Tree of Savior Forum

Falconer or SR for QS3 A2?

what level are you atm, the recipes are free just hit gateway of the great king and murder pinos in the upper left hand corner, usually takes 30-40min per GC recipe, pattern is typically magnus gloves magnus gloves magnus gloves grand cross - send me a private message with your lv and I can recommend farming tips, I don’t post those for the mass public

Erh, GC recipes aren’t the problem, the upgrading fee is. I spent like half a million to get a +10 GC. A +15 GC will definitely burn through my pocket

its very easy to make 500k per 30min though, some people can make 2 million an hour but that requires very specific job combo builds, anyone can make 500k per 30-40min if you know what to do

I’m probably not high lv enough to make 500k per 30-40 minutes. Right now, at most I can earn is 300k/hour at Dina Bee. A +10 GC might carry me through rank 6. Would you mind showing me how to make 500k an hour?

pm sent, away from forums till tomm prolly gl

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Currently I’m a SR1, I feel that being a QS, your weapon will be fixed to GC no matter what. And since QS skills will not be so effective late game (all r2 class) and most of the time we’ll be using SR’s skills. I also don’t like ranger too. Thus I’m still enjoying it.

I’m thinking of a path that I could still play SR,
Option A3 <providing max used of Swift step +20% evasion to late game
Probably max swift step/Multi shot/Twin arrows
-A3 W2
-A3 S2
-A2 S3 <not sure how good Sapper is but I know the claymore is costly.

Don’t go sapper. Sapper skills will dismount you.

and the biggest problem with sapper is; the skills scale poorly in endgame and their big hitter doesn’t hit flying mobs, really not worth 2 ranks for something that is garbage 220+
don’t worry about being qs3, you wont be using running shot to kill bosses ppl just like qs3 for the trash and the downtime between retreat shot, qs3 or ranger3 both work and are equally viable, qs is easier for farming, ranger 3 is better for aoe, if you deviate from those 2 paths you will screw up the character, mounted classes cant be all whilly nilly, only specific things work mounted

Scratch Sapper immediately*
The logical choice would be QS3/R3 but I want to know if A3 (QS2,W2) better than A2 (QS3) or not in late game since A3 has more level to swift step.

  1. Not so sure. I will test. Seems like my primary physical damage affects my Pistol damage.
  2. For armor, it depends with you really. I both have upgraded my leather and plate mastery. I use leather in pvp and when i farming items (e.g., shade armor and skirt for high evasion which helps me in pvp). I use plate when i think that i wont be able to evade (e.g., dungeos). I use grynas for plate. What i use depends with the situation. If you only want to invest in 1 mastery, go for plate for surviblity.

Manamana would be the most important item to invest for SR for now. For bracelet, depends on what build you have. At my lvl now, 270, i am heavily invested to str with 60 con and about 130 dex and the rest str. With this stat, i went for sissel. However, moving foward i will increase my dex because i already have Phada bracelet.

+10GC is ok if you cant get +15. I used my +10 till i have my didel lol. +10 GC is still good at high level (you really dont have any choice afterall until you get didel). I only socketed 5lvl gems to my GC since i reserved my lvl6 gems to my Didel.

  1. All SR skills needs to be mounted. Hence, you always want to be mounted. +Stats you gey from pet if you feed it.

4.i used +10 GC with lvl 5 gems until i got my didel.


I dont really see much of use for lvl 15 swift step (A3). People just take A2 for the crit attribute with max of 25% crit. The QS build is nice because most of the time you deal with crappy mobs and running shot is perfect for them. For Ranger build, you need to be close most of the time to hit your barrage whichnis the reason why i didnt choose it.

And honestly, you dont always use SR skills. It is very situational. Hence, having running shot in your cycle is really good. Even for bossing, you will heavily use running shot, multi shot, concentrated fire combo until the retreat shot cd is done.

Btw, how long is Retreat Shot duration? I have seen some videos but never count the duration

Guys, it seems SR3 its the new aoe king with rs lvl 15 and fs. I dont see any video yet but a lot of people is commenting about that. Hopefully someone can upload a video.

Around 10 secs. CD is 40 including the 10 secs shots.

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Tks. Btw, I forgot, what would be the optimal skill build. Which skill other than Retreat Shot should I focus on? Everything I heard about SR is Retreat Shot, Retreat Shot and Retreat Shot

RS and CF then save the rest of the points imo for r8.

That would be ideal if I have enough skills for rotation. Running Shot all the time is not fun anymore

for SR skills, of course max Retreat shot. For now, since I have skill reset potion, I maxed concentrated shot as well and my remaining points will go to SR3 skills. Though this is not final. I may remove some points in concentrated shot if the new SR3 buffs are good.

My rotation is - Swift Step > Running Shot > Retreat Shot (if the situation permits) then Swift again.

If retreat shot is not possible. Normally for boss, i do Swift Step > Running shot > Multishot > Concentrated shot > Caltrops

Focus on upgrading your attributes mainly Retreat shot enhance. For now, I didnt upgrade any concentrated fire attribute since It is possible for me to change this skill. I personally think concentrated fire is stronger than multishot becoz per hit is aound 4-5k without the attribute. Didnt check, but concentrated fire fires around 5-7 bullets. And with the new limacon buff, it will have a wide aoe hitting 2-3 mobs per bullet I believe.

i just don’t get what’s the deal with dismounting your pet, just press Alt+up or Alt+Down to mount/dismount faster, and kneeling shot in SR2 is a nice situational skill when retreat shot is on CD, i use it when i have to kill some tanky mobs, for example i use caltrops to immobilize them and then i use kneling shot + Running shot in turret mode to kill them faster… and i didn’t have problems with retreat shot either, just keep moving or find a wall and deal with it

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My actual rotation in Alemeth (Swift Step always on) depending on the numbers of truffles:

3~4: Caltrops, 2 Multishot and Concentrated fire. Running if someone survive.

5 or more: Caltrops, Retreat Shot, Multishot, Concentrated Fire.