominent figures from Orsha decided to aid Luna in her quests, bringing fun and excitement to this game. Mindy’s whereabouts are unknown, but some say he still wanders in The ToS Discord…



-ItzNiko came back to Luna’s server after he trashtalked about it left and right.
-Mindy is a Twitch grill.
-Basura was an exotic merchant before being a swordsman.
-Slanzar had a bromance with Starcaster for a while.


Didn’t you just write several paragraphs saying Mindy is a G.I.R.L. ? Grill typically implies real girl.

So to sum it up:

  • Lunalepsy was rustled by Mindy because Mindy was creating a fairly ‘elitist’ circle jerk revolving around him and Luna made some passive aggressive comment.
  • Mindy was rustled by the passive aggressive comment.
  • Mindy decided to Catfish and manipulate people by playing the girl card although he was really a guy. (Implied by you that he even went so far as to offer ‘sexual favors’ just to mind control desperate guys).
  • Mindy succeeded in creating… well “discord” within Lunalepsy and a few other people’s Discord groups by creating a storm of drama and turning people against each other.
  • Mindy proceeded to try to steal members as an extra form of retaliation.
  • Luna and crew ended up DOXXING Mindy and discovered that she was really a he. Discovering Mindy’s RL gender made it possible to expose him for catfishing and manipulating people.
  • Mindy lost the war once his scheme of manipulation was exposed.
  • It all calmed down after Luna and crew got bored of trolling.

Dunno… sounds like a bunch of childish drama on both sides to be honest. Mindy is quite vengeful and has a superiority complex, but Lunalepsy was egging him on with passive aggression comments instead of just leaving a Discord where he disapproved with how it was being run.

So it’s just whatever to both sides of the drama pool. Mindy was quite dedicated to ruining Luna’s Discord server I must admit to go that far. It makes me wonder if there’s more to the story than meets the eye here. But I have a great deal if disrespect for men pretending to be girls just to “manipulate” people. Transgender is one thing but catfishing and manipulation just to organize a group of SJWs because you were rustled by someone’s passive aggression comments? That’s a little extreme and totally not okay.

What actually did Luna do to make Mindy lose his mind and take things this far? Or is Mindy just mentally ill?



That is the most confusing and asinine thing I have ever read. I actually mean that as a half-compliment, not a troll post :wink: (I never troll; not my style) . The whole situation made me laugh, and you certainly have a creative way of telling it.


At this point its basically just two Discords with separate communities and people on both. The drama between the leaders is childish. I came into this drama when I joined Mindy’s and got a poaching message from Luna’s… which I accepted and I’ve chilled in the Klai chat since. You’ll find a more mature atmosphere on Mindy’s but more activity on Luna’s. Or you could just join both. It really doesn’t matter. And the drama just make’s the person bringing it up look stupid, which unfortunately has been mostly Luna’s side since I’ve been playing ToS.

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The irony cannot be denied:


To be honest, I don’t think Luna cares that much. If she pretends to care, that means she’s just playing you for a fool. I just decided to post it because I thought it would be fun fanfic, and people asked me to make a thread about it. Now that I think about it, you sound like one of those SJWs Mindy loves to deploy.

I haven’t had much interaction with Luna or Mindy, but I lurk on the forums and notice how one Discord thread is trolled by the other while the other thread is fine. I don’t really care what kind of drama happened between the admins as I’m there for the community and the drama just brings down the community in both. I know people in FFXIV that get pissed off if you use the wrong gender pronoun when referring to them because you’re supposed to be talking to the character, not the person playing. Your story doesn’t surprise me. lol

If you feel that way, then why are you even on that server? Hypocrites.

Because the servers are fine? I don’t think I’ve said anything negative about either Discord server. The people who run them can have their fights. It doesn’t affect me or most of the people on either discord. All of the drama is completely pointless.

Wow, this definitely kicks the butt of the usual drama I encounter on Facebook. Reminds me of several years ago when a nasty one happened and I lost interest with the fandom involved.

Nyeh, drama will be drama. Entertaining for the audience, but something you’d want to forget about if you happen to be involved in it. This is my response to all of this

Just like your post. I was kicked from both Discords, but I just decided to post my fanfic before quitting this game. This community is very toxic and childish, so I decided to share my cynical literature with everyone.

I was involved in 2 kinds of particularly terrible drama:

  1. A group of friends (not my friends, they were just a group of friends) were using a javascript exploit to make ‘authentic’ looking screenshots of private chats with people on Facebook. They were sending fake cyber sex screenshots of people’s boyfriends or girlfriends “cheating” on them using this exploit to make the screenshots appear 100% unedited and real. I got involved in the drama because I decided to play hero and expose their tricks, they ended up spreading a metric asston of rumors about me that haunted me for 2 months before I managed to oust those people from the community (or at least they went into hiding with different “fake accounts”. But oh well, I stopped them at least lol.

  2. Some guys didn’t like this girl whom they claimed was an ‘attention whore’ and decided to do this brilliant idea of Photoshopping her pictures into porn images and spread them around to her friends and family. Not a whole lot could be done about that though. She spread the real photos around but these people were calling her REAL photos the Photoshopped ones. Was quite terrible to be honest and I couldn’t really help her with it at all. She eventually just disappeared from Facebook and I don’t know where she went. But it was a huge lesson to me about publicly showing everyone your photos… you never know what kind of psychopath is going to take a disliking to you.

No cops called for #2? That’s definitely going beyond simple trolling.

The people doing it claimed to live in Russia which would have no legal consequences internationally for their actions. Of course where anonymity is involved, there was never any proof that their claims about where lived were true. It was especially suspicious that when legal actions were threatened that was what they retorted with.

It was a mess. Although Facebook tries to close down fake accounts, too many are made each day for them to really keep track of it.

Whoever those guys are in number two, they’re definitely assholes and I hope they got what should be coming to them. That feels more like harassment than anything else.

Didn’t think something like that existed in number one, though. I’m definitely not savvy enough to know you could fake Facebook messages like that. Glad to see you managed to wipe the floor with them at the end, at least! That one had a relatively more cheerful ending than number two.

The Javascript exploit is gone but people can still use web developer tools to edit things anyways as you just saw me do right now lol. This is why I don’t really like to see ‘screenshots’ as evidence for anything. It’s really best to talk to people and get to know them instead of assuming a screenshot is proof for anything.

Then it appears I have a bone to pick with some people from several years ago because all they had were Facebook chat logs when they were badmouthing someone.

I jest; that issue had been long since over~

I’m definitely remembering this for future reference, that’s for sure. I appreciate the heads-up.

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