Tree of Savior Forum

Failed to download files (11280_001001.pak) 2019/2/26 EDIT: SOLVED

tried user.xmp and change resolution mode into 2 still not working, are the staff here even active or aware of this issue?

Like what I mention above , white screen is usually linked to resolution problems . Have you tried resolution mode 2

The revision text number replacement is to resolve the patcher not being to abeing to download the .pak file . They are of 2 separate issues

i see here. i deleted patch folder, gonna try to set resolution mode to 1

EDIT: 2 i mean. whatever gonna try both.

Do the pak fix first .

Pak issue is patcher problem

If white screen means client problem , not linked to patcher .

i changed resolution after fix and still white screen followed by crash.

Okay last attempt that I can help for people with white screen and client close/crash issue is to delete user.xml and user_c.xml and reverify .
This will allow the client to regenerate a new user xml base on your PC

Good luck :tired:

thank you for helping.

thank you for your help

seems like changing it to 2 changes the game to a window mode.

and it shuts off.

oh well…

i submit a ticket, lets see whats their responds… rip me for now, well… for 2 days i guess?

Here is an old archive for white screen fix other than regenerating the xml files.

Ticket : ask you to reverify integrity lol

same here, with my crappy internet it will take a week to re-download the game…

dont bother, i redownload the game twice, nothing happen.

Go read what I have linked . It might be linked to the visual ++ stuff. It fixed a similar issue before

Most of these issues have happened before. Pak patcher problem, white screen etc

While at least we solved the patcher problem :sweat_smile:

Ok mine works now…
I changed the release.revision.txt thing to 0 and let the game patch… now it works… lmk if it works on yours aswell…

thanks for the people who tries to help


that is equivalent to deleting the patch folder, but ill try. thank you.


who would have thought??? what in the world is this nonsense?

IMCode . This will help peeps a year later with the same bug

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Glad to help, we all struggled and i got desprate for solutions lol

i am grateful of what you did, despite someone else solved the problem you tried to help, and by doing so giving me hope and continue to try.

i will remember this.

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