Title: Trick-or-Treating Trio
Server Name: Orsha
Team Name: Veneno
Description: Monsters like candy too
Title: Trick-or-Treating Trio
Server Name: Orsha
Team Name: Veneno
Description: Monsters like candy too
Title: Tricks and Treats
Server Name: Orsha
Team Name: Endarack
Description: Mischievous Amberdogs ready to have fun on their favorite holiday, no one can escape from their tricks with treats.
Title: Once upon a midnight dreary
Server Name: Fedimian
Team Name: ElinHime
Mirtis is wondering who is gently rapping, rapping at her chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” she muttered, “tapping at my chamber door.
Only a trick-or-treater and nothing more.”
Title: The Mother of Monsters
Server Name: Orsha
Team Name: Stories
Description: Let’s all embrace the mother of monsters. She’s out there with her little zombies farming for all the best candy.
Title: Orsha, 1091
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: Flavien
Description: Title and artwork are both inspired by one of the biggest events in the ToS lore: Medzio Diena.
In some cultures, Halloween is more than just trick-or-treating and dressing in costumes; it’s also a time to remember the dead and pray for their souls. What if these prayers were all in vain? What will you do if those souls you prayed for ended up the the hands of demons?
Title: Are you afraid of death?
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: Corfee
Description: At first I have no idea on what to draw until I saw the text on Halloween Contest intro - "Pick your favorite monsters to farm… blah blah " Ahhh… our Favorite monster definitely is Grim Reaper, the boss from solmiki 40F.
“Give way, Grim Reaper.”
Title: Trick or Treat?
Server Name: Fedimian
Team Name: Purplicious
Description: because the monster love the sweets too they do whatever is needed for get them.
Title: Meanwhile in Klaipeda
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: Freezeph
Description: I…Hope you like it : )
Title: Cheap Costumes
Server Name: Orsha
Team Name: Lenande
Descriptions: Costumes done on the cheap.
Title: The Charog Queen
Server Name: Klaipeda
Team Name: Ascelon
Description: They say that once a year during fall, when the charogs become wary of saviors constantly farming for their horns, they unanimously come together to summon their demon lord mistress and pillage villages of all their candy in terms of vengeance.
Title: Your time is up!
Server Name: Varena
Team Name: Some_Dude
Description: A Grim reaper decided to celebrate halloween by hunting bots and afker’s and his pointing at them right now.
Title: Don’t Lose Your Head!
Server Name: Klaipeda
Team Name: oAo
Description: Halloween is near, meaning Orange Sakmolis will have a hard time keeping their heads. They’re never prepared for the event… and they’re not that great at hiding either!
Title: Stranger Things
Server Name: [SA] Silute
Team Name: Heizz
Description: Stranger things are scaring some saviors
Some saviors have reported that there is something strange in Pystis Forest, Yellow caros are more orange pigmentation, other monsters are more scary and aggressive and the whole forest is more obscure.
The conspiracy theories have said that some spell was cast on the forest that caused all this confusion, some speculated to have seen a witch flying over the forest and this turned them all into scary monsters.
We still do not know what’s happening, but we give the warning not to enter Pystis forest until the time of Halloween passes. Some say it’s all a tall story, but the brave ones who went into the woods to know the truth, never came back …
Title: Shoggoth’s favorite snack
Server Name: Klaipeda
Team Name: Micella
Description: My darling shoggoth really likes bees.
Title: Halloween
Server Name: [NA] Klaipeda
Team Name: Amatoori
Description: Desert Chupacabra is going for a trick or treat.
Title: Don’t Look Back
Server Name: Fedimian
Team Name: lorisu
Description: That moment when you think you are scaring someone but behind you is something scarier than you! Booooo!!!
Title: Ghost-BohoOoo
Server Name: Klaipeda
Team Name: LinYue
Description: Hanaming and Co. want to scare the People but what they dont know is a real Werewolf is behind them to Scare them … BohoOoo
(ง ื▿ ื)ว
(Hanaming, Tipio, Caro, Mali and Siaulamb are such a too cute Monster which my Guildie always ShapeShifting Into :D)
Title: Smells like Woodspirit
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: Hearthfire
Description: i was thinking about how i make my artwork while listening to my favorite song “Smells like teen spirit” then this Monster Boss pops out in my mind so i made an artwork of it. lol
P.S. I didn’t include the apples coz i hate em. (painful apples T_T)
Title: Target Shooting
Server Name: Silute
Team Name: Kiyama
Description: Just a play between monsters on the night when evil is loose.