Tree of Savior Forum

Failed to download files (11280_001001.pak) 2019/2/26 EDIT: SOLVED

Sorry I can’t open it on my crappy iOS . Mind opening it with notepad and pasting chunk of code in ?

Or doesn’t it have nothing in it

An appropriate solution might be getting another’s player user xml and pasting it on your folder

This worked for me, I’m actually logged in.

I erased last patch doc from:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\patch
dunno if this changed anything, because I tried this alone and nope.

then I change the number in β€œrelease.revision.txt” from 2390xx to 239469 in the folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\release

and the launcher started to download it
yikes, thanks for your help

interesting, i did that yesterday and white screen and nothing. let me try again

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Open the notepad file so I can check if it’s a resolution error . That is for white screen error

Right click open β€œuser.xml” with notepad

what do u mean pasting chunk of code?

here’s whats inside, i download this from β€œterriculum9”


somehow and forum isnt showing the code so i screenshot it

Okay whoever with a working client , please paste your user.xml for others to use .

@daph.nov5 if you don’t mind

for some reason its not letting me ill test this paste

yes, white screen and nothing. same as yesterday. how did u do it?

Right now we have 2 issues here . Don’t get confused

One is the patcher with .pak download error
2nd is white screen when open

Try setting β€œResolution mode β€œ to 2


no sir, its the same problem.

by using the revision method to solve downloading .pak ppl get white screen.

<?xml version=β€œ1.0” encoding=β€œUTF-8”?>

@namespace html url(; :root { font:small Verdana; font-weight: bold; padding: 2em; padding-left:4em; } * { display: block; padding-left: 2em; } html|style { display: none; } html|span, html|a { display: inline; padding: 0; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; } html|span.block { display: block; } *[html|hidden], span.block[html|hidden] { display: none; } .expand { display: block; } .expand:before { content: β€˜+’; color: red; position: absolute; left: -1em; } .collapse { display: block; } .collapse:before { content: β€˜-’; color: red; position: absolute; left:-1em; } [<idspace>](file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/TreeOfSavior/release/user.xml#)<Login RecentChar=β€œ1” RecentServer=β€œ1001” SaveId=β€œ0”/><Config SimplifyBuffEffects=β€œ1” ShowPadSkillRange=β€œ1” DmgFontScale=β€œ2.5” AutoCellSelectSpd=β€œ100” SklCtrlSpd=β€œ2000” AutoAdjustLowLevel=β€œ2” UseLowOption=β€œ1” UseHighTexture=β€œ0” UseSoftParticle=β€œ0” UseBloom=β€œ0” UseDepth=β€œ1” UseWarfog=β€œ0” UseFXAA=β€œ0” UseGlow=β€œ1” Language=β€œEnglish” MaxCameraLongitute=β€œ45” UseCameraRotation=β€œ0” CameraZoomIndex=β€œ2” InverseCameraZoom=β€œ0” InverseCameraVert=β€œ0” InverseCameraHor=β€œ0” DrawMonsterPersent=β€œ99” DrawActorPersent=β€œ99” ResizeLevelOfTextures=β€œ0” DevGamma=β€œ10” UseEffectHigh=β€œ0” UseCharLod=β€œ0” MouseSensitivity=β€œ1.00” ChatEditVisible=β€œ0” CaptureFormat=β€œ1” UseEnvSound=β€œ0” UseHitGlow=β€œ0” UseEnvEffect=β€œ0” UseFastLoading=β€œ1” UseWater=β€œ0”/><Resolution VSync=β€œ0” BitPerPixel=β€œ16” height=β€œ768” width=β€œ1366” mode=β€œ2”/><Sound Language="" OtherCharVoiceVolume=β€œ128” OtherCharSkillVolume=β€œ128” OtherCharBattleVolume=β€œ128” EnableOtherCharBalanceVolume=β€œ1” EnableSoundReverb=β€œ1” EnableOtherFluting=β€œ1” MusicVolume=β€œ6” FlutingVolume=β€œ255” SoundVolume=β€œ128” TotalVolume=β€œ28”/></idspace>

Have you tried resolution mode 2 instead of 1 ?

my friend, can u upload this entire file, i will be greatly thankful.

You can copy and paste and save over . But do note that his resolution height and width will differ from your monitor

Adjust accordingly

from which file, if i may ask

Ctrl + f

file 11280_001001.pak failed to download files… after i tried to verify integrity of game files though Steam client.

Did you attempt to change the revision text 11280 as stated in to above guide ?

did everything according to the article, i changed revision it to latest .ipf.

launch the game, white screen, shuts off.